* Ok, I confess, I am 4F!


Ok, I confess, I am a fucking foot fetish FREAK!  (= 4F)
I love women who know the power they have in their feet!
Open toe high heels!
Bare legs!
Strappy sandals!

Clean feet, of course.
Smelling of bath
And lotion …


“Baby, make me whimper like the dog I am!”
And a pedicure …

With blood red nail polish …
Fucking game over!


“Lady Madonna, I’ll pay you BIG mo-naay to suck your toes!”
(You GOTTA watch this!)


 (Direct to You Tube.) 

“Excuse me, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!”
“But, you’re looking at my feet.”
“Oh, yeah, right, sorry.”
And if your second toe is longer than your first … fucking fugedaboundid! I’ll write bad checks to get to you! (No, I don’t know why … well, maybe *)

I love to suck a woman’s toes.
And from what I can tell, you love it too!

I’m on my knees before her on the couch. I slipped off her heels and placed her bare foot on my chest while I squeezed the lotion into my hand and then, massaged her calf. Then, thumbs pushing into the arch of her foot, her skirt slides up exposing her panties as she draws her foot away from the ‘pain’ and arousal, but then … she pushes it back.
I’m kissing her toes as I continue to massage her arch. Gradually, as she slides down on the couch, I push her knee back to her chest and scoot up on her, using my weight to hold her there, just so. My cock resting on her panties as I draw each toe into my mouth, into a suction she can’t escape, flicking it rapidly with my tongue, rubbing my cock back and forth across her panties.
As she gets more and more aroused, I increase the sensitivity to the arch of her foot using my mouth in a kind of biting/licking/sucking way on the arch, alternating with drawing a toe into my mouth … she senses, with her knees against her chest, she can’t pull her foot away … she can’t escape the pleasure. She thrusts her pussy up against my cock
Saving the big toe for last …
Licking it …
Sucking it …
<img hspace="15" alt="" vspace="15" align="right" width="250" height="230" src="http://render2.snapfish.com/render2/is=Yup6aQQ%7C%3Dup6RKKt%3AxxWtUq4P0-ofrj%3DQofrj7t%3DzrRfDUX%3AeQaQxg%3Dr%3F87KR6xqpxQQPPxaeGx0aexv8uOc5xQQQJQJJnJlJolqpfVtB%3F*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gXPeG%7CRup6e0e%7C/of=50,480,443&#8243; />My cock rubbing, rubbing, rubbing her pussy … she whimpers, groans … “Oh my God! OhmyGod! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! FUCK ME!”
I’m forcing her into more and more and more intensity as I draw her big toe into my mouth and, with a quick pull of her panties aside, my cock enters her pussy!
Flicking, licking, sucking her toes as my cock readily slides into her, and her pussy GRABS it, like a third hand!
And as my cum pours deeply into her, I release her legs, wrap my arms around her and kiss her beautiful lips.  
Well, you get the drift? (Sheesh, my cock is as fucking hard as the heart of a $100 Atlanta whore!)
*I think I even remember when it first started. I was about 5 or 6 and playing on the floor at my aunt’s house, in front of the couch where my 15 year-old cousin sat. She started tickling me with her bare feet and then stood over me pinning my arms to the floor, exposing her panties to me as she tickled me into breathless hysterics and …

my first hard-on.
Thank you cousin!

How about you?
Do you like your toes sucked?
Hey, how about a glass of wine?
Here, have a seat … on the couch.




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July 15, 2007

i do, and my husband loves doing it — i just have to be careful not to sand his face off !! hehe!!

July 15, 2007

My toes are currently painted with a color called Cherry Crush. D enjoys toes too and I do as long as it doesn’t tickle. My feet are very sensitive.

July 15, 2007

Christ, even I’m feeling kinda utzy after reading this.

