One of my favorites …
One of my toughest …
One of the most argumentative …
One of the most, in-your-face …
One of my, most eloquent and prolific favorites …
has found some value (and thereby some peace) in the concepts of which I so frequently espouse here in my diary, the latest of which precedes this entry.
Though the concepts are not original thinking by me, and therefore I deserve no credit for their origin, other than pointing to them saying, “This worked for me, maybe it’ll work for you?” (The Course In Miracles)   
With all the caveats disclosed, and my ego firmly reigned in and in check …
I STILL helped!
I helped and (by proxy) have made a small contribution, along with others, to one person … I have helped lighten the load of one person.
Didn’t I?
A contribution … that means I am giving back to my fellow man, I do make a difference and …
that’s the part of me I need to heal … and I am healing …
These concepts (one example: You are in charge of your own happiness) are so threatening and confrontational to some, that they have thrown me out of their OD life for writing them here … (and I miss reading her and I hope she’ll come back when – if – she feels the time is right for her.)
But today …

my heart is lightened.

It brought tears of happiness to my eyes to read this. 
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Peace, whatever your belief system.
God bless,

 Anne Geddes


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Uh oh… I feel a “you go boy” coming on, and I’m just not a “you go boy”-saying kinda’ guy. But, you say good things. Things that others need to hear.

December 7, 2005

You certainly made a difference- it only takes one deed, one word, one smile…….and you’ve shared many words with us here that, I feel, make an incredible difference. Hugs to you….. Merry Christmas!

December 7, 2005

all right Nunz. 🙂

December 7, 2005


December 7, 2005

Wonderful! You for saying, her for hearing and most of all, you for being so happy for having helped.

December 7, 2005

I belive you’ve helped more than ONE fellow OD’r…myself included….but WAY TO GO! RYN: No it doesn’t say “for sale” silly…it says Aeropostle!

December 7, 2005

That’s great. I’ve become fond of her too. And so when I clicked your link, imagine my delight. I hope to one day be your next proud moment! 😉 Thanks for all your efforts on our behalf. Ego or nothing. You DO help, you really do.

December 7, 2005

WTG Nunz!

December 7, 2005

You are a gift to OD! Hugs.

so glad that you got some validation. so happy that you feel so good.

December 7, 2005

May we all find peace, at this time of the year and all the rest. Happy holidays!!! and lots of love to you and those that are dear to your heart.

December 8, 2005


December 8, 2005

Just remember Nuz, that for all the people that let you know that entry made a difference there are plenty of others for which it did and they didn’t say anything. I know your entry gave me a lot to ponder in my own life and relationship.

December 8, 2005


December 9, 2005

ryn: haha There is ANOTHER kind?

RYN: Kiss my heart-shaped lilly white one, Nunz, re the pigs flying thing. LOL. Keep talkin’, keep talkin’…. –R

December 11, 2005

ryn: That’s OK, I don’t mind tardy, but you may want to go back several entries to “because”… *wink* If you know what I mean.

December 11, 2005

ryn: my front page picture?! you have a pretty nice one yourself! lol

December 11, 2005

Count this week as your week of victories. Earlier this year you asked me to look at the relationship with my father, and you asked if he was a manipulator. I’m finally starting to see the patterns you asked about in him as well as my mother. And I’m beginning to feel that maybe I can break the mold I’ve been working with. Thank you. (done!) 😉

January 14, 2006

Just read this… You’re a good soul Hun… I know. *hugs*