Sir Nunzio and the Damsel

Young Sir Nunzio was a handsome White Knight in training.  He had his pick of the women in his village for he was the picture of manhood of the times; young, strong, handsome, charming and with a bit of danger in his presentation.
One day, while riding his steed, he came across a young damsel who was being attacked by the demons that lived in the caves she had wandered too close to.  He jumped from his white horse, drew his sword from its scabbard, and slew the demons one-by-one.  It was a fearsome battle but, being the White Knight of the land, he prevailed.
After the last demon was dead, he turned to the damsel.  She, being thankful for saving her life, threw herself into his arms and offered her luscious lips to Sir Nunzio, the White Knight. 

Sir Nunzio, heady with the success of his conquest of the demons, accepted her generous offer and tasted the soft and yielding flesh of the young damsel’s lips … something stirred deep within him, something he had never felt before.
“Yes, I AM the rescuer of young damsels in distress; I deserve the rewards for doing so,” and with that he swept the damsel up upon his steed and with her at his front, his strong masculine arms wrapped around her, rode toward the setting sun. 
NOW he knew his role in life …“Sir Nunzio, Rescuer of the Weak and Defenseless.”  He and his damsel headed off for more of life’s adventures, life’s battles, more conquests, more tests of his manhood for this was HIS mission, his role!  Soon he married his trusted ally, the young damsel he loved so much. 
They made a beautiful couple as they rode hither an yon, winning battles wherever they traveled.  “Sir Nunzio, Rescuer of the Weak and Defenseless,” became known in his profession, and across the land.  Much money was cast upon him for he became stronger with each battle, further evidence that he was on the correct path.
However, his successes caused carelessness.  He did not see the beasts massing on the horizon.
Many years later we find them still in love and still in their symbiotic relationship, he The Rescuer, she The Rescued.  It was how they defined their existence, until several of the beasts caught him unaware and wounded Sir Nunzio; wounded him to the point he could no longer defend his damsel.  Word traveled and soon more and more beasts were banging at the gates of their castle.
Since Sir Nunzio had defined his role as protector, he had no idea how to behave in any other way.  In his injured state, and with great shame, he looked to his damsel for assistance … but his damsel had no experience in the role of protector and did not know what to do.  In fact, she became very fearful and angry about her protector’s injuries.

All was not well at the castle and every day, as the beasts grew stronger and stronger and the hammering at the gates of the castle grew in intensity, she wailed, “Oh, what ever will happen to us?”  Sir Nunzio asked her to help him but she couldn’t, she was incapable, or unwilling. 
She responded in desperation. “This was not what you promised me, this was not what we agreed upon.  It’s your fault we are in this position, you made errors, you lost your vigilance.  Besides, what can I do?” she wailed, “I have no experience in battles, nor rescuing. You are the White Knight; YOU are the rescuer!”
In her fear, she became angry with him for failing to protect her.  She attacked him and said cruel and vicious things to him and Sir Nunzio, in his fear and embarrassment, gave her back twice what she gave him.  He did not have the wisdom then, to realize all attack, including his own, comes from fear.
On and on she wailed.  On and on the beasts hammered at the weakening walls of the kingdom.  Sir Nunzio became weaker and weaker and filled himself with shame that he could no longer perform as the rescuer, the protector, and therefore, a man.  Soon he could not tell the difference between the hammering of the beasts and the wailing of his damsel.  ALL were out to get him.  He lost faith in himself.
Soon, the beast’s incessant hammering against the weakened walls prevailed and they collapsed.  The hordes swarmed over the wreckage of the kingdom, quickly devouring anything of value.
Sir Nunzio and his damsel fled the kingdom and soon found refuge in a small, dark cave that was much inferior than what they were used to.  They tried to stay together but the damage between them was irreparable.  His damsel fled to another, much stronger Knight.  "What else could she do?"  She was not skilled in matters of combat.  It was done. 
Soon they dissolved their union and, by the law of the land, were once again, separate.
Sir Nunzio moved to another village, far from the wreckage of the kingdom.