July 16, 2007

~fans self~ I ALWAYS have pretty pretty toes = ) Add well lotioned feet. Thanks for being a man that appreciates = )

Hm. I like! Methinks I’ll be painting my toes red this week! Wanna cam? 😉

July 16, 2007

I love my toes being sucked on~

July 16, 2007

I’ll have a pic for you on my entry here in just a bit.

RYN: Congrats? Thanks…need it. I’m so damn tired. Your encouragement means a great deal!

July 16, 2007

I took is about 10 minutes ago, just for you, Dirty Boy.

July 16, 2007

RYN: That’s exactly right re my office antics. LIke when I take pics of my boobs in the car — Husband doesn’t bat an eye. LOL. And until this morning, my toes WERE PAINTED RED! They usually are. I just wanted a change today. Don’t I get point for GENERALLY having red toes?

July 16, 2007

Have to say I’ve tried the toe thing and it really didn’t do it for me. But yes, my toe nails are painted a lovely metallic rose pink at the moment, like a dusty rose. I have nice feet, if I must say so myself 🙂 🙂

July 16, 2007

RYN: you are a complete riot…and turn-on. Thanks for the positive thoughts!

What does 4F mean?

July 18, 2007

I drive a truck and always wear sandals, cuz I’m a hippy. Not big on my finger nails, but I keep the toe nails pretty. I have that second toe thing. I never cared either way, but had a boyfriend once who did. It was a weird new turn on for him to suck my toes while we had sex. I like a good foot massage! We all like what we like, no reasons, no worries. Happy hunting!

July 18, 2007

shit I need a drink !

July 18, 2007

hmmm, intteresting timing for this.. my present beau, loves my toes…. didnt realise it can be such a turn on… hehehe btw, I always have fire engine red nail polish on my toes… something about the red; does it for me , also, esp when i see what it does to him, lol

July 18, 2007

i love foot massages!!

July 18, 2007

I’m all about gorgeous painted red toes. Like the ones in your first picture. Perfect shaping and color. Some of the women in that video have really long nails and, ew. That even ruins it for me and I’m a girl.

July 19, 2007

My second toe is longer than the first. Everyone always says it’s a sign of royalty!

July 19, 2007

What timing, doll…… I’m headed off from work early this afternoon for a mani & pedi. F*CKME red will be my color choice. My second to IS longer than the first. I’ll take that glass of wine, now……. And, a smoke, if you have one.

RYN: Amen! *thinking about my pedicure tonight!*

July 19, 2007

RYN: ahh, what a lovely retort! thank you for sharing! Re: this entry – I’ve had a discussion about toes with different groups of guys periodically over the years, and it had to do with shaving/depillator-izing toes. In high school I wasn’t surprised that guys did not give much thought to the fact that women’s toes and feet can be hairy, but as I got older – these barbarians that call themselves college boys – had no clue about it either! They knew all about “landing strips” and “brazilians” but never even bothered with the feet? Then there’s my husband. His answer, “Shave them. And don’t ask me about this again. That’s a stupid question.” Heehee 🙂 So – I ask you – Do you care, one way or the other, about hairy toes or not, or does it depend on the thickness/hairy-ness?

July 20, 2007

Damn man….this was one hell of a thing to read in the morning when hubby is AT WORK! ~grumble~ Now I’m all worked up and home without a penis 🙂 And just for the record…my 2nd toe is longer than my big toe AND they’re painted red! I am in need of a pedicure though….I’ve never actually had one, I’ve always taken care of my feet myself.

July 20, 2007

RYN: Hysterical! I am over here laughing out loud. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Ohh, you found me! You’ll have to rummage through my diary. There are a few more pics.

RYN: Well, some people aren’t that clever. Now, tell me what my name means. 😉

July 21, 2007

ryn: Yeah, me and my redheads! Waidaminute. rrh and Anna Nalick are both closer to you than me. HANDS OFF!

RYN: Excellent guesses. I like #9 the best. You were close with the Latin references. My name comes from “sui generis” which is Latin for one-of-a-kind.

