Our eyes met for just a couple of seconds

It was early and I was buried deep in the morning newspaper at my local Starbucks, lamenting to myself how President Dufus was screwing up again, the drone of Christmas music in the background, when she purposefully walked by.
She completely pulled my attention to her as our eyes met for just a couple of seconds as she walked by my table. She had beautiful, blonde shoulder length hair, and blue eyes.
As our eyes met, the background music came into focus and grew louder as I realized she was softly singing along with it.
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way … “
My face broke into a smile, my heart sped up, and my eyes grew moist as I listened to her singing quietly to herself, though she was looking directly at me.
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way … “
I turned to watch her as she walked by. She proudly wore her Christmassy top to which she clutched her morning drink, chocolate milk. She had on blue pants and Minnie Mouse Christmas, tennies.
“Oh what fun it is to ride in a …”
As she waited for her mom to push the door open, she turned back to look and waived to me as she went out the door;
“One-horse open sleigh.”
I turned back to my paper, blotting the tears from my eyes with my napkin, mystified as to why I was crying but with a smile on my face.
I’m still mystified as I write this, two days later.
It was an experience lasting five to ten seconds;
What happened?
Why am I reacting this way?
Then it hit me …

She was 3 – 4 years old, and I felt so wonderfully drawn in and lost in her innocence and joy that I was reminded of my own …

long buried.

In those few seconds …

she opened my heart.

Again now … tears … 

for me, for my effort in trying to keep it closed.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and,
God bless,

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December 24, 2006

Aww. What a tender moment. Santa came down the street in a firetruck yesterday. Tears formed in my own eyes as I watched him pass. Perhaps for the same reason? I don’t know. I was mystified by my reaction as well.

December 24, 2006

That was very sweet. Wonderful that you were so open to the emotion it inspired in you. Merry Christmas.

December 24, 2006

This is lovely. Merry Christmas, hon.

December 24, 2006

the lovely sweetness of children – totally without guile. Merry Christmas darlin

December 24, 2006

Dang. No good emoticon for happy-cry-face. It is good to be reminded…

December 24, 2006

Jingle all the way…………

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas, Nunz. Children know not how they can melt out hearts. So glad yours got melted this season. Love,

December 25, 2006

That’s so sweet! Merry Christmas 🙂

December 25, 2006

And now I’m crying. What a beautiful moment. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas to you my friend!

What an angel. Baby…you have a good heart. We really need goodness. Our hearts are aching for it. That’s why you reacted to it. You saw something pure, and the pure in you bubbled up. *warm hugs*

December 26, 2006

That’s so sweet and well written.

You poor thing. Dry those tears. You could’ve just come out and said that you really wanted minnie mouse tennies for Christmas.

hahahhahhahaahahaaha. Oops, ego. Sorry, no I’m not, yes I am, nope not, maybe. Oh fine. Delete the note if you want to. I’m very conflicted as to whether or not I’m ashamed to have left it. I do like those dolls. I would fill up a bathtub and make the mermaid swim. Guess those minnie mouse shoes would be handy if the water got on the floor though. You sure you didn’t REALLY want mickey shoes instead? It’s ok if you didn’t. You do live in California and I’ve heard about you guys. How far are you from San Fransisco again? I forgot. hee hee. Fun.

Oops, the dolls I was referring to are Fairytopia Mermaidia dolls. I deleted that part from the original note. They are cool.

December 26, 2006

What a lovely moment to share 🙂 Ya big softie 🙂

December 27, 2006

Thank you for sharing this with us. I felt the same way as I watched my 4 year old niece sing her holiday songs and then regal me with her story about Santa Claus. The innocence of children….

December 28, 2006

they’re mine. *wink!*

December 29, 2006

So sweet and tender………why can’t I find someone like you? Sigh.

December 31, 2006

Aww… It’s amazing how something so small can make you realize the meaning of innocence, joy, and happiness.

January 2, 2007

ryn: omg. so funny. the thing about the blue on my profile picture. I never would have thought of that. fantastic!

January 3, 2007

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Eat my ass. LOL. *grateful kisses to you*

ryn~ You asked for nip…..I give you even better. Go Read

Do you have an assignment for me? Did you like that picture better than another nip shot?

January 4, 2007

Happy New Year! How are you?

January 4, 2007

why don’t you find more little kids to be around more often? they are amazing!

January 4, 2007

ryn: Love a man that goes the distance for sex! Woohoo! Um, forgive my ignorance, but what is the NSU treatment? 🙂

Regarding your assignment: Hmmmmmm…..perhaps.

January 4, 2007

RYN: LOL sounds like a fair trade to me ; )

Ryn: First, thank you for being there for me as always. Second, go lick yourself.

January 5, 2007

RYN: you are exactly right.Unfortunately…I live in their house at the moment. So I’m sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place (and not a good hard place, either :P)

January 7, 2007

Wow … the innocence a child brings. That was really sweet that, that moment affected you the way it did. Hope you had a lovely holiday.

ryn~ What pictures do you want? How ’bout some of you? This is highly unbalanced I think.

January 8, 2007

I just had to comment about your note on Rehena’s diary about sperm :p Cracked me up 🙂

Oh THOSE pictures! Yeah, Giovanni won’t let me. I asked. He said no. Sorry

January 8, 2007

RYN – Yes, I know we do…….perhaps I need a new tool box…or my eyes checked? Ending a two year relationship is so hard……. untying those knots in the heartstrings and breaking the ones you just can’t untie…………here’s hoping 2007 brings new beginnings and everything your heart desires and your soul needs.

January 9, 2007

Hey! I thought you’d be proud of me! Isn’t it progress that I even had those thoughts? The peaking comment was dangerously close. Oh no, Mr. Nunzio. I’ll show you dangerously close….

ryn: LOL!!!!!!! i adore you, nunzy!!! :0) (g)

January 9, 2007

*does snoopy dance, careful to shake her ass dangerously close to The Nunzio*

ryn: good question(s). (1) i have no idea; (2) prob’ly not. damn..!! (g)

ryn: DOH!!!! but not exact. i guess we use their server, but my law firm is not duane morris. nya nya nya!! :0) (g)

ryn: nope, i don’t work for the law firm of hancock, either. (g)

ryn: i’m not sure yet… but my bipolar meds are a good start. they make me emotionless. in fact, i get very zombie-like… :0( (g)

January 11, 2007

You know, I am looking at the picture on your front page, and I gotta wonder… How is it that the man doing the ‘push up’ pose doesn’t have a little sumthin’ danglin’ in that picture? Seriously… Beautiful, yes. A little creepy? YES!

January 13, 2007

Looks up…**blinks** Looks up again.. Yeah…what FO said….you just wanted your own Minnie shoes. That or a little blonde girl of your own….wanna be a “god parent/grandparent” ?? I could probably work that out ya know 🙂 Miss you.

January 21, 2007

Loved this… Wish I would have read it sooner. Oh to see through the eyes of a child. *hugs*

January 30, 2007

that is the wonderful thing about children. the purity and innocence (well, most of the time 😉 every little thing in life fresh and new for them~