One night, crying in his agony and wrapped in his blanket of failure, self-doubt, and loneliness, he cried out, “I am a failure as a rescuer and therefore, as a man.”
A spiritual power heard this exclamation and an angel was sent to Sir Nunzio to give counsel.

“Sir Nunzio, you have set impossible challenges for yourself, for you are a mere mortal.  Mortals need to rest occasionally.  They need

to rejuvenate themselves during which they need to turn over their responsibilities to a trusted ally.” 

“But Angel,” he exclaimed, “My damsel could not function in that role.  She needed ME to rescue HER and I let her down,” he wailed.  “I am no longer a man if I cannot protect my loved one.” 

“Ah,” said the Angel, “Let us remember, YOU picked this damsel for your own reason, the wrong reason.  You picked her to rescue so YOU could feel better about YOU; so YOU could feel better about your manhood!
It is not a mortal’s job to rescue another human for that is God’s job.  In fact, you weakened her by rescuing her, for if left to struggle on her own, she would have found God, and God would have told her she has nothing to fear.
And for you, you buried yourself in this woman and your work, trying to keep it all balanced so you wouldn’t have to look into your own abyss, so you wouldn’t have to heal yourself, so you wouldn’t have to ask God for help.  Her rescue was not an unselfish act as you told yourself, you did it to avoid your own pain.
All rescue of another has, at it’s root, fear.” 

Sir Nunzio fell in a heap at the angel’s words for he knew in his heart they must be true. 
“Oh my God, Angel, you MUST believe me, I LOVED her with all my heart, I wanted to help her, she was in such pain, I wanted to stop it. Isn’t that normal?” 

“I know my son, I know you only had love in your heart for this woman but having love as your motivation does not mean you made wise choices … Love, expressed as the little boy you once were, the little boy who, in his fascination and love of nature, found the butterfly struggling to extract itself from it’s cocoon, do you remember?” 

“Ye … yes, I remember, the butterfly was having a very hard time, it was struggling, it was going to die and I helped the butterfly get out of its cocoon.” 

“Yes you did and what happened to the butterfly?”

“It died anyway, I was too late.”

“No, you weren’t ‘too late!’  It died because you helped it, and in so doing, you killed it.  For it is the butterfly’s struggle of extracting itself from the cocoon that causes its wings to fill with life giving fluid so that it may fly and be a butterfly.  What is a butterfly that cannot fly, but dead?  What is a human who is dependent upon another, but dead?  It is in the struggle that we find our Spiritual power.  The struggle allows us, and the butterfly, to live!
Take the butterfly as your life’s metaphor.”

“Then what am I to do, turn my back on my loved one and all who ask me for help?” he said, with some irritation in his voice.

“No, you must learn the difference between a creature’s request for help and your ego’s need to provide it.  You must give your assistance without attempting, or allowing the receiver to become dependent upon you.  You must gain the wisdom to know, each person, each creature, has it’s own connection to God; it’s own ability to ask for true assistance.”

“How will I know if my heart is pure and I am not attempting, or allowing anyone to become dependent upon me?”

“Easy!  If you, as you give your gift of assistance, feel one puff of inflation to your ego, then it is not a gift but an attempt to manipulate and satisfy your ego “need” and thereby, enhance your view of self. 
You will give your gift of assistance without expectation of anything in return, including their love for you. 
You will not be disappointed if they do not do what you think they should, after receiving your assistance.  In fact, you will have no expectation of anything at all!
Think, true Altruism.
You will not encourage them to “need” you but instead, remind them of the power that already exists in them, through their connection to God, or whatever other deity they believe in.  It is the “absence of need” you wish to foster. 
You will remind them they are truly independent and do not need another, except out of fear.  They do not “need” anyone; includ

ing you, but have simply told themselves that story to diminish their fear.
To do these things, then you are providing true assistance, to others as well as yourself
When you attempt to manipulate another; when you allow their thanks to inflate your ego, you are doing your ego’s work, not God’s.” 