July 23, 2007

Thanks for your advice. I will try rememeber you words and keep my eyes wide open

July 23, 2007

OMG! I’m going to tell him that! That will shut them both up.

July 24, 2007

RYN: So do you, Brutus.

July 25, 2007

RYN: Watch. It’s a watch, pig boy. *serious eye rollage*

July 25, 2007

RYN: Though breastfeeding has indeed increased my bust….I’ll have you know I CAN still see my feet thank you very much! I miss noting back and forth on here with you…..it just seems that there are not enough hours in the day anymore 🙁 Miss Ya!

July 25, 2007

Hey! Believe me, I have no problem with you talking about your….ah…third hand. 🙂

July 26, 2007

I want you to know that as soon as The Boy gets the download problen fixed, that I plan on posting a pic of my pretty red painted toes ; )

RYN: Thanks Nunzio. I take your observation very seriously, and I totally receive your encouragment. I could just kiss you right now! *muah!*

July 26, 2007

yes: Let me, or leave me

I just have to tell you, I read your note on JustK’s diary recommending Return to Love and I knew I needed to get the CDs ASAP.. I went out and got them yesterday and they are changing me in the best way! Thank you thank you thank you!

ryn: Yes, the causing our own pain was huge..i mean i KNEW that..but the way she said it jsut made it clear in the ways we do it..but better yet..how to circumvent..huge. oh and you will have to let me know where you are going to put the quote 🙂 and i tell you this is shameless and I will deny ever saying it but right this minute I have deep red painted toes and I checked and sure enough my second toe is longer than the first ::wink::

July 27, 2007

I really must go get that book. Thanks for holding my hand through this.

RYNRMN: Eyebrow wiggling ALWAYS cracks me up! *kiss*

July 27, 2007

Hello honey, I saw your name on another person’s diary and I came to check you out and am I ever glad I did. You got me all hot and bothered now LOL. If someone touches my feet, I am like a puddle of jello. My feet are pretty cute for an old bag, I got bubble gum pink on them now, but I am afraid I can’t do the spike heels anymore,not unless I want to be in traction for days that is 😉

July 27, 2007

RYN: Ohhh really? I wonder if there’s a correlation in there somewhere … Royalty … freedom of sexual expression … feet … Hmm … Must think on that.

July 28, 2007

well. whoa baby.

July 28, 2007

Well….I ran across your diary through Just K’s. Oh yes, the toe thing. Very hot. I am a stickler for having my feet pampered. Must have the pedicures and the polish. I need to read more of your diary. 🙂

July 30, 2007

hey – whaddyaknow – the boy got the download problem fixed and I can post pics now ; )

July 30, 2007

ryn: LOL – how nice of you to offer = )

WHere are you, ya lurker?

RYN: I tend to agree.

RYN: You are right.

RYN: I am trying to find practical ways to let it go, actual ways that I LET GO of the fear. Thought stopping techniques? Breathing? I am trying…suggestions? Really.

August 15, 2007

ryn: Oh, sure. Remind me of that aspect of SoCal!

August 16, 2007

I hate my feet. I wish I had such sexy feet as the women above!

August 18, 2007

I have never had my toes sucked. But now I want to try it 🙂 I just became aware if *cough, cough* myself this summer and tried new things for the first time. I must say I think I’ll bumped this to the top of my list…

August 25, 2007

ryn: lol yes darlin, in my previous job I was taught how to do such things. I was a very adept pupil, a natural. I’d be delighted to show you – I’m VERY good at it – but first, I’m just going to paint my toenails red….

LOL at your note. Well only one vote in right now and the answer is, no, I’m NOT ALONE! Yayy for me. well, sorta. Thank the inventor of toys for giving me some satisfaction. As for toes, uhm, my second toe is longer than my big toe, I do like to keep my toenails painted, I hate closed shoes, but as for having them sucked or nibbled upon…lets just say I need to let go of some mental weights before I can actually enjoy it.

