My Appointment with Santa II

Finally, it was our turn. Cameron scrambled up into the ornate, red sleigh and looked up into Santa’s face with anticipation. I stood off to the side and watched.

"Well, what do we have here?" Santa asked, noticing Cameron’s balding head. "Are you going to have an operation, son?"

"No, he’s having radiation for a brain tumor," I answered from where I stood.

"What’s his name?"

"Cameron!" my son piped up.

"Come over here, Mom," Santa called. I stepped nearer to hear him. "You know that after the doctors have done all they can with their technology, that the ultimate healing is up to the Lord."

"Oh, absolutely!" I agreed.

"Would you sit up here with me, Mom?" I climbed up into the sleigh.

"Do you mind if I pray for this little guy?" I shook my head. Santa continued, "I had a serious problem in my brain at one time and the Lord healed me. I believe He will heal Cameron, too."

Santa pulled Cameron and me close, and I felt as if God had reached down and wrapped me up in a warm hug. I needed it so badly right at that moment.

Santa prayed, "Father, I ask you to touch this little fella from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Make him feel good for Christmas. Your word promises us, ‘for nothing is impossible with God.’ We thank you for healing this little child’s body. Amen."

When I opened my eyes, about thirty people had gathered around the sleigh, some bewildered, others with knowing looks. I thanked Santa. With Cameron beaming, he and I left the mall.

On the ride home, I realized how easily I could have missed that special moment. But God had something much better planned.

He had steered me to a Santa whose fur-clad arms were used by God to touch me with his concern, and whose lips had offered a prayer of hope when I was too weak to pray. God had led my small son and me to a saintly Santa – the Santa he would use to put Christmas back into our hearts!









God bless and …






Merry Christmas









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December 24, 2003

Wonderful story….

December 24, 2003

It’s 6:50am on Christmas morning for me right now and you have just led me to shed my first tear. No doubt there will be more misty moments throughout the day, but thank you for this one. Merry Christmas, Nunzio. P.S. My kids are still sleeping, don’t they know they’re supposed to get up at the ass crack of dawn on Christmas?!

XOXO — smiles thru tears are the best emotion

ditto what the others said. ((((Hugs you)))) thank you for sharin’ this with us. Peaces, ~Lys

December 25, 2003

I hope you know how much your note meant. Thank you, Nunz.

December 28, 2003
December 28, 2003

*sigh* My dear Nunz, I am anticipating your next entry! Don’t keep me hangin’, man! 🙂

December 28, 2003

ryn: No need to say your sorry. :o) I “know” knowledge is power. Only knowing what my walls are/were will help me move past them/become ready. Love what your old mentor said…. A very wise person. And you are so right!! You are much more than just your penis! lol (sorry, couldn’t resist!) Thank you….

December 28, 2003

ryn: its just too bad i didnt get the messages before i went to work lol

December 30, 2003

Thank you.

December 30, 2003

The picture just brought tears to my eyes again. There is nothing in the world as beautiful as a baby. RYN: Thanks 🙂 But all I want is to stay home with the kids and be lazyyyy!! *said in my most whinniest voice* 🙂 I wouldn’t mind managing the mall as long as it’s 9-5 or something close to that.

December 31, 2003

ryn(s): oh, I love all of these!! Thank you. Happy New Year to you and yours. Take care of you, and be good tonight, or be careful! ;o) Have a toast for me, k?? *hugs*

December 31, 2003

sorry about the paragraphs i didn’t actually expect ppl to read it, anyway I’m on a different computer and it won’t let me. sorry…when i get to my other one i’ll fix it…

December 31, 2003

ryn: Thanks. I’m sorry too. I mean I really love that man not to mention so much in love with him, but what’s the use if he only just loves me and nothing more? I can always stick around, but I’d be unhappy and I can’t do that anymore. So I do what I must.

God usually does have something much better planned. Drop me a note and update me on your Christmas.

December 31, 2003

RYN: Oh honey, I only refer to the man by what he truly is on the inside. I am quite peaceful about it, too. I ceased letting him ruin my life long ago. I am not the typical bitter ex wife. I tried hard to make him happy when we were together, not realizing then that we have to each be responsible for our own happiness. Since the divorce, I have tried even harder to keep it civil. -continued-

December 31, 2003

-continued- The things he has done…well, I won’t go into it and waste one more minute thinking of him, but suffice it to say, he earned his nickname with me. Incidentally, I do have another ex husband, who is a very nice man, that I would never refer to in such a derogatory manner. Me, bitter? Not on your life, darlin’! Life is way too short for that.

December 31, 2003

I just re-read my entry, and NOW I get why you might think I am not feeling very free or peaceful. THAT is the usual ho-hum, woe-is-me depression I get every year between Halloween and my birthday. Most of the time, I can think of my mom with fondness and happy memories, but the holidays are where it gets tough. She died way before I was done needing her.

December 31, 2003

ryn: Hmmmm… But you see, it really is easier for a guy. Is that why you tried to eliminate that right away!! lol I could never go and be in the “happening” crowd alone without the connotation that brings with it. Same reason I would never go in to a bar alone. Some things never change…. Happy New Year my friend. If I was still down there we could celebrate together maybe! lol

January 2, 2004

ryn: yeah i know about all the bad stuff that can cause headaches… but lol i refuse to listen to reason sometimes!

January 5, 2004

I appreciate your note, Nunz…I believe you get back what you put out in the world. That’s why I attempt to be kind and thoughtful. I do, however, believe that there are people who will harm you and the only recourse is to protect yourself. I am forever entangled with a person who delights in harming me. *shrug* I am not responsible for his healing, though I do take account of my own karma.

January 5, 2004

Yes, yes.. you are on point.. and I am thankful for the viewpoint. I do not believe that things always “work out” or are as they should be due to a destined plan. I believe that serious harm could come to my child if she were to make the choice to live with him full time. There in lies my fierce concern. That and the fact that I respect her opinions and desires

January 5, 2004

Whether my choice becomes to allow her the decision entirely.. and put her at risk, or to refuse her the right to make that decision by making it an issue for the courts, I have an emotional reaction. My heart can never be healed while my children are facing such staggering difficulty. I accept that struggle teaches, provides growth. I do not accept that someone should..*cont*

January 5, 2004

by the path of destiny..make their lives painful in the pursuit of my hurt. For, his true aim is not to have a strong, healthy relationship with them… but to manipulate them and me. It may not be conscious always.. but it is often. Now I’m out of ways to put it succinctly. *chuckle* But, thank you.

Ahhh, bite me. *ducking to avoid getting smacked*

well, i’m enjoying it 🙂

January 7, 2004

Thanks for your note; but, you’ve never seen a pic of me! 🙂

January 8, 2004

RYN~ No, Nunz, I do not think beauty is “of the skin.” I was being facetious.

January 8, 2004

Dork. Hehehe 🙂

RYN: I did that entry, but I like this type better:-)


February 3, 2005

Awesome. I wonder at the “coincidences” that are put in my path and how we all might be impacting lives…

February 8, 2005

As I scan through this article again, I think of the Santa who prayed with that woman. And I pray. For the courage and conviction to pray with my patients when they need that strength. It is an awesome task. God give me strength. bmh

May 30, 2006

Okay, so the bouncing about has occasionally been a bit disorienting from a time/season standpoint. Still yet, I’m loving your diary.