Soon after this encounter, Sir Nunzio retired as, “Sir Nunzio, Rescuer of the Weak and Defenseless.”  Nunzio removed the title, “Sir” from his name and sent it back to the issuing authority, his Ego.
He dismounted from his trusty steed and put him to pasture. 
“Nevermore,” he vowed, “will I attempt to rescue anyone because first, it is impossible to do and second, in the attempt, I will only cripple the other person and avoid my own healing.” 
Nunzio discovered, there is no greater emptiness than that of the Rescuer attempting to protect another, and that he has his own full-time job healing himself and in so doing, he heals the world.

Finally, Nunzio gave his magnificent and powerful sword to another youthful, upcoming, White Knight Rescuer.
Nunzio knew, the youthful Knights, in their naïveté, and possessing an unquestioning ego, were unaware their path was unachievable and would lead to the destruction of the Rescuer and the Rescued.
He knew they will not listen to an older, more experienced Knight, as he did not, for it is necessary we experience our own pain in order to find the Path. And when this young White Knight Rescuer passes through the other side of his abyss, he then will have the Knowledge and he then will pass this magnificent sword on to the next and he, to the next, and so on.
The "magnificent and powerful" sword, now lacking both magnificence and power in Nunzio’s eyes, shall forever more, be an icon to the foolishness and emptiness of the ego.



Nunzio now lives in a small village by the ocean with his two cats (yes, rescued cats) doing his best to do the Angel’s bidding by reminding himself and others of the greatness in all of us and that “pain” and “need” are choices.


So why this entry on this holiday? 
Because this holiday marks the split, so many summers ago, with my ex-wife, an incest survivor, who still remains one of my best friends.
She told me a few days ago; she is marrying her long-time boyfriend (the wonderful man and "stronger Knight," she’s lived with since her time with me) in a couple of weeks and moving deep into Central Mexico.
And so, with joy in my heart for my ex-wife, my ex-damsel, my good and trusted friend …
sadness too …
as I am reminded of the events of our days together 
exceeding my ability to understand them,
resulting in the termination of
my marriage …
I say,
with glass held high …

“A Toast!”
“Thank you Pat, for all the years you spent with me; for seeing in me, things I couldn’t see in myself; for your love and all you taught me about the subject.  You are, and always will be, in my heart.”

Be safe my love and …
God bless,

“An attractive couple asked for an
explanation; “Can you explain
love to us?”
“No, I cannot,” he said.
“But isn’t love truth,
as the poet says?”
He said nothing and his silence
made the couple uncomfortable.
“Why don’t you answer us,”
they asked.
“Because, I’m waiting for you to
grow old so that then you will
understand the nature of love
and the truth of time.”
 Jacob the Baker
by Noah benShea



Log in to write a note
July 4, 2005

Interesting, friend, that you would post this today. I was thinking of you in the context of men who are hurt, women who are hurt and how we all learn to love each other again. I was lamenting for the actions of mine that may have contributed to the population of wounded men… OK, having said this, I’ll now go read. Thank you in advance.

July 4, 2005

Altruism. That was what I was driving at in my motivations entry. Said better than I, as usual. Yes, I’ve been thinking of you, your teens of years of marriage, and your efforts to do differently now. Thank you for your examples of valiant effort and sometimes mission accomplished.

July 4, 2005

This is a beautiful entry. Thank you for sharing.

July 4, 2005

my boyfriend of a year and I pretty much broke up yesterday and after reading this it has helped me to understand. Trying to save him from the verbal abuse of his mother isnt my job… and in turn.. I may be hurting his own growth? Just by your previous entries you will never know you much you have changed my life… and you didnt even know it. maybe thats the kind of rescuing you’re talking

July 4, 2005

(continued) about. The kind where you dont even know you’re doing it. Thank you again… sir nunzio. ;o)

*raises glass* Pat.