RYN: Looks like I am NOT alone at all with most women (and even a couple of men) vouching that, yes, this is indeed a normal thing. Most of the women state that right before or just after it starts (not after it’s over) is their most ‘randy’ time, to quote one lady. So there you have it,tell all the men to get over any fears or discomforts of menstrual sex. If the blood makes them squeamish, purchase her some Instead Feminine Hygeine cups and release that inhibition. She’s wanting it and she deserves it.

Oh, and for a linky to such a wonderful little device to keep it rockin’ all month long: http://www.softcup.com/

August 29, 2007

*sigh* I know. I know that, Hon. I’m just venting. Thanks.

September 4, 2007

ryn: Yes, lots of letters and cards come through at Christmas and such, addressed to God. There is a special area where these letters are dealt with (purely voluntary) providing there is a return address. The Old-timers are generally the ones who have the privilege of responding to these letters. This sort of thing is what I enjoy most about being there.

September 4, 2007

As far as this entry goes…I had to stop reading at the toe fetish part. I love taking care of my feet, but ain’t nobody gonna be sucking on them anytime soon. 😉 I suppose I will no longer be sexually suppressed when I can get beyond this, eh? Hugs,

September 17, 2007

ryn: Ah, Nunzie… I’m sorry, Baby. But would you have me tell everyone what a big whore-dawg you are? How you leave me dirty dirty notes and make my panties wet all the time and how I pant for you night and day and masturbate to the image of your tall Italian frame heaving above me? Would you have me tell them that????? No. You wouldn’t want that, would you.

September 18, 2007

July…AUgust…Sept…*counting on fingers* Where have you been?

September 25, 2007

RYN: See, now if Safari Man would have told me that, I’d have given him the “what kind of an idiot are you?” look which has been known to reduce testicles to the size of microbes in mere seconds. So I’d file your suggestion in the “if I don’t care that she never speaks to me again, I’ll say this…” section of possible responses. Trust me… it would NOT be worth leaving with some “exit kharma.” Take your lumps and try again next time. You just never know….

September 25, 2007

How is my favorite big Italian stud anyway??? Drop me a filthy note, eh? Make my day.

September 25, 2007

Oh hell, give it to me in public. I feel like living a little.

September 25, 2007

*jaw drops open* I can’t believe you did it! Wow… that WAS filthy.

September 25, 2007

Well at least we livened up my OD for the day. LOL. PS: I would like it.

September 25, 2007

*picks at her mousepad* *looks around* *glances at you innocently* Um, you can be nastier? *bites lip*

September 29, 2007

RYN: Im being drawn to the Pentax K10D : And I hate feet….my own….included LOL

October 1, 2007

ryn: You say po-tay-to, I say po-tah-to!

October 3, 2007

Thank you, Baby, for your note.

RYN: that’s SIX! I dont know..what do YOU think>

October 10, 2007

RYN: Thank you.

RYN: Thanks for your note…you’re right – playfulness is desireable. xox

October 17, 2007

ryn~LOL! My feet are anything but clean right now! How do you feel about a mud bath? As much as I am bent over in this project, I don’t think I’d get much done if I wore my hip waders and you “helped.”

October 23, 2007

ryn: *smiles*

October 28, 2007

RYN: Thanks, Nunz! *grins* Or, maybe all thanks should go to the “Titty God”?

November 1, 2007

I was working up to it.

November 1, 2007

Hey… pop me, Buddy.

November 6, 2007

ryn~You are so funny!!!!!!! $15 an hour? Really? How many hours do you need? I was thinking about you when I put the hip waders on over the weekend. I was wearing gray sweatpants with them, not so sexy.

November 6, 2007

ryn~Sounds like just what I need! I didn’t even know you had a pond.

November 6, 2007

I was KIDDING about the pond! I have no doubts as to what you were talking about.

HEY! Where are you??? I am reading the book you recommended and getting all this insight and stuff and you’re not here????

