Proposed Hurricane Katrina Disaster Memorial



The first sketches for the proposed Hurricane Katrina Disaster Memorial are in for your review and vote.
 Vote for only one.




(The artist says this is to represent the City, State, and Federal governments except the Federal duck is hiding, out of the picture.)



On a serious note …



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September 13, 2005

I really like the duck one… It gets my vote!

September 13, 2005

lol, #2

September 13, 2005

They both make their point 🙂

Ahh, the first one says a lot, but throw a couple of tails into the air and you’ve got my vote. #2

September 13, 2005

Gotta go with #2!

September 13, 2005

Oh, I can’t pick…. Where’s the one that depicts Red Cross turning their backs on material donations?!? *hugs*

September 13, 2005

Yes #2, with the protection of having the water roll off their backs.


September 13, 2005


September 13, 2005

“To the extent the federal government didn’t fully do its job right, I take responsibility,” Bush said. Nunzio, I never said the Federal didn’t have some responsibility. What I was sick of was the total blame on Bush and Fed level. I DARE that Governor and Mayor to come out now. I DARE IT. But you wont see it. Know why? Partisan politicals. Plan and simple. “We got Bush, We got Bush!!” cont..

September 13, 2005

I think it’s disgusting the amount of glee that people take in attacking ONE FREAKING MAN who is running the whole damn country. And hoenstly, yes, I have reached my breaking point with this. Next thing you know, it will be Bush’s fault for Chernybol, the Tsunami, the next Volcanic eruption and the California-sinking earthquake. give me a break. *shakes head* (Double Edged Bolt)

September 13, 2005

So he took responsibility those UNDER his command. Any damn good general would do the same in the military. You are always responsible for those under your command. Bush did his job and took one for the team. Like I said, I DARE any of those liberals in LA to do the same… they wont, or wouldn’t until AFTER Bush did it just so they can point fingers. *shakes head* Enough me.(Double Edged Bolt)

September 13, 2005

it has to be #2…#1 needs to look like Bush in order to get a good look in. (i’m an aussie, does my vote count??;)) gotta love a good bum in the air picture in any form. tc M

September 13, 2005

btw: that was a good rant you had there..well done;) x

*shakes head* Enough me. But Nunzio, babybuns, who can EVER get enough of YOOUUUU. *smooch* Heh. And yes… PRIVATE NOTE. 😉 As an alternate means to prevent another criss-cross black-hole, just so you know, I sent you an email responding to the email you send tonight, asking if I had received the ‘one you sent yesterday’. Which, incidentally. I did NOT. Star crossed emailers?

September 13, 2005

Once again, state my opinion very clearly… Military says there was a presence there in 3 days. Just because we have NO photos doesn’t mean it isn’t true. and I will refer to a note left in my journal… if snipers hadn’t shooting at doctors and police, perhaps things wouldn’t have been so bad. Regardless of that fact, my view is on the mayor and governor. Where is the admission of culpubility?

September 13, 2005

And what I saw from the mayor was a man whining and crying on the tv, begging for help and yet he orders the evacuation 24 hours before hand. The fact is, you see the crap that happened after everything. I see the crap that happened before. If the mayor and governor had DONE their JOBS and gotten those people out, those death tolls would be even less. I hate arguing passionately… cont

September 13, 2005

NO WHERE. Those bastards let their own people die just so they could blame the federal for not saving them. Their own shortsightedness costed lives, and no matter what a national force could have done, a local and state force should have done much better. I think you and I are going to disagree on this point thoroughly. I believe each state needs to take responsibility for their own actions. (2up)

September 13, 2005

… “I hate arguing passionately”… because I don’t feel like I get my points out as I normally would. It’s because I am offended… not at you, but at the accusations. The fact that people die in a hurricane and it’s a political event. People died last year in hurricanes and this never happened. People die in earthquakes, fires, ice storms, heat waves, etc etc and this never happened… til now

September 13, 2005

It’s the “let’s get Bush because he’s a crappy president” mentality and honestly… I think it’s disgusting because once again, as I stated before… it takes more than one person to make something like this go wrong. And I STILL haven’t heard YOU say one thing against the mayor or the Gov… just the Pres. How about a little bit of parity here. How about equal representation. If there is enough..

September 13, 2005

to go around, how about we start hearing about the rest that NEEDS to go around. How about some cartoons showing those people? Where is the equal blame being show on the levels that need to be shown… or do you truly believe that there is equal blame here? And if I am a bit heated, I think I have a right to be. I apologize in advance for any offence… forgive me if I have caused any.

September 13, 2005

and finally… I look forward to a report… if it can be factual and not politically driven to cause harm like that silly 9/11 committee and how it just “happened” to overlook AbleDanger. If that is what we look forward to, I’d rather see it buried.

September 13, 2005

I love both!

September 14, 2005

:::cough::: I’ll get back to you once I manage to clean all the Mountain Dew off of my monitor! Both, are right on the money honey! =)

September 14, 2005

I think they’re both equally fitting. Damn Nunz….you post a couple pics and look what happens. It took me forever to read the notes between you and that guy up there who’s knickers are in a knot. You damn near started world war 3 with your opinion 🙂 Thought I was going to have to hurt someone LOL ~hug~

*looks up* See? Us country girls are ready to fight for you. I like the second best. : )

Ryn: You were right and I am a jackass. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have contacted M Saturday night, I’d have went home instead.