July 4, 2005

a good read… talent and dedication… and feeling. well done.

Very thoughtful and insightful entry. Thanks for sharing.

Very sweet entry.

Ryn: Thank you. I’ll post a new pic when I get one!!!

July 5, 2005

So tell me.. do you have ANY faults? Seriously, great entry, your insights are always so amazingly wise.

July 5, 2005

**following SD’s lead** ~raises glass~ “To Pat” “and to Nunz as well” ~hugs~

July 5, 2005

A most excellent parable, draws us in with humor and expanse and, once sufficiently snared, makes us listen, feel, understand. (sweeping long feathered hat off ego and bowing low)

July 5, 2005

Incredable entry… You are awsome my friend. *hugs*

July 5, 2005

Perhaps the balance between us all is neither dependence nor independence but interdependence.

July 5, 2005

thoughtful…Some of my answer is here.

Ryn: LOL…I’m not exactly believing the lost cellphone story, either. (He doesn’t know I have caller ID on my work phone and the dummy called my cellphone before calling me at work.)

July 5, 2005

RYN: I “forgot” I’d given him permission to go out tonight with his girlfriend. That hurt more than food!

July 5, 2005

I just wanted to say that you are an excellent writer and are very ensightful in your works. My name’s Aaron (K-Gurl’s boyfriend), thank you for leaving the comments on her entry about what happened. They really help put things into perspective.

July 6, 2005

To Pat…… This was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks Nunzio, everytime I read your entries I ALWAYS look at life a little differently. =)

July 6, 2005

Thank you for your note. I appreciate your participating in “the dialogue”.

July 7, 2005

A toast to you Nunzio, to Pat, to battles won and lost, to peace within ourselves.

July 7, 2005

RYN: Um….Nunz…..SHE’S HIS NIECE!! ~shakes head/rolls eyes~

July 7, 2005

*sigh* hugs.

July 7, 2005

RYN: You are too much. 🙂

Nunzie, I’m sorry hon, guess I forgot to make that note private. Let me make it up to you by bringing my new bra and panties over for you to wear tonight. (Don’t get mad…I got them at K-Mart. They were having a blue light special on their close-out clearance items.) I wanted to surprise you w/them later, but oh well. I’ll even do your hair in pretty pigtails if you’ll forgive me.

Ryn: According to you. I don’t want to start anything on her entry because it’ll take away from her subject and that isn’t nice.

Ryn: Thanks. I don’t know that it’ll make any difference, but at least she’ll know how I feel about it. She wants me to leave her alone, so I’m doing it as indirectly (and embarrassingly enough) as publicly as possible. I don’t care what anyone else thinks of it though. I do care too much about her just to go on like this…I don’t want her thinking that I don’t care.

cont. You have a great weekend, too. Thank you for talking to me last night.

July 9, 2005

There is much wisdom in your words. I have traveled this path and still struggle, with myself and with the beasts. My job sometimes type casts me, but can it also feed my Ego……

My god. Unbelievable. What power…. *weeping*

RYN: Do you mean, are *you* now a favorite? Oh yes, yes you are.

RYN: Ah. The voice of desire is the one that I flow most freely with. Therefore, if I had to choose a “favorite”, it would be that one. There are other voices, but I take herbs for that. 😉

Well. *that* worked. Yes. Worked quite well. Methinks I need to get batteries. ‘Spose I won’t need to call you in the morning!

Chicken sh*t? Hmph! Well then. That is, *if* you “yahoo”. Damn, I’m intrigued! Shall I join your legions of dewy, adoring fans?

Gosh…sorry…almost lost my head there for a moment… I don’t go around giving my yahoo to just *anyone*…. Hope you don’t think me skanky. You just piqued my interest to the “nth” degree. You’re fun!

OH NOOOO! I forgot to make that last note private! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! AAAAAAA!!!!! Oh no!!!!! Pleeeeeeease delete that!!!! EEEEEEKSSS! (are you laughing at this????) WAHHHHHHHH!