November 8, 2007

my second toe is longer than my big toe…

November 8, 2007

They’re not my toes by the way. I thought of video-ing me painting mine for you 🙂

November 9, 2007

You are so lying about this entry. I know you are. And I have proof that you are lying.

November 9, 2007

Whatever is that man doing to that woman up there on that table? Surely he isn’t trimming her toenails. 🙂

November 9, 2007

have your really not written since july or am i locked out????? *S*

November 9, 2007

HAHAHAHA!!! SHUT UP!!! well, gee, i hope you do, then! brush with death….*walks away shaking head*…heh heh heh

November 11, 2007

Surely you have SOMETHING to write about? Come on…

RYN: Nahhh…slarthing is just a made up word, I think, for laying in bed for too long and getting lazy. 🙂 But yes, there was a great deal of the other, as well. 😀 WHENNNNNNN are you going to write again, darling?

November 12, 2007

Hmmm…and what exactly does it explain????!!! ;o)

November 12, 2007

Ryn: I know. Peyton must’ve gotten food poisoning at one of those dirty CA restaurants.

November 13, 2007

Ah yes… and how it turns you on when a woman says “f*ck”, as in, “I want to f*ck my father.” And she doesn’t laugh, though you’re laughing your ass off. *taps fingers impatiently* *doesn’t laugh* Yes yes. Dirty whore you are, Nunzio. Lucky for you I love that sorta thing in a man.

November 13, 2007

D-O-G. D-O-G. NUNZIO IS A D-O-G. *she sings merrily, doing the snoopy dance* Don’t flick me any shit, Oh You-of-the-Curly-Eyelashes. You are putty in my hands. PUTTY, I say. P-U-T-T-Y.

November 14, 2007

hahaha! write an entry already! *S*

November 14, 2007

ryn: something like that!

November 15, 2007

Thank you for redeeming yourself! I may, yet, send you my panties! –R

RYN: Totally. I absolutely agree. In fact, I felt more excited about it than freaked out. It’s not the greatest timing at first glance, but inwardly? Totally right on time. I’ve been stagnating and waiting for a breakthrough. Now I gotta make good on making happen what I’ve been “wishing” to have happen! PS I finished the book today. Very, very helpful and thought-provoking, indeed! xox

December 1, 2007

Thanks for the visit, Nunzio. You have some nice sexy pics here!

RYN: How ’bout you just spank me? 😀 (seriously though…thanks) *eyelashes fluttering* Oh my! Have I been a bad girl?

RYN: Oh! Oh me! Oh my!

December 5, 2007

RYN: There IS a picture. *goes to check out pics of Patriot players*

December 6, 2007

Ok there Mr Hotness, how about a few words? Haven’t heard from you in a while.

Phew, I’m thinkin’ acting out this entry could rattle my headboard 😉 Ryn: You’re right, it was Sunset Cliffs ~

RYN: I always love your reminders. The truth of it is being carved into my neural pathways. Seriously. Thank you. xox

RYN: Very good point.

December 18, 2007

You better call someone anyway! I’m a menace!

December 19, 2007

RYN: I hope Heaven is like that. Being surrounded by all of those who have passed before you. Even the ones you’ve forgotten about. My dog Lady from my girlhood will come find me too. And mom and dad and all my grandparents and my brother David. And my Halfer and little Magster. Yup. I hope Heaven is like that.

December 20, 2007

Not much to say? No words of wisdom to share? Miss your entries. 🙂

RYN: Hard every time, indeed. I wonder how much of that process (choosing) is dependant upon pre-emptive preparation of the self to be able to choose in the moments where we are upset, sensitive, tired, etc. I also wonder how we can intentionally posture ourselves towards that in the easier moments. Any ideas?

December 22, 2007

ha ha! mister bad-ass! breaking curfew is way too lame, i’m afraid. ya look the same!! *grin!*

December 22, 2007

seriously darlin – I am jonesin for ya

December 23, 2007

ryn: Oh. My.

