* “NO, I’m NOT going to fuck you!”

(Sorry, futizing around with a picture edit brought this to the top of the Favorites list, again.)

(This entry was inspired by a question The Write Man asked on his diary page, http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=A378450&entry=10499 )




Ahh … one of several experiences with this woman started with a very romantic dinner in front of a fireplace in an Italian restaurant. This, our first date, came to be after weeks of flirting, teasing, banter, and sarcasm with each other.  I was REALLY attracted to her; the sexual tension was very strong.  She was in the process of a divorce, so when we agreed on dinner, I told her of a personal rule of mine.




That is, "I don’t fuck married women." (It sounds crass here but it fit for the level of sexual repartee that existed between us,)  “So, don’t get your hopes up,” I teasingly said to her.  Well, she threw her head back in a hearty laugh and then looked me straight in the eye (hand on one cocked hip, finger pointing at me) and said, in her most confident voice,




“Number one, my divorce is final in a month so I’m not “married” and number two, don’t try that bullshit line on me because you KNOW I could fuck you IF I want!” (Now, fully engaged in the “battle” for control, I responded,) “Well, I’m sure that’s true for all the other men you’ve dated but it’s not true for me so I just wanted you to know it up front so there’s no expectations. There’s plenty of time for sex after your divorce is final.”




A few days later, I was sitting at the restaurant bar waiting for her, my back to the door, when I noticed the bartender, busboy, and two waiters, stop talking among themselves.  As they looked toward the door in silence they all had that, open mouth, drool running down their chin, look.  I turned to see what they were looking at … HA! … I had no idea what I’d unleashed. (Background voice over, “Be afraid Nunzio … Be VERY afraid!”)




Standing in the doorway, backlit, is this (cue Sergio Leone’s Spaghetti Western music) … this … WOMAN!  Standing over 6’ tall in heels, legs apart, she looked the bar over like a gunfighter come to town to kick ass … MY ass.  I stood to greet her, she sees me and moves, I mean MOVES, very purposely towards me with THE seductive look on her face.




She was dressed in all black with “nasty” CFMe Stilettos on, dark hose, tight black leather mini-skirt, black jeweled, very loose scoop neck top which, as she settled in to the bar stool I pulled out for her, fell forward exposing a nipple.  Looking me square in the eye, as I stood over her, nipple still exposed, she says, “Don’t I get a kiss hello?”  “Yeah, as soon as the blood gets back up to my head, and the feeling returns to my lips” I said.




We were soon seated, the waiter departed with our wine order, and I slid my shoe off and placed my foot between her legs.  She didn’t miss a beat and slid forward in her chair, positioning my toe at the entrance to her (bare) pussy, she manipulated my foot back and forth thrusting, my toe between her very wet lips where it stayed while the waiter returned with our wine.  Thank God for long tablecloths.




After he left, she looked at me very coolly and said, “So, who’s fucking who!”  The way she said it was not in the form of a question.  The rest of the dinner was very seductive, a few kisses, me continuing to tell her that I wasn’t going to fuck her and her responding with, “No, it’s ME who’s not going to fuck YOU!”





















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You were right—way too long for a note…ha ha ha Moving on to the sizzling finale…

Nevermind, found it.

July 13, 2004

um…..yeah…so now you got 2 admirers….lol wow….. *sigh* wanna have dinner lol Did ya add me to your faves?

April 11, 2007

Alllllrighttyy thennnnn!

April 11, 2007

Well worth reading though – even if it is 4 years old. WOW

April 11, 2007

Mmmmmmmm. But, Nunz….would you f*ck me?

April 11, 2007

Hey, mmm. Is, she, um, like, um still around? Because if she’s not busy, and you aren’t gonna – well. You know. I got some time on my hands.

April 11, 2007

That’s okay. I could read this over and over.

April 11, 2007

Oh sure! Now that I’m all hot and utzy…..it’s not nice to tease you know.

I’m married too.. too bad.. :p

April 12, 2007

well, u r very honorable, but if a woman is into a man, ….. she will most times than not , have HIM … and as for ur last comment to part 2….. not at all. Every woman’s fantasy baby

April 13, 2007

hot stuff darlin