RYNRMNRYNRMN….etc… Thanks for having a sense of humour. Gawd! Yes, I was quite intrigued by your writing. I don’t know how much of my OD you’ve read, but I’ve spent the last 14 years with a good Christian man who cringed at the words “Cock Ring”…I could go on about it, but I won’t…anyways…I’ve been sort of “emerging” since we separated a few months ago. Hence my “yahoo” note. *blush*

RYNRMNRYNRMN, blah blahhh… Okay! I did it, I did it! I did what you said! Now quick! Delete the other one! I feel naked!!

RYN: Yes, I did read my “homework”…and *then* some! You’re a bad, bad man, and you must be destroyed. With my new space modulator. As to motor skills: difficult to type with one hand. Muah haaaaaahhhh…..

July 11, 2005

RYN on FO’s diary: Um…nope….I was with her Sunday…so I KNOW she’s home!

I read this entry several days ago and I KNOW I left a note but now I don’t see it. I DID leave a note. I know I’m not losing my mind. I know I did b/c I remember reading and knowing how the story was going to end. I also lovvvveeee the way you tell a story. I’ve read many of your entries I just don’t always note.

ryn: come over here you handsome man and let me wrap my legs around your waist. after that note you left me I’ll be sure to note you more often.

I read this entry too, about how your marriage dissolved and that your ex wife is getting re-married. I’ve read many of your entries, even the ones that have an erogenous effect on me. So there! 🙂

I remember the entry about the girls flashing, and specifically remember the girl with the seat belt wedged in between her apparent enhanced boobies. 🙂 So there, again !

I also remember reading the entry about the girl who sucked you dry. And specifically remember the tiny little detail you told about how she circled your balls with her thumb and index finger. I even tried it on my husband. My stomach is still full. 🙂

Well they need to wake up. They probably been asleep all day anyway. And you are home becausseee???? You work the night shift, right? Do you read Alyx?

So did you see the entry I did wherein I did TRY to have a conversation with God as you had suggested?

I am laughing my ass off at your note about my toilet paper. That was too damn funny. And I can’t believe you noticed. And what makes it so funny is that I noticed after taking the first picture that the toilet paper was at the end of the roll and how tacky that looked. So I said to myself, “myself remove that roll of toilet paper so everyone won’t see how lazy you are.” And you are right…

the end goes over the top. I have no clue how I let it stay the incorrect way through the entire roll. But I can promise you, that WILL NOT happen again.

Yep! How’d I do? LOL. I done TOLD you, Nunz.

Ryn: Awww. That’s the best marriage proposal I’ve ever received. (Read the entry again and be sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.)

Ryn: Also – Considering who’s asking and the fact that I get $200 a week to spend…the answer is “YES!” Now, call for a U-Haul truck so I can get me and the kid’s things over there. You’re going to make such a good StepDaddy. Oh, Joey’s going to sleep w/us for the next year or two, hope you don’t mind.

I did not fail! I had a conversation with Him. You READ IT.

Ryn: Sorry puppy… I’ll remember to mention where I got all my info in an entry tomorrow, ok? We’re still get married, right?

I want to talk to you. I miss Nunzio.

ryn: you silly man. i knew you weren’t a gentleman long before you left the note about my legs. 🙂 kidding. The flirtatious notes left on OD are fun. Talking to someone through chat that turns a ‘how are you’ conversation into what color are my panties or who constantly tells me how his big solid penis wants to meet the little man in my boat. Or something equally as cheesey at that. 🙂

This was lovely…HUZZAH! ~the feline~ 😉

July 14, 2005

ohhh i like that story very much!!

I am going through some challenges!!! your entry put a lot of things into perspective for me…THX I will keep my eyes on your diary for more inspiration.

