Mr. DiaryMaster, a moment?

(20-Oct-2010 – Notice, this was written two months and 4 – 8 service interruptions ago!)
Thank you for getting the site back up without any loss of data! I know it took a lot of hard work.
And now, to be balanced, a brief moment of chiding and encouragement (and I’m sure you know this but let me state it) …

Your flight is scheduled to depart at x o’clock. Flight time comes and goes without a word. Your frustration increases with every hour of delay without any information. You can’t find any personnel to ask the same redundant questions everyone asks. Then, 7 hours after the scheduled departure, one brief mention of, “we’re working on it” and then 20 more hours of nothing!
Not good!
Ok, so the flight analogy is a little dramatic, but as I’m sure you know, it is not so much the site being down that creates the public relations problem, it is the absence of prompt and frequent notice.
Say nothing (or take too long to say it) and you turn public relations (and sentiment) against you!

 "We won’t quit until we find the Diary Master!"

A few constructive suggestions:

  1. Commit to a regular system of customer notification when the site becomes unavailable.  
  1. Now, while sensitivity is most acute, post a line at the top of the home page – Should the site ever become unavailable, information will be posted to our Facebook page (link to it) and our Twitter page (link to it).”  
  1. Then, when the WebSitePlus monitoring service alarm goes off and you receive that dreaded phone call or text that your site is down, within 30 minutes, post a “I’m aware” notice on Facebook – “We are aware the site is unavailable. Technicians are hard at work to correct the situation. We will post an update as soon as we gain more knowledge of the problem, in no case will that be longer than x hours from now." (or, “By XX:00 AM EST.” )  
  1. And then, every x hours thereafter, post something. And in every post, state when you will post again, and follow through. (As you know, these messages can be completely automated; you just turn them on and they will continue, every x hour, until you turn them off.)  

I’m sure many would trade your generous free subscription day for a prompt and frequent notification schedule similar to the one above.
Now, let’s go make some money!
Your faithful fan and customer,

PS:  OD’s Facebook page
       OD’s Twitter page
       Both located on lower right of home page  (Interesting, he removed them.) 



site meter

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August 25, 2010

Excellently constructed criticism!

August 25, 2010

there really should be a better notification system than the miscellaneous web pulse thing, or whatever the fuck that is. with all the spamming software – surely there is some automatic email or website thing that could do this.

August 25, 2010
August 25, 2010


August 25, 2010
August 25, 2010

Yep. I guess for those of us who dont Face or Tweet, um, well…we’d have to make it work. How about opting in for notification via email as registered on the site…

August 25, 2010

Well said. I didn’t get any brief mention of “we’re working on it”, just an error message all the way.

August 25, 2010

I don’t even need the bi-hourly update, just some kind of alert as soon as possible so I know it’s being worked on. as a paying member, I sort of feel like a (tiny) part-owner, or investor, and I think I deserve to know what is going on with my “company.” I don’t have Facebook, but Twitter is accessible to everyone (i.e. you don’t have to be a member to view posts) so I think that is a great suggestion. I would like an email alert even more, but perhaps they don’t have the technology in place to do that? I’ve never gotten a mass-mailing from OD.

August 25, 2010

Good points! Everything is concentrated on one platform so when it is down there is no way to contact anyone for support, as we found out. I thought the site had gone out of business, but luckily my fear proved wrong. I did make a backup right away..

August 25, 2010

Actually if you check the website pulse site, the DM had the subscription suspended a bit back. so they don’t get those notifications anymore. I think he should reactivate it, prooonto!

August 25, 2010

*stands and applaudes you* Bravo Nunzio!!!

August 25, 2010

Hear, hear!

August 25, 2010


August 25, 2010

RYN – ah, OK. I don’t do Facebook so that’s why I didn’t know about it. I totally agree with your suggestion of alternative contact pages.

August 25, 2010

Hahahaha! dream on Cupcake! Another option is …. for those of us that don’t frequent the other sites.

August 25, 2010

I get the message ‘its just you’ OD is up from here. Maybe the DM runs this site too?

August 26, 2010

Yeah… if they’re charging money, they should be a little more on the ball with that whole “prompt notice” bit. Blizzard posts every hour on the hour when their servers are messed up or down for maintenance longer than planned, and just by telling us “Hey, it’s gonna be another hour,” they avoid a lot of irritated addicts… I mean, customers.

August 26, 2010

I agree. There is always the worry of disaster, from longer-established diarists, who remember the Great Crash of whenever it was.

August 26, 2010

” It’s not just you! looks down from here. ” Probably not the best website to use, that ‘ website. =P But I agree on using Facebook or Twitter or both or something!

August 26, 2010

Agree 100%

August 26, 2010

Hear Hear!! Well said! xxx

August 26, 2010

it is so simple that it seems unbelievable, especially after all these years, that he has to be told this. or maybe it is more unbelievable after all these years that we expect him to get it.

