She Was Beautiful II




As she caressed my hand, I whispered, “Why would a married woman be giving her phone number to a single man?”  “Oh, I’m getting a divorce.”  “Really!  Why are you still wearing your ring then?”  My friend answered for her, “That’s just a man repellant.  She keeps that on so she can point to it when she’s not interested in a man.”  She nodded in agreement. 



She was pulled into another conversation on the other side of her.  While she was, my friend leaned over and said, “You’re in!”  “In?”  I responded. 



Let me take a moment to introduce my friend … I love him, a loyal and true friend with a soft interior.  I know he has a soft inside because he frequently has an abrasive exterior.  If he perceives a “weakness” in another, he will concentrate on it until he has given himself permission to relax.  That only comes when he believes he has established an elevated position in the hierarchical pecking order. 



Since I believe that ALL attack comes from fear, I’ll say he is very fearful and established this exterior to protect that.  However, from the outside I don’t think most would observe this of him.  He’s good looking and funny, an “alpha-male” type.  Women love him, and he goes through them rapidly.  Which has caused me to observe a curious aspect of the already mysterious, beautiful female gender but I’ll save that observation for another day, another story. 



While she was engaged in conversation, I slipped away to the pay phone where I dialed the number she gave me.  I just had to check my hunch.  The answering machine answered with a male voice that said, “(Name) and I aren’t here.  One of us will call you back.”  I quickly hung up.  Obviously, something wasn’t quite right. 



She ordered another drink and as she did I said, “You know, you’re a small woman, you’ve had three already.  I think it’s cab time.  Let me order one for you,” motioning the bartender over.  “No, I only live a couple of miles away, I’m not taking a cab.  You’ll take me home.”  The bartender gave me a knowing look as my friend discreetly nudged me. 



– Continued –






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