* Men, we’re another step closer to being …



*Men, we’re another step closer to being REPLACED!

Presenting …







Watch out men, not only can women take care of each other with FEELING with the “Feeldoe,” they can now retaliate on us! (Don’t ever pass out into a drunken sleep again!)

Click the link and be warned or, click the link and bring new fun into your relationship, your choice!

Woman – “Honey, you know how you love anal sex? Well, I have a surprise for you!”

Man – “Huh?”  


For those women who enjoy other women, this thing will blow the lid off your sex! (Ahh, err, so I’m TOLD by a woman I know who has one!)

Just another Public Service announcement by me! 

Have fun!



“If only it killed spiders we wouldn’t need you guys at all!”



Sure you would! 

Now let’s think about this for a minute.

Would the dildo take your hand and protectively tuck you in behind him as he moved through a boisterous crowd?

Would the dildo find your favorite panties in your dresser and pin an “I love you” note to the inside of them?

Would the dildo tell the mechanic to “Pack it” after trying to screw you with the repair estimate.

Would the dildo drop you in front, when it’s raining and then go park the car?

Would the dildo tell you how beautiful you look when you don’t feel it?

Would the dildo tell your girlfriends how lucky he is to have you?

Would the dildo surprise you with flowers because it’s Tuesday?

Would the dildo hold you as you’re cumming?

Would the dildo try to better himself, for you?

Would the dildo tell you he loves you?

Would the dildo build a fire for you?

Would the dildo take the trash out?

And most of all, who you gonna scream at when you’re PMSing? The dildo? Even if it IS a “Feeldoe?”


Yeah, dats what I thought.






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another step closer?!?! YOU GUYS WERE REPLACED A LONG TIME AGO!!! haven’t you seen “the rabbit”?! :0P (g)

September 25, 2006

Not to turn on my gender or anything, but men can never be replaced. At least not in my book, or nook. hehehe

September 25, 2006

seriously, Nunz, we all appreciate the PSA, but I think most of us already know about vibrators. 😉

September 25, 2006

RYN: Seriously SW, this is not a “vibrator” and tell me YOU knew about it! Go ahead, tell me! (Click on the link and read “Her Story” and the FAQs first.)

ryn: personally, i think vibrators and dildos are stupid. well, for me, they are. don’t get me wrong, I LOOOOVE mr. pink bob, but… i’m a clit (g)irl, and penetration does nothing for me. well, ‘cept anal… i reeeeally enjoyed anal. alas, i’ve only done it once with SC and he is history… :0( (g)

September 25, 2006

RYN: I can’t, my work won’t allow it. Same goes for any other phallic devices though. 🙂

September 25, 2006

Yeah, the rabbit did the job yonks ago. No man can ever come close to that baby.

September 25, 2006

Oh, I soooooooo have to have one of these. This reminds me of the last episode of Weeds….do you watch it?

ryn: ohhhhh, well THAT would DEFINITELY do SOMETHING for me… *lewd grin* you are a bad, bad boy… i liiiiike… (g)

My, my, my! Ahhh, the benefits from working at home. I CAN visit these naughty little links you dole out! Looks like fun!

September 25, 2006

RYN: To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart.

September 25, 2006

ryn: And I will! =O

September 25, 2006

you’ll never EVER be replaced darlin. ever. menfolk are just too damn much fun ; )

replaced ??? NEVER!!!! Supplemented … well… ya know sometimes a girl just can’t get hold of you in times of need. Interesting read with my morning coffee. Glad I am working at home today ;0)

September 25, 2006

you never stop amazing me LOL

September 25, 2006

I just copied and pasted a link to this entry to Rich. I have GOT to have me one of these!!!

September 25, 2006

i’ve never met a doubleheaded dildo that actually worked… nice to think they’ve finally made one…

September 25, 2006

If only it killed spiders we wouldn’t need you guys at all!

September 25, 2006

RE The Edit: Hysterical!!! TRUE. But hysterical!!

hmphf. if they can make a “tickle me elmo,” they sure as hell can make a dildo say all that shit. :0P (g)

September 25, 2006

Don’t worry. We still need you to open jars. And find the remote. Hmmmmmm And if we ever have a need to have dirty laundry thrown on the floor rather than in the laundry basket – you all will be irreplaceable. But – that’s about it. *nod*

September 25, 2006

Okay smarty pants. I’m sure you posted this entry just so you could bite back at us when we agreed with you about being replaced. 😉 And PS, I must have been hanging out with the wrong guys, ’cause the ones I know don’t do half that shit! : )

ha ha ha I second what Pocket Rocket said! Amen to that sista!

~smiles at all your notes~ If I had a man that did all that for me, and rocked my world – well hell. There’d be no replacing him. Truth is though, men are more than just a pleasure toy. A Feeldoe may be a wonderful toy – exotic and enticing – but it only addresses a single facet of a woman and her needs. I know that I myself, would much rather share the experience of a toy with my lover so that we can both enjoy it (not all men can appreciate this though as some feel threatened by them). The older I get, the more emotionally connected to my desires I become. There is no emotional connection to be had when one is by themself – no matter how amazing the toy may be. For that you need the human touch. That said – it’s a pretty cool toy.

September 26, 2006

ryn: I bet they have great sex. He is adorable, and she is cute as can be, and comfortable to boot, in knowing she can have fun that way with him. Please tell me it isn’t all about the pussy! Isn’t there a little bit of just having fun? I hope so ::keeping my rose colored glasses on:: =)

September 26, 2006

Well. I’ve never seen that before. Makes a girl want to go put on her hip waders.

RYN: LOL I did read that you know. I was more responding to the idea that men could be so easily replaced by something inanimate. And yes, if she is with her love while using this toy then it is joy shared. Restraints are always fun! Stay you. Bailey

October 2, 2006

hahahahaha Nothing like the real thing.

November 9, 2006

after my divorce i just needed a man to tell me how to work the damn remote for the TV otherwise a dildo was just fine…for a while.

November 18, 2006

*grin* That’s been out for a while now. Have you heard of the cone? I am not sure whether it’s any good or not, but it’s actually being widely publicized.. you know.. in PUBLIC in the UK. 🙂 http://www.conezone.org/

December 19, 2006

Have you seen the vibrator that attaches to your iPod?

July 30, 2007

While this looks interesting, no other toy could EVER replace my beloved rabbit.

November 28, 2008

yeah, i totally agree with phoenix.. while yes, we may be able to use a fantastic faux dick.. it is not… after all, a dick. it does not have those think manly fingers, it does not have chest hair (ooooh i love that one) it doesn’t smell like a man (not that i’m complaining about that all that much) it cannot go outside and play with the kids for a few hours throwing a ball around .. no no no… you can never replace men. i love men! i love marveling over a REAL cock and balls lol..

November 29, 2008

That looks like it hurts.