August 26, 2010

Ciao Nunz… I whole-heartedly agree and said as much (minus the flight analogy) in my recent entry. An email blast should be sent to all members, especially the ones who pay. It is our responsibility to update our email addresses. After the initial email, subsequent emails should be sent periodically to update us of the status. The fact that there was no mention on the OD Home Page of the 24 hour outage is unacceptable and downright disrespectful to us. No, “sorry”. No, “here’s what happened”. Someone told me to go to Face Book. I do not use FB! I hope the DM takes your comments and suggestions to heart. A very well-written entry. At-ti-ca! At-ti-ca!

August 26, 2010

Thank you! I didn’t even realize OD had a FB page.

August 26, 2010

So OD lifetime members get, what, another lifetime of credit? Woo!

August 26, 2010

Well said.

August 26, 2010

Very well said! 🙂

August 26, 2010

Leave it to you to not just bitch about he problem but to offer reasonable and useful suggestions. Bravo.

August 26, 2010

Omg AMEN!!!

August 26, 2010

Ciao Tigressa, We’ll see if he improves his customer service. Seems like the notification process would be easy and simple to do. Thanks for your note. I’m responding here as I don’t have access to your diary. Best wishes,

August 26, 2010

ryn~You’re most welcome. Nice to see you.

August 26, 2010
August 26, 2010

oh. and ryn: Yeah, dammit! 😉

August 26, 2010

ryn: my pleasure…you deserved it!

August 26, 2010

Quite simple and effective. I heartily agree.

August 26, 2010

I agree with you with every fiber of my being. This is a great entry, with some excellent ideas that should be implemented posthaste. And that, my friend, is exactly why the DM will shit all over it. Customer service is not, and never has been, his forte. Heaven forbid one of the plebeians tell the Almighty how to run his site.

August 26, 2010

I love that mob picture. It can be used in so many situations. I guess after 9 years on OD, I’m conditioned to think one Facebook notification is actually pretty good.

August 26, 2010

Ryn: Thanks! I hope I’m wrong, too. But something tells me I’m not.

August 26, 2010

OD has an FB and Twitter?? wild.

August 26, 2010

I was glad to see the update on FB, but when I checked back later, I wasn’t so much detered that there wasn’t another update, but that all the OD’ers were fighting with eachother on the comments section. It was really getting childish and ugly. Relax, people. Its not the end of the world! People are living in tents and were punching walls because a web site is down. Wow, we have it rough…

August 28, 2010

The DM ALWAYS does such an excellent job of keeping OD up and running with hardly EVER having much down time that I personally have NOTHING to say negative. Just knowing that this site remains free for those that can not afford subscription is enough for me after being here for ten years. Thank you DM.

August 28, 2010

Sound advice.

August 28, 2010

ryn: That was pretty freaking amazing. What’s that guy’s name?

August 28, 2010

rynrmn: Well Speed is life. With speed you can altitude.

August 28, 2010

nicely done = ) ryn: oh baby,I’d never forget such a sordid time. I’m all about the sordid ; ) and i did not put a sharpie mark on the cememt lol – that is just a random mark thankewveddymuch. but you know you wanna see these Ruby Jeweled toes…

August 29, 2010

thanks for your note, nunzio. i think it is exhilarating to have those ah ha realizations that allow the two steps forward. it is like a puzzle! see how that piece fits it, then there is not a hole there anymore… i am STILL eating the darn cookies. i think it was a three pound package. i just can’t resist the scraping the yummy lemon filling off with my teeth. so good. hope your weekend was very good!

August 30, 2010
September 2, 2010

well said

September 2, 2010

Sometimes I get so lost in your entries due to my being MIA much of the time but I still love reading them no matter how long it has gone in between reads!

September 6, 2010

Reader’s choice? Um….what?!?! Am I so worthy? Crap…now I need to scramble to go make corrections and make it perfect! Stop messing with me Nunzio! 🙂 Thank you *Licks your face oh so sexy*

September 6, 2010

it was gentle, yes.

September 11, 2010

I think perhaps you should be running this site. Good ideas, I hope they are implemented.

September 13, 2010

ryn: Now that was classic! Too funny. I’m still laughing. So glad you had your experience with a Master, too.

September 16, 2010

ryn(s): I’m sorry, I’ve been a bit, well, out of it, lately and missed the notes you left after the original note/link. Yes, you may absolutely post them as public. You can always do that. 🙂 What I write here is meant to be shared, as are the notes, unless the noter wishes otherwise. Thank you also, for the other notes.

September 16, 2010

ryn: unfortunately, neither. it was just a lament. (a formal expression of sorrow or mourning, esp. in verse or song; an elegy or dirge. i suppose i could write a song or dirge about it… ) dang. it is unfortunate, isn’t it?

September 16, 2010

Regarding your note. There is one inconsistency in the information in your note. He did NOTaccomplish a health CARE bill , he accomplished a health INSURANCE TAX bill. EVEN he stopped calling it a health care bill when the truth began coming out. I am editing your note , to leave it public, if you do not like that , note me and ask me to delete the note. THANKS.