Ryn: It was a private conversation, dearie. hahhhahahaha

LOL, she had some questions regarding her finances. (That much is posted publicly.) I’m taking you down, and your little cats, too! mwauhahaahaahahahhahah.

: )

woah…. sigh… great entry.

Don’t ask me why I thought of this but I asked you if you read Alyx. I think you told me you didn’t but asked if you should. And the answer is yes. She may be faves only so if you want access just let me know. I know you are too young for her entries but I can get you in. I know someone who knows someone who knows someone. 🙂 So let me know and I’ll see if I can pull some strings.

Oh the FREE things I do for friends. Doing FREE things for friends is very rewarding. You should put some thought to that. I’m sure there is a woman with beautiful legs who is in debt up to her nipples that could use some FREE advice. If I come across any I’ll let you know. Sleep well my stallion. Until we meet again….

hey you! ryn: Yes that is me jumping my wonderful adoring husband. But no I did not tell you to read Alyx because I was one of the contestants in her boob contest. I am not ‘Anonymous’. I could only wish I had mounds of lovliness that big. If you notice that chick has dark hair while I, my mysterious friend, am a red-head. True to the bone red-head. how’s that for some food for thought? 🙂

also, i don’t really need financial advice. i only need discipline to stay out of the stores. 🙂 i only pretended that i did to see how much hold i had over you and how easily you would give in. now i know. you are soooo easily persuaded. you cracked like a egg.

i should take this time to say that 95% of what i say is with tongue in cheek. i just like to joke and tease. i don’t have any predisposed ideas when my fingers start typing. i just type as i think of it. i just wanted to clarify that for the best interest of my upstanding and honorable reputation. WHAT EVER 🙂

I got something you can Phbbitt!

ryn: show me where I used the word debit. I am having a hard time keeping up with all these he said she said notes. 🙂

and I don’t need financial advice. I told you I need to stay out of the stores. And I’ll share my goods with you. We owe 137K on our home. We’ve owned it – no we’ve been paying the bank for it for 3 yrs and 3 months. It is worth 235K. We did a 20 yr mortgage. Our house pymt is 1,140.00. We pay an extra $100 a month – paying 1,240.00. We have a home equity loan. UGH. I know I know. While it is

wise for tax purposes, I just hate that we have one. Did I say that I would share my goods?? Ohhh this is the hard part – to tell how much we owe on our home equity loan. 65K. Breath now Cindy, breath. Some of the money was used to finish our basement – which is proudly displayed in one of my entries. Some was used to build on to our deck, which too is displayed in my entry and the rest….well…

the rest was used to pay off my credit cards. Yes, my credit cards. Which is a highly sensitive subject with my husband. WHO DOES NOT NEED FINANCIAL ADVICE. He is very wise with his (our) money. So let’s see…where was I. Oh yeah, telling a complete stranger my personal financial situation. We owe 10K on my husband’s truck. $250 a month pymt which comes directly out of his ck, got a lower rate

that way, doncha know! Ok here is the info that I say very quickly as to talk faster than you can listen. So if you don’t get it the first time…well too bad. I ain’t repeating it. Lord give me strength. I owe 10K on a credit card that has a 4.99 rate. Yes 10K. GAG. I owe $5K on our open line of credit, that too has a low rate…like 6 or 7%. Here is where i prove I am a woman. I owe this 15K

without my husband’s knowledge. I get the mail everyday so he won’t see it. Here is the thing. The 10K well it is in my name only and should he find out…well he will just throw up his hands and say, I ain’t helpin’ you pay it off this time. And yes, he has pd my cc’s off before. But the $5K on our credit line….well that is in his name too. He will chew me a new asshole, and then divorce me.