December 23, 2007

Write an entry already!!!!!!!!!!

December 27, 2007

You are a such a cuntrag, Nunzio.

December 27, 2007

Spending a little too much alone time? We miss you here!

December 28, 2007


December 28, 2007

I’m jonesing for you too.

December 29, 2007

ryn~Oh I can assure you, Buddha will not approve of all the sarcasm in my head as I wrote that list!

RYN: Yeah, I definitely was a sobbing mess. Felt good to let that out, though, and there certainly is no shame in tears. Thanks for your continued encouragement. It makes a real difference, you know. It would be nice to have a phone visit again sometime in the New Year. Can I give you a call sometime in January just to hear your voice, and to hear how things are going for you? 🙂

RYN: Mwah ha! Okay, okay. That was helpful. Thank you. Perhaps I should call it more “whimsy” and downgrade it from “paranoia”. On another note, I shall be painting my toenails red ce soir. Of course I have thought of you, for all the virtues of shiny red toenails that you have waxed poetic about here!

January 9, 2008

RYN: Duh. Like you thought I didn’t read it correctly? I just don’t like the word “cow” in any sentence which involves me. LOL.

January 12, 2008

ryn: LOL YOUR banana I’d be willing to sample!

January 15, 2008

What do you mean by that?

January 15, 2008

ryn~ Trust me. They don’t. Tried. Don’t be disappointed, tho.

January 17, 2008

Personally I kinda despise much of what Sex and the City stands for. 4 women go about their lives chasing men. All that they seem to talk about is men. Or clothes. Or men. Professional, smart, women who are walked all over by men. The advice that you left on JustK’s entry indicates that, to you, much of the ‘dance’ between men and women is a game… And, really, men sometimes just don’t like the women they’re with but are too lazy to leave. I work. I have a cell phone. There are days when I actually am too busy to call someone. I don’t agree with guys not calling when they should. But I know men well enough to know that they’re just not built like that. Women are programmed to communicate and to talk – men aren’t so much. Male and female brains are different for that very reason. Personally, I would hate to be told that a guy isn’t good enough for me. Because I will be the one to decide that and a change will only occur whenever I make that decision for myself. I spent 5 years with a guy who probably ‘wasn’t that into me’. We split just over a year ago. At the time, a male friend told me that he never really

January 17, 2008

liked this guy all through our relationship. He never told me that though. He told me that his mother had once told him that sometimes it’s best to stand back. That if you told the person you didn’t like their partner, then it would just destroy the friendship. And he was right. Because I had to see it for myself. Would reading that book help me? Possibly. In reality is is unlikelyto be a book I will read. I am smart enough to be able to make my own decisions. A book is based on a person’s (or group of people’s) opinions and experiences. Everyone’s experiences are different. Everyone has to make their own decisions. Everyone has to make their own mistakes. I read your notes and you told JustK that you wanted to empower her. If I had’ve received your notes on one of my own entries I would’ve been annoyed and upset I think. Because I don’t like people telling me what I should do or how I should feel. All of us are insecure sometimes. All of us have doubts. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we shouldn’t be with our partners. It might just mean that we’re having an off day. I’m not sure that I’ve answered your question or commented prop

January 17, 2008

This was more sort’ve a rant about my thoughts immediately after reading your notes. It’s a perspective none-the-less. As a man – how do you feel about the people who write these books? Do you agree? What happens if you snapped a partner because of an off day or if you forgot to call? Would it mean that you didn’t love her any more? Somehow that just seems a little extremeto me? Anyways. I’m off to paint my toenails ;o)

January 17, 2008

RYN: Bravo! Indeed it is nothing my friend 🙂

January 18, 2008

Seems you are taking a poll here on your views. 🙂 I haven’t read the book you mention so I will just comment on a general level. And on a general level I have to say that I don’t like generalizations or stereotypes, I am a huge believer of individual variation. But that said… I am willing to admit that often (but not always) actions speak louder than words. Or truer, should the two be conflicting. I am also willing to admit that men’s actions are sometimes guided by their desire to simply have sex (a man has suggested this to me so it’s not my female view) and therefore their actions too may be misleading. And I am willing to admit that women sometimes seek complicated explanations and also excuses for men’s actions – often guided by their own hope that the man cares for her – when another explanation could also be found. But I also believe that our actions are guided by various conscious as well as subconscious motives regardless if you want to think about them or not. A statement ‘he’s just not that into you’ begs a question why, and the answer to that may not be simple at all. Sometimes it is, sometimes not.

