Should I Stay or Should I Go? – II

(For any single people reading this, don’t be misled by the title, it is ALSO a guide for singles.)


Hendrix explains his concepts of “Isolator” and “Fuser,” (along with MANY other relationship issues,) which the therapeutic community calls, Narcissist and Co-dependent. In a relationship, the “Isolator” seeks distance; the “Fuser” seeks closeness. On the surface, it would seem that “perfect” relationships occur when Fuser gets with Fuser and Isolator with Isolator. NOT TRUE, says Hendrix. We actually search out and find our opposites. And, therein begins the eternal struggle … "I need you to tell me what you’re FEELING," vs. "I need time ALONE, to think!" … or what is called, “The Dance of Optimum Distance.”






Now comes the difficult part – call a meeting with your husband, present him with your list of “problems,” and ask him this question …






“Would you like to help me eliminate these issues?”






Simple huh? … No, it’s not simple, because it may be (I’ll say “Probably”) the first time you’ve sat down, in a non-judgmental, non-attacking, fashion and asked your mate, if he would like to “JOIN,” you in problem solving. It certainly will be the first time you sat down with your newfound knowledge, (and answers) gleaned from Getting The Love You Want: A Guide For Couples. (Hendrix also suggests how to get your mate to PARTICIPATE in healing the relationship.)




Red, I know this may sound like I have a financial interest in this book and I do not. It’s just an incredibly well written book in lay language and will bring salvation to ANY relationship, even those considered “perfect.”






Because relationships are always in a state of flux, and because we don’t “know” what REALLY makes a relationship, Hendrix’s book will make the questionable relationship stronger and the “perfect” relationship impenetrable. It will also make clear those relationships that should be terminated and why.






I believe so strongly in this book because I didn’t find it until AFTER my divorce. I know, had I had the knowledge contained within it’s covers, my attitude about my marriage would have been VERY different and thereby, the outcome of the marriage may well have been different. Please don’t let the same thing happen to you.






Do YOU have $8 to spend on your relationship?






"In the long run, we get no more than we have been willing to risk giving."



(Sheldon Kopp.)






And that’s one man’s opinion






<p class="MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”>Best wishes, 


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Very thorough and thought out. Makes me wish I’d do the same before posting some of mine — but if I did that, they’d never get posted! 😉

you say so much in a clear and concise manner, and i appreciate that. (if only i were that elequent) i will definitely be reading that book soon.

The first thing that is going to happen is the hubby is not going to see that there is anything wrong.. and the second thing is when she asks him to “Join” her is solving these problems, he is going to give her that deadpan look. I know … Ive been there. I feel for her.

well said! -Dreamgirl82

November 20, 2003

Isn’t this a coincidence…I just mailed off this book and the other one “Keeping the Love You Find” for my boss to someone in South Africa. I do agree with you, the book though.

November 21, 2003

I too was doing a relationship book scramble three years ago to save my marriage, but didn’t find the right thing in the right place. Ultimately, it was me. I didn’t want to work that hard with a man only because of time invested. Fortunately for me and someone who will care enough-I read like a maniac and know the mistakes and how not to make them (twice-now all new ones). 😉 Thanks for tip!

November 23, 2003

RYN: Yeuppers. Unfortunately I do that 99.5% of the time too. Sometimes I think I can sneak in for a “quickie” though and always end up with nothing. I swear I’ll NEVER do it again. Not worth the frustration of losing a good free flow rant. 😉 Ciao.

November 23, 2003

RYN: Thanks. I never would have guessed that’s what it means 🙂

November 23, 2003

hmmmm mayhap i should get that

November 23, 2003

ryn: you made me grin 🙂 the book silly 😛

November 23, 2003

ryn: that you made me grin? yes, im sure heheh leaning towards the testosterone tonight? 😉 hitting on a lesbian lol have you no shame? *grin* im getting goofy tired. i best stop lol

November 24, 2003

ryn: you are absolutely right, and you do know i was just yanking your chain, right? take care of you,

November 24, 2003

I know you wernt, i really agreed with what you said. Like i said i think you rock.

ah, I see, you too are previously divorced…that in itself is a harsh life-lesson. Eh, we learn by doing…but it’s better to avoid the obvious pitfalls than continuously tripping thru. Will head to BAM & invest some worthwhile dough. Thank ya again! ~Lys

RYN: Are you saying that your seeing my nipple will not bring us closer? Is that what you’re saying? LOL.

Not only sexy, but wise. I will have to add this to my list of ‘need to read’ books.

July 13, 2004

thanks for this when did you develop such a wealth of information?

Gonna read it.