Now that I’ve gotten that out. Whoooo I also owe on two dept cards. Eddie Bauer like 6 or 7 hundren and Kohl’s like $800. He isn’t fully aware of those either. Now to the good stuff. Like I said we owe 137K on our home. 65K on a home equity and our home is worth 235K. I do not invest in a 401K through my employment, which is with a state University, so I will have a state retirement. They

they being the state put like 2 or 3K a year for me in a retirement. Gregg however does invest in his company’s 401K, and I believe they match 1.25 for every 1.00 the emp puts in, after 15 yrs of service. Gregg has been there 19 yrs. He puts in 6% of his pay. As of today he has…..wait let me got to and access his account so I can give you the correct balance. Be right back.

JPMorgan My Accounts ——————————————————————————– Account List For Transactions and information, select your plan name. Account List Total as of 07/16/2005 $114,077.23

Damn how much personal can you be than that? Oh and Gregg puts $65 a pay period in a Christmas Club, I think the bal is some where around $1,300. He also puts $100 a pay period in a savings account at our bank. He gets pd every two weeks. I too put $200 a month in the University’s credit union. I get pd on the 1st and the 16th. For the 2004 tax year we got back $1400 from the government and

$700 from state. My FICO score is 739 and Gregg’s is 733. His is lower b/c Capital One reported in 2003 that he had one late pymt past 30 days (a cc only in his name). I pay our bills and I swear on my grandmother’s grave I have never pd a bill late. And I certainly wouldn’t pay a bill late that is in his name. I tried and tried to prove there was an error but I couldn’t find all the statements.

It was so disheartening to me b/c that is the only negative mark he has ever had on his credit report. It ate me alive. He handled it better than I thought but I still was so upset. I get upset now just thinking about it. I hate it. Now my new financial advisor friend is there anything I have left out that you would need to know before you access my and my husband’s financial situation?

All contents in these notes are confidential and you are prohibited by law to duplicate, copy, cut, or share this information. Anyone found to be in breach will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 🙂 You also will no longer receive sexual and flirtatious notes. 🙂

you come highly recommended. having read this entry, i understand why. cincerely sent me your way. 🙂

As you pompously pointed out, I haven’t taken my medicine and so forgive me for not remembering a comment I left 369 notes ago. I also forgot that you had given me your email address. Gosh mister, you think you could be a little easier on the girl? I feel so helpless against your fearless taunting. I am fragile, ya know.

ryn that you left at 3:11am ( are you an owl? 🙂 ) no aopologies needed. you know i was only joking, as i always am. you would have to bring on something more robust than that. i’m pretty tough. i enjoy our little flirtatious enticing. i guess i’m just better at it than you. how do you stick your tongue out with these little smiley faces?? well anyway, i’m sticking mine out at you.

ryn: okay, that was just hilarious! i’ve seen the tongue vibe for oral satisfaction and thought when i saw the top of a head that’s what you were showing me. imagine my surprise when the entire picture loaded. 🙂 i can understand why that would be…umm, daunting…to some women. what a contraption! thanks for the education. 🙂

i’m trying to convince the spouse that we need one. he’s not buying it. “honey,” he said, “you’d buck one time and snap my neck!” obviously, that’s not the case though, is it, nunzio? you still have a neck, right? 😉

I’ll give you my Open Diary email until I get to know you better. Deal? Then after you’ve proven you aren’t a psycho and/or a stalker you can join the privileged who have my work email, which works much easier for me as I rarely check od email. Now I think I’m going to go take a nap. I picked with you about being awake at 3am (or what I thought was 3am) when I myself was

up until 2:30am or some ridiculous hour. My tummy is full (went to Cracker Barrel after church) and my bed is calling my name. I love my Sunday afternoon naps. I think I was a cat in my other life. When I awake I’ll check my OD email for a message from my new found financial advisor whom I know will give me a plethora of suggestions on how to quickly get rid of the 5K on that credit line. *gasp*

Licensing, law, and ethics, prevent me from advising someone I don’t know. In that case – game over! If you recall I was only coaxing you for free advice. It’s been real and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun. Maybe ‘hot stuff’ will see you around OD. But then again, maybe not. Audios. Oh and you can wipe the drool off your keyboard now. :-*

Uhhhh hot stuff here forgot to mark that private soooo you wanna delete that real quick??? Thanks there big boy.