January 18, 2008

(cont) Sometimes the situation is permanent, sometimes not. I suspect the book (just like SATC) mostly talks about the beginning of dating, the first days or weeks, and so the view (or rules like if he doesn’t call you several times a day he doesn’t care for you) might perhaps not be applicable to relationships that have lasted for years. I don’t know if I answered your question at all LOL<P> Admittedly, there are moments when I suspect that all relationship between men and women are doomed and based on a huge misunderstanding between sexes. Perhaps mutual misunderstandings. But those moments are the minority, mostly I believe we can learn from each other and co-exist in harmony.

January 28, 2008

RYN: Good friggin’ answer. ROFL.

RYN: Absolutely. I was just clarifying in the subsequent entry more for myself. It was my response to the comment, not necessarily to anyone in particular…just sorting it out. 🙂 I actually look forward to two-cents worth – it helps with perspective every time – to measure the view and experience of others against my own and to see what makes sense, if I am feeling a bit muddled.

March 5, 2008

Thanks for your note… and now I see I’m going to have to post a photo of my Lincoln Park After Dark (aka deep, dark wine) toes in my fav pair of Ted Baker strappy heels, ’cause I love me a man who loves my toes.

March 14, 2008

LOL. Sweet filthy dog.

March 18, 2008

My dreams are much more fun than my panties!

March 24, 2008

Holy crap…you’ve got more readers than Maxim over here! LOL!!! Good for you 🙂

March 24, 2008

RYN: Must you always be a pig? (Say yes, say yes! And Momma will be extra special good to you.)

RYN: Seeking it, for sure!

March 27, 2008

uhh.. imteresting. lol

March 28, 2008

What? You deleted it?????? Ahhh man!!!!!!

March 28, 2008

That’s better. You also gotta say “You want me to f*ck you? Lick your p*ssy?” like he did in the movie. *shivers, flops about* Is that better, Nunzio? Perv.

March 28, 2008

That’s not all you love about me, Dogman. You also love this pretty pretty mouth of mine that spills such delicious obscenities!!!

April 1, 2008

a positive entry from me! Go figure.

April 1, 2008

A joke that I’m okay with aging? Or just WHAT is arousing you, Mister?

April 1, 2008

BITE MY RED HOT ASS. No. Seriously. Bite it. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 7, 2008

You’ll have to fight Blinded By the Light for the skank ho in the white cap.

April 17, 2008

I was wondering what happened to you.

June 3, 2008

woooooow…well, lucky for you, i have EXCELLENT feet! They’re strong and beautiful. I’ll have to do a leg, foot shoot for you and the man other men who in love with them as well… my fiance is a huge foot fan…i love it when he fcks me, bends my legs back and squeezes the arch of my foot, the other pressed against his face while he licks my arch…mmhmm..myf riend, you are not the onlyone… i have stripper shoes too…and of course, i usually wear red although i liek the dark purple and pink as well..but usually dark colors work better.

August 19, 2008

🙂 RYN: Mission: Buy red shoes starts immediately! … and coincidentally enough, I always paint my toes blood red. What can I say? I favor a classic look.

November 22, 2008

Hubby did that to a few times and drove me in-sane. I never thought of my toes as an erogenous zone, but wow. Since we have been married, we have become pretty G-rated. Not sure how to tell him I want him to start at my toes and work his way up, lol.

May 10, 2012

Haha – I love it.