September 17, 2010

no, nunzio, it does not work that way for me. for me, because i DO want sex to mean i am loved, i would convince myself that i love this guy, and that he loves me… all before i know if i even really like him. and all that mess then, if we don’t really like each other, to clean up and recover from, merely because i am craving sex? ah, i can wait a bit longer… i want the whole thing, not just the sex.

September 17, 2010

you are such a brat.

September 17, 2010

Posted To: itiswelljournal 9/17/2010 9:15:00 AM RYN: Certainly, we are a Nation of conflicting views about this President and his efforts. I respect you have a differing view than I and that’s fine, we all have one vote. However, to repost my note after you edited it to subtly change its meaning, does not seem quite right or fair to me, although, I do recognize it is your diary and youcan do as you wish. I offer for your consideration; let my note stand as written, even though you believe it to be factually inaccurate, and post your opposition or clarification below the original. Presuming you might agree, I’m reposting my original note below this line. ========== RYN: Thanks for your note. Yeah, well we’ll see what happens in a few weeks in the November mid-terms. I don’t think it’ll be as big a blow out as some say. As for next presidential election, Obama is still my man. For a hundred years presidents and congress have been talking about a national health plan – HE got it done! My man! ========== Again, my thanks for your notes and viewpoints,[Nunzio] (All notes deleted)

I read Duke and see your notes. If you write faves only too, I would like to read.

September 28, 2010

RYN: Glad you enjoy it! 🙂

September 28, 2010

RYN: Added.

October 17, 2010
October 17, 2010


October 17, 2010

Every two hours might be excessive, but I agree completely agree with everything else here. The flight analogy is apt, and we certainly deserve prompt notice and the reassurance that the admins are aware of and working on the problem.

October 17, 2010

The flight analogy isn’t apt, cos there’s something you’re missing. The guy who you want to come along every two hours to update you isn’t some random person representing the airline, it’s the guy who’s job it is to actually fix the plane. I’d much rather he concentrate on that then waste time on needless updates.

October 17, 2010

To WilliamTB: The flight example is just a metaphor for “swift information to your customers reduces customer anxiety and keeps them on your side.” Additionally, the customer tends to relax their disappointment when informed. It costs nothing and delays nothing to inform the customer. It’s not, as you imply, a choice between fixing and informing … especially considering it takes seconds to manually post a Facebook or Tweet note, if it isn’t automated. I don’t think you will find any business advisor/public relations expert who will say, “When things don’t go as expected and you can’t deliver your product, DON’T tell your customer anything!” However, I do respect your viewpoint and thank you for your note.

October 20, 2010

Well played! I agree with everything in here, and I liked the flight analogy. 😀 Seriously, I am not much of a techie, but I can’t think of any reason for us to have gone as long without any updates on Facebook as we did. I understand that sites go down from time to time, but the lack of information on it was kind of distressing! I hope the DM maybe reads all of these ‘communicate more!’ suggestions and takes them to heart.

October 21, 2010

To kind of comment on William’s note, well then maybe the DM should appoint somebody to do that! I agree with this entry, except for the suggestion if it’s automated. If I knew it was automated, it wouldn’t really comfort me because it wouldn’t necessarily be true.

October 22, 2010

Thanks for the note! You’re right, and the facebook and twitter pages exist for a reason. And he wasn’t away from the computer too long to use them, because I personally know of people who posted nasty notes on the FB page, and they were immediately deleted. Hmmmm… Rather than policing the OD page, he could have been updating it?

October 22, 2010

Well said.

October 24, 2010


April 29, 2011

This is, uh, a free service, man.

April 30, 2011

Thank you for your note RC. Yes, it’s a “free service” for you but I voluntarily pay for it. However, I fear you miss my point in this entry: You see, my constructive criticism was from one businessperson to another. The OD website was set up as a profit-making endeavor. As such, there is an implied expectation, by the paying AND non-paying customers, as well as the advertisers,(who are the ones who pay for the non-paying customers) of a certain, minimum level of service. One cannot simply point to, “It’s a free service” as justification for sloppy service. ALL OD “customers” pay for the service in one of two ways; some of us write checks for the service and some of us pay with our attendant “clicks,” which the Diary Master converts to profit by selling them to the advertisers. No matter the business model one uses, it is NEVER acceptable to interrupt a service without providing information as to when that service will be re-established.

April 30, 2011

I make that statement with the presumption the owner of the site wants to continue in the profit-making endeavor. A summation: In my view, the carelessness and lack of attention to reporting to the customer base during a service interruption is a breach of trust AND a breach of the product the customer is “paying” for. Such lack of reporting of information is completely disrespectful to the OD customer base. And that’s one man’s opinion. Thanks for your thoughts.

August 17, 2011

Seeing as how you tried bringing this issue up again: The airline analogy, central to your whole premise, still doesn’t work.

August 17, 2011

WTB ^ Thanks for your thoughts.

March 13, 2012

On the other hand…. we’re still here.