So, You Can’t Get The Man/Woman You Want?










tell us, how do we turn the tables on these men? In my opinion, YOU are the man to ask….



please? Please? PLEASE?!?!?!!!!!!!!



You are the all-knowing…enlighten us… : )



I know we’d all appreciate it VERY MUCH!!!



Yes, I will get the book, but I’d also like your advice…



Not so much turn the tables, but WHAT are we doing wrong? I know I go into relationships and give all I can to try to make the other person happy. It doesn’t work. I thought that was how it’s supposed to? I don’t understand…






“Enlighten you?”  Well, I warn you, you are NOT going to like it! 






 “All-knowing?”  Well, thanks for the complement but hell, I’m in the soup with you!  I’m not all knowing, I’m just a guy with a bunch of opinions … and here’s one






You are looking in the wrong place when you speak of “doing something” to draw your lover to you.  It’s NOT a technique that you are unaware of, or are doing wrong.  THAT’S not what you should be questioning!






The question is … why are YOU going after unavailable men?






Of the men who are nice AND available, why aren’t you with one of them?






Are they, “too nice,” not "Bad-boy," enough?






(And if you want this to be a meaningful dialog, don’t give me the standard B.S. answers such as; “I didn’t know he was unavailable when I first met him.”  Or, “I didn’t know he was a ( fill in the blank ) woman hater, alcoholic, substance abuser, physical abuser, philander, narcissist, etc. when I first met him.”)






In my view, to have successful relationships, you must

go internal first.  You must discover what your narcotic is.  You must discover why you go after (or are turned on by) the men you do.






Hint:  Do you want to know how developed you are?  Look at your lovers, past and present.  They are a reflection of you … what you are drawn to … what you are, on the inside!






Hint:  Want a starting point to figure out what you’re drawn to?  Make a list of the good and bad attributes of your opposite-sexed, parent, or “major-caregiver.”  (This is usually the woman’s father and the male’s mother but could be a brother, uncle, whoever had the role (doesn’t mean they did it successfully) of “providing” for you.)






Hint:  Make a list of your past and present lovers.  List their good and bad attributes too.






Hint:  Compare the two lists, notice how the BAD attributes of the parental list predominates in your lover list!






Hint:  Women, do you complain about your lover (past or present) not showing you any affection or saying he loves you?  Did dad do that?






Hint:  Women, do you complain about your lover (past or present) not letting you get close?  Did dad do that?






Hint:  Women, do you complain about your lover’s (past or present) use of substances, including sex and/or work?  Did dad do that?






Hint:  Women, do you complain about your lover’s (past or present) use of substances, including sex and/or work?  Did dad do that?






Hint:  Women, did you pick a man who is gone a lot?  (Airline flight crew, Military, Fireman, Doctor.)  Did dad do that?






You think my opinion might have merit?  Then start by ordering this book – Getting The Love You Want: A Guide For Couples by Harville Hendrix. You can find it at for less than $8.00 for a used paperback, including shipping.




<p class="MsoNormal"style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”>(Want to know more about the book?  Read my, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" entry.)




Hint:  Think this is all bullshit?  None of it fits you?  Fine, read on!






Now, I don’t have any delusions that you (or anyone else) are going to order that book and go introspective all of a sudden; hell, I didn’t do it either!  We’d MUCH rather leave all the “introspective, analytical, self-analysis bullshit” for some other idiot to do … “I trust my selection process, it’s not THAT complicated.”  Right!  That’s why you’re reading this entry! 


“I just want a guy I feel electricity with!”  Right!  That’s the most dangerous sign for a short-term relationship!




We don’t question our selection techniques until we hit rock bottom.  The same rock-bottom the substance abuser hits (because you’re abusing a substance too) when he/she decides, “Enough, I’m giving this shit up!” 






Your rock bottom is heartbreak!  I mean true, painful, mutha-fucking heartbreak!  As in,

 “Fall in love with the "perfect" person, get married, buy a SUV, a house, have 2.3 kids, everyone talks about how perfect you are together and then … on or before year seven of the marriage, catch him/her fucking your best friend, get divorced, struggle as a single parent,” kind of heartbreak!





Experience that … and lets talk!  Then you’ll be receptive!

* “I am in charge of my life and everything that seems to happen to me, (good and “bad”) is because I’ve asked for it and it has been given me as I’ve asked.”


* “You must take full responsibility for any hurt you experience at the hand of another.   Are you awake enough right now, to see you create your own pain?”




WOMAN!  Learn to love yourself through self-discovery!  How the hell can I love you … if you don’t?




Yeah … lets do it THAT way … the “Heartbreak Way!”  Why should we be introspective before there’s a problem?  </fon

t>Fuck planning!  Fuck development of self!  Fuck, looking at the bad boy and saying, “No!”  Fuck this Nunzio guy! 








And that’s one man’s opinion.




God bless,











“The reason that nice available people seem boring to some of us is because they threaten us. The ego equates emotional danger with excitement and we think that nice, available person isn’t dangerous enough. The irony is, the opposite is true. Available people are “dangerous” because they confront us with the possibility of real intimacy. They might actually hang around to get to know us and melt our defense, through love. Available people are frightening. If you’re not attracted to them, it’s because you’re not available yourself.”

(Marianne Williamson speaking the tenets of *The Course in Miracles on her tape set, A Return To Love.)









