MEN! Are you tired of …

When the weather turns a little cool, Mr. Happy goes to his cave?






The wind blowing off the lake, it’s cool and Rabbit Boy disappears?






You got the date with that little hottie and while walking, she surprises you by taking things into her own hands and your Mule wasn’t ready?






Coming out of the water, suit clinging to you, you look down and notice, your thumb is bigger than Ivan the Impaler?






No one believing you anymore when you scream, “Shrinkage!”?






Well buck up, Bucko!


     Help is at hand!


          You’re ready for the one … 

        The only …


          Package Appearance Enhancer …











How does a modern man handle a swimming race in cold waters?  If you want to look good, you might consider The Bulge worn under Speedos,

Spandex Shorts, underwear, or pants.  This flexible unit enhancer will make everything look a little larger.  After all, those penis enhancer pills on the other websites aren’t going to work, so why not just start faking it.

The Bulge is designed to look realistic without being irritating, or inconvenient.



Try it for 30 days and watch the women start flocking to you.















You shouldn’t be embarrassed at all to try this latest, most technologically advanced, package enhancer.  After all, women have been using “enhancement products” for years!  Lipstick being the first one!






The Bulge comes with complete instructions and a money back guarantee.  If you don’t start seeing your name written on women’s bathroom walls within 30 days, send The Bulge back for a full refund.






Remember, you supply the meat; we supply the “Enhancement!”






Another product from –






Too Good To Be True, Inc.

Paducah, Kentucky.

Nunzio Sarducci, President




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July 16, 2004

That’s like those water bras, they are all good till ya get close….. Like buying a caddy with no seats….

July 16, 2004


Awwww, Nunz, you’re such a tease. If you were really in Paducah, I’d be on my way there now.

July 16, 2004

lmao… omg, some people have too much time and money eh? That gives all new meaning to a sucker being born every minute….

July 16, 2004

LOL you crack me up….Paducka?? I was planning on traveling through there tomorrow….stranget that you use that city !

July 16, 2004

Why oh WHY do men name their cocks such RIDICULOUS names?!?!?!?! That is SUCH a turn off.

LMAO – I love it!

July 16, 2004

laughed soooo hard I nearly wet myself!

July 16, 2004

lmao! Oh my god, the things ppl come up with are truly hilarious!

That’s it. Now I have to dye my hair, lol… ——————————————————— Oh, and just so you know, IF YOU WERE IN PADUCAH, KY, I WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE A FEW HOURS AGO, trying to convince you to come home with me!!!

July 16, 2004

jeeeeeez lol

July 16, 2004

looking up at findingout…..If your headed south I’m going with!!

July 16, 2004

RYN: Yes Master….I know….I’m trying….I’m just not sure what “I” want now.This is just way too much work. It will be years before Dick/Sam is on a maturitly level even close to mine. And I’m really rocking the boat between all the guys it seems.G says he doesn’t give a shit what they think..and I believe him,but they are all so close that I may just “bow out” and move on so as not to ruin it!

July 16, 2004

Nice 🙂

July 16, 2004

lol… Gawd, where do you find this stuff?!? ;o)

Hear alot of you from findingout2 and lifebegins so thought I’d stop in and say HELLO! so.. HELLO!

ryn: forgiveness is actually freedom for the forgiver <— Thank you! Those are very smart words! I appreciate your note! 🙂 Welcome to Punkys Place! LMAO! I know I'm a nerd… Just figured I'd say it now before findingout2 sees this and says it FOR me! Because she WILL! Haha


trying to leave a note.

damnit!!! I started this and NOW its showing my notes?!!

ryn: I know… but he said that during the LAST ‘blackout’ attack and some faves of mine did NOT get them all restored as promised…. I just hope I DO get them back!

Ryn: I’ll get hit on, but told I look like a hooker!!! I want a boyfriend, not a f*ck buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryn: After having sex 2-3 times I get sucked into it. I know better than to even try. The only way I could have one and not get more involved w/it than I should is if it happens very rarely.

No, sex does NOT equal love. then again, like you said last night…good sex does make me want more (and more and more and more). All the stupid things they do are forgiven much easier and I do find myself (somewhat blinded to any bad they do) if they give good sex. I guess they just know how to play me.

February 11, 2005

I didn’t believe this was real. But the link? Is real! Holy cow!! Personally speaking, it’s not the flaccid state I worry about. Now, a fella claims shrinkage when he’s supposedly erect…then we have a problem!! bmh