Licensing, law, and ethics, prevent me from advising someone I don’t know. In that case – game over! If you recall I was only coaxing you for free advice. It’s been real and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun. Maybe ‘hot stuff’ will see you around OD. But then again, maybe not. Audios. Oh and you can wipe the drool off your keyboard now. :-*

As for the “drool on the keyboard” comment, I have no idea what that means. – WHATEVER !!

July 18, 2005

No dear… THIS is elegant, and exactly what I needed to read… I wish more people would know these words and these truths…

because of Licensing, law, and ethics, I need to know who I’m talking with. If you turned down the free advice because your identity is more important than the problem … – That note has me puzzled, specifically >>>>> “I need to know who I’m talking with.” What is it you need to know? My ss#, date of birth, home address, mother’s maiden name, names of my children??

I gave you my OD email. Since I didn’t give a personal address that somehow changes whether you will get out advice? Explain that, please. The advice you offer should be based on the financial information I supplied. And since this has turned into a drudgery on my part – I no longer consider any advice you MAY offer as being “free”. Trust me, I’m paying for it. :-*

I love what you noted in “Unbelievably Me”‘s OD: “Why marry? We shouldn’t join with ANYONE out of fear, but a joining of like-minded individuals who have “compatable wounds” and who are MUTUALLY committed to healing is a grand union indeed!” All I can say is…amen…

You sent BMH flowers, didn’t you? : )

Ryn: Ok, good. I read that she got some stargazer lillies. : P I was jealous. Shut up about it though, as I’m done discussing it now.

Ryn: Nothing you can do would make any of it any better. She’s extremely unhappy and probably not open to anything right now. I’ll probably be dropped soon as well. We’ll see.

July 22, 2005

RYN: Nope… Red just looks… awful on me with my auburn hair and fair olive skin… deeper maroons work, but not a vibrant red.

July 23, 2005

RYN: Patience Grasshopper 🙂

July 24, 2005

RYN: My darling, you’re the ONLY Italian mobster… he only SOUNDS like one… Never fear, you still thrill me, it’s just that you haven’t called in soooo loooong! 😉

RYN: Connecting with Source…meditating…stillness…yes, good reminder, Nunzio. I’ve been neglecting that.

July 26, 2005

RYN: shut up? 🙂 I don’t think you realize the impossibility of what you’re suggesting.

July 26, 2005

nice writing! that one pic reminds me of sunset cliffs~

Ryn: Yes it does. I’m very happy to report that he’s extremely laidback when it comes to putting up with some of the stuff I pull. When the other one calls, I’m not answering. He can get voicemail. I’ll call him back eventually, but – it’ll be to tell him I’m done. (Even if it means I’ll be alone I’m done with him.)

Ryn: Thank you. I’ll decide when I’m ready to try again though. I don’t mean that to come off as rude, so please don’t interpret it that way, but I have to be ready or else it won’t work. I’ll get there again, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Ryn: Yeah, it is a strange feeling. The fact that I am not sad about it tells me I must finally be over it. I just need to get over myself and quit having the selfish/stupid thoughts I’m having about why him and not me. He deserves to be happy and I don’t wish to be married anyway.

July 31, 2005

RYN thank you for writing. so i am the fly and he is the carnivorous plant? how can he destroy me? is it too late?

August 1, 2005
January 28, 2006

I am truly overwhelmed by this entry. It was very very powerful and it has left speechless at this time. Suffice it to say for now, thank you, thank you, thank you!

May 30, 2006

Beautiful. A wonderful tribute to self and to your best friend.

June 29, 2006

ryn: You’re wish is granted!! 🙂 _How I needed to read that today and understand the error of my ways. Thank you so much for sharing such an intimate part of your life and for allowing me to read so I could learn from it. I booked marked that entry so that I can re-read in my future moments like this that I’m sure will come. Grazie mille and God Bless you:) _