September 14, 2005

*sighs* your kind words humble me. I re-read my notes, and even though I agree with everything I wrote… I remember the fire that drove me to write them… and I can’t help but feel shame of myself. Silly huh? You see, it comes from the memories of my divorce… the anger I used to have… and even though my fire yesterday was no where near close (because I was still in reason to make such…

September 14, 2005

worthy points) to the anger I used to show… sometimes I scare myself. Every so often I catch myself off guard… and I flashback to 2/23… and it shakes me to the core. Being an angry man lost me almost everything. I can’t afford to let that rule me. However, passion at the right moments are good… sometimes I just need to figure out when those moments are. Thank you friend… for everything.

September 14, 2005

Now, onto discussion. The Doctor of Economics today (Business 201 class) told me he read a report stating Bush almost begged the Gov to let him in the state before the hurricane made land fall. She refused him saying she wanted to handle it. If this turns out to be factual, how does that change the viewpoint of this whole conversation? (I assume any good report of this disaster will sift this out)

September 14, 2005

Now, the question: Why didn’t Bush just go in anyhow. The answer… the Constitution. State’s rights before Federal intervention, even in the face of a natural disaster. It seems to me Bush declared N.O. a disaster zone beforehand because the LA Gov refused Federal assistance… and had an inkling of the mess that was about to occur. Do you think that is a probability??

September 14, 2005

And yes, I am constantly referring to the “before” the disaster while you point back to the “after”… but you can’t solve one side of the equation without the other. Bush admits that the Fed involvement after was poor on some levels (better on others). But… could it have been much better had they been allowed in in the first place the day before? So many questions that need to be answered.

September 14, 2005

This is to Coyote Kismet: You don’t have note ability (or I don’t on your journal) so I left it here… Thank you for your kind words. Especially since you aren’t a regular reader of mine. I tend to note Nunzio in private but he asked me to go public. That kind of fire normal never gets out… so I appreciate your encouragement. Thank you.

September 14, 2005

A joke for Nunzio, to lighten the mood: Sammy the Snail went out and bought a cool new car. He loved this car, and wanted everyone to know that this car was Sammy’s car! So he had his initials painted all over the car (S S). When he was driving down the street, somebody yelled, “Hey, look at that “S car go!!” (Wocka Wocka) (Escargot…snails…)

Pink Ranger is great! (Did you know her and Wundercont are best friends?) I love you Nunzio!!!!! Good morning. : )

Ok, now I’ve read the notes from the above discussion. I have to say…in the beginning I did feel it was the fed. govt at fault, now I do not. The city’s evacaution plan wasn’t carried out, plain and simple. Mayor said he couldn’t find anyone to drive the busses. He should’ve contacted the drivers 3-4 days ahead of time. He knew this was coming.

Oh, and – I agree w/you as well. This is why I like the picture w/the two ducks best. Just think…while you guys were debating about who’s at fault there were probably people still needing help. I think we are all to blame, to a degree.

Ryn: I said… I LOVE YOU. So quit being defensive. (BTW, I’m glad I made my notes private. I contradicted myself.)

stupid boys have such a one track mind. Their penises (penii?) can juggle more than one woman at once but their brain can’t possibly process the 3 men in the past few months you’ve spent the most time writing about. Silly boys. (And yes, I’m inviting this argument). Come on Nunzi-ho, Come on SD SolHOmon. wunderkont ha. take that.

So…I see Red is getting a Murano. Wah. I want one, too. Ummm…what does a Murano look like…what is it? Ugh. I don’t care. If she gets one, I want you to get me one, too. *goes back to practicing this “lost and delicious” look*

September 15, 2005

*does his best Stewie voice* Ah-ha! Victory is mine! Well, I wish. heh. Anyhow, thanks for the article. I’d heard about it, but couldn’t find it. I wish I could publish mine in a news site someplace. Know anyone who’d want to try mine? heh

September 16, 2005

~looks up @ S~ Yep, Pink Ranger is cool 🙂 Sweet of her to throw in a laugh to brighten the mood. P.S. Don’t go “creating drama” just to get us country girls over your way either ~wink~

ryn: Not yet. Silly Jadelles is shy. But soon! *L*

RYN: Bite my bare hindquarter. LOL. Thanks!

Ryn: We’re a package deal, so – you better send a bigger truck. We’re just going to be THE HAPPIEST family, aren’t we? ha ha.

September 17, 2005 Well, I thought I would do you the same favor you did me and drop this little story in your direction.

September 18, 2005

ryn: thanks. one step at a time i guess. each day firmer on the ground, i hope. man, truth can feel like such a slap in the face! bad thing-it’s too easy for me to evade the truth and play mindgames with myself, but also to have an accomplice in the lies can make it so much harder. and when i turn on the light, i fear things aren’t pretty and am tempted to go back to (comforting) darkness.

September 19, 2005

RYN: Just how did you get so wise? Damm, once again, you awe me with your insight to human behavior.

September 19, 2005

RYN: WHATever….you KNOW better! Besides, I don’t wear pink OR terrycloth!!! ~*Smooch*~

September 19, 2005

Also…that link…for the panties…SOOOO NOT RIGHT! That’s just wrong man….plain W R O N G!!!

September 19, 2005

RYN: Damn! and I was hoping we could swap pix! Because I’m already nuts with desire… 😉

September 21, 2005

lol the ducks!