(I know it’s rough … but maybe … it’ll save someone from some heartbreak, or shorten the path for those in it?)


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Thank you Nunzio.

I am getting the book, by the way.

although I will tell you this, my Father is a womanizing alcoholic who gave me plenty of affection. I don’t/haven’t dated alcoholics (one, but as soon as I knew, broke it off), have not been cheated on (to my knowledge) and normally complain that I don’t get enough affection. Opposite. No joke, Cory seemed to be your last paragraph, not electric, not all bad boy, normal Dad of 2 girls.

The craziest thing he ever did was write me dirty emails. I will get the book, but will send you his profile…the last four sentences of his profile were recently added…after me. I don’t see how he is unavailable or how I could have known. I do see your point with your last paragraph. It’s right on, but I am still confused. I know, the book. : ) Thank you.

hey.. this was great… you DO think everything out don’t you?… i like it… do you mind if i post that last quote in my diary.. i think it’s something i would like to keep 🙂 take care… ps.. won’t post it in there without your permission and i will make sure to reference it as best i can:) (if you say it’s ok)

Damn Nunzio, go on witchya bad self, your pretty right on!

April 29, 2004

Wow, that’s really insightful! Thanks, you are wise. I am going to read more of your entries. 🙂

My Father is a womanizing alcoholic who gave/gives me plenty of affection. I don’t date alcoholics and to my knowledge haven’t been cheated on. I find that in my relationships, well, let’s just say that I’m normally the affectionate one and always desire more than what I get.

April 29, 2004

so, i dont have to go see my therapist anymore? lol i’ll just come to you, seeing that she usually says the same things 🙂

I want my tickets. LOL… I haven’t been to CA before. Would there be an earthquake if I came there? ha ha, I’ve been drinking wine, forgive me.

April 29, 2004

i like how you think its sexy to see a man speak like this.

April 29, 2004

I really like how you analyze things and take peoples cut downs or pissed off comments and tear them apart and make one think. When ever I read your writing I think. I like it when something makes me think. I write sex. There is no thinking to it. It all comes from between my legs.

Above noter: It all comes from between her legs…hmmm. I think it’s as much mental as it is physical…

April 29, 2004

Hey, I know that heartbreak.

April 29, 2004


April 29, 2004

Some good points there, Nunz. However, thinking about the father/relationship deal. My father was wonderful to me! He was affectionate, supportive and loving. So where’s the connection?

April 29, 2004


April 30, 2004

did you update this entry? because it came up on my favorites’ update list again. ?????

April 30, 2004

I think I’m in love! Oh Nunzio what ever are we to do with you? Keep this stuff up and I’ll have no choice but to desert my husband of almost 19 years and run off in search of you . . . the man who knows a womans heart! 😉 j/k don’t go thinking stalker on me! LOL As usual another excellent entry! =) Love your diary!

i think you are so right. to bad most of us cant or wont take that advice, i myself have always been drawn to the ‘bad boys’ for some reason nice and normal is a sign of weakness to me.. i know that is wrong, but its just how i feel. i really liked this entry. thanks for sharing your insight.

I do love myself, I happen to think I am a great catch. When/if I fall in love, he’ll be treated like the KING I perceive him to be… : )

left your diary with a smile

April 30, 2004

Well, I’ve just decided to give up on love period so I won’t have to worry about making choices (good or bad) anymore. 🙂

WOMAN! Learn to love yourself through self-discovery! How the hell can I love you … if you don’t? … Amen.

April 30, 2004

Hmmmm….food for thought 🙂

Whoa, I feel compelled to say, I have been reading through your diary….. WOW. I am glad I found you through findingout, I have enjoyed reading your entries… I may be cause I am an Italian/Irish tauren myself… or may be because you are as you say evolved! But thanks either way! ;0)

April 30, 2004

thank you much I like to write about sex and well you know…i let my diary go for a while. I had Cisco classes that were trying to bend me over. I made it and I am stress free today well maybe its becasue my brain is goo but whatever. I am a drama queen and make things harder then what they should be.

LOL, I’ll flirt w/you in front of everyone…(batting eyes)

I wrote you a little note…


I’m sure you are used to it by now. We all (looking at above notes) flirt with you…

April 30, 2004

hmm interesting 🙂

April 30, 2004

interesting entry. I tend to be drawn to nice people… there’s something sexy about the ability to be down to earth and real. and, people that are nice tend to accept you for who you are, so what’s not to like? *smiles* I just don’t have the time for a high maintenance male, lol.

April 30, 2004

that last note was from me (~Magnar~). seems that OD is acting up again. *sigh*

April 30, 2004

WOW! You are invaluable! I’m adding you to my favorites, lickity split! You’ve given me much to think about. thanks 🙂

i’m impressed. *smiles*

May 5, 2004

Good ol’ Harville. During our book purge several of his were slated to go.. I kept one… Getting the love you want. Common sense book!

May 6, 2004

i’m sorry. i always come back hoping to read some of your thoughts. i’m not dissapointed. just.. waiting. thank you for your notes. they don’t go unappreciated

May 17, 2004

“F*ck this Nunzio guy!” Looks at watch….what time is good for you? Couldn’t resist. It was right there and everything. With a grin…

December 21, 2004

Nunzio, ‘A Return to Love’ is one of my favorite books. I read it for clarity, whenever I need to be reminded of what’s really important and, and what it all comes down too. It’s a must read and thank you for bringing it to peoples attention!