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February 2, 2006

Oh, I didnt miss it. *rolls eyes*

February 2, 2006


February 2, 2006

Yeah, nope.

February 2, 2006

lifetime here… i hope enough other people do it as well. it’s not like it’s a blind favor with no benefits.

February 2, 2006

every little bit helps… not going lifetime here, but $12 for six months won’t kill me. it wouldn’t kill most other people either, and shame on those rolling their eyes. OD’s had its ups and downs, but regardless, it’s like a second home or a safe haven to a lot of us i don’t know what i’d do without it.

February 2, 2006

i’m tempted, this diary is important to me, and the “friendships” I’ve made, but I suppose my job makes me skeptical of people, and I’m skeptical of this, I don’t like a scam, you know? I don’t want to find out that someone has a gambling debt and spent all the subscription and ad money, you know? trying to be open minded 🙂

February 2, 2006

~sigh~ I’m torn. I admit when I read it my 1st instinct was along the lines of what Wunderkont is saying. My 2nd thought was the loss of contact I’d have with several special people I’ve met here. THAT scared me! Now I’m torn…..

February 2, 2006

Renewed mine, gifted a fave. As soon as I can I’ll “Lifetime” it. I can’t lose this place!!!

February 3, 2006

I say what the f*ck ever!!

February 3, 2006

Thanks, doll. I’m now a Lifetime member.

  You have been given a gift of a twelve-month Open Diary Plus subscription!

RYN: That’s just the point. I’m NOT cancelling pilates. I “cancel” too much without cancellations in return. No, I’m not cancelling MY pilates. He’s a grown man. He can figure something out. I’m dog tired of figuring it out all on my own. So speaks Red!

February 7, 2006

Ryn: Believe me, I’m keeping my bait this time.

February 8, 2006

“Come on buttercup, you’re a country girl, you know how to fish. When you get a nibble, do you dump all your bait overboard?”; I never looked at it that way. it makes sense though.

Ryn: Just saw a note from you RE: an OD Plus subscription. Ugh…as I said before, I may or may NOT have been the one that got it. If you’re asking me if you should write more though – the answer is YES, YOU SHOULD WRITE MORE. LOL

Ryn: Thank you, but it appears he “just isn’t.” LOL, I’ll get over it.

Ryn: Oh, and…promises, promises. haha.

Ryn: Why do you want to know?

February 12, 2006

RYN: thankyou, that made me smile.

Ryn: NOT AT ALL!!! I’m saying guys that are HERE, so STOP IT! Thank you for talking to me last night. I feel like I’m going nuts.

February 16, 2006

RYN: aww, i’m just teasing! You’re just so nice, taking time out to come up with cute things like that. i’m glad you’re a good friend to her. you keep her faith in the male race alive, you know that, right?

February 16, 2006

ryn: oh, yes, finished it several weeks back… i think it would still have to be one of the three quotes i highlighted in that entry.

February 16, 2006

ryn:Just wrote about that…

ryn: *grins* you are a saint among men, you know that? i seconded your motion.

Why would I enjoy blatant emotional manipulation … especially when it makes no sense. Is it sad that someone loses their spouse and his/her kids are grown and spread out all over the world? Of course. Does it make sense that old people would drive slower? Of course. Does one have to do with the other? Not even fucking close.

Incidentally, I’ve never claimed to be a “tough guy”. I’ve mentioned, on several occasions, that I have a soft spot for children and animals and can make myself cry simply by thinking of cruelty to either. I still don’t appreciate blatant emotional manipulation, such as the lame emails that go around claiming I can save a child if I just “click here” or “forward this email on”.

Ryn: Thank you. LOL. Hope you have a great day, too.

February 19, 2006

RYN: we normally make it passed Reno in a day and stop a few hours passed it. Not much for gambling 🙂

February 20, 2006

For anyone that didn’t see, enough subscriptions were bought and OD will keep up and running. I think it was extremely fair for him to post saying, either you buy more subscriptions or the site is going to close. We would have been more than pissed if the site just closed with no attempt to save it.

Ryn: Thank you. Still have the pamphlet from work, still considering calling…

So in other less verbose words, yes, “coach” is the politically correct version of therapist/psychiatrist. I’d love to see you with a girlfriend. You two would talk yourselves to death.

Guess I’m not really your girlfriend (you always mysteriously have to go when I try to talk to you about that stuff, haha)…but we do talk ourselves to death, don’t we? : ) I like it.

February 22, 2006

ryn~ You are SOOO bad!

Ryn: Hell no…it’s over. (now beg for my forgiveness)

February 23, 2006

ryn: LMAO … Nunzio , I adore you 😀

February 26, 2006

ryn: yeah…I know I could have gotten it cheaper there…I just don’t have the time to wait for the books to come in the mail, as I leave on Friday for my trip. So…I had to suck it up and pay 12 😛

Ryn: Haha.

February 27, 2006

RYN: thank you 🙂

Ryn: Thank you. I missed you, too, which is why I called! : )

No, but if that satisfies you, by all means.

Wait, I think I might’ve misunderstood you as well. Heh. I thought you were implying that I was vulnerable. I suppose I’m in no position to mock you for your mistake now.

Arg. Slowly? F*ck slowly. That’s the damn trouble with it! LOL.

And then there’s the real reality of the fear for me — I’d be afraid they’d hurt me and not stop if I yelped in earnest. I’m afraid of two men together. Mob mentality and all that. That’s what the show last night really brought home — we are vulnerable with ONE man — with 2? Yikes. That’s twice the trust!

March 2, 2006

RYN: you know you take the brunt not because of WHO you are, but just as a representative of the male species, right? It’s all in fun and love. I’m glad you’re there to offer your perspective. But of course, we all know that you are an anomaly, right? Because boys ARE stupid, but you aren’t stupid.

Ryn: Why must you always kick me off of Fantasy Island? I LIKE it there!

March 2, 2006

RYNs: I noted you back on finding out. * kissy kissy *

YOu do intrigue me. Course you know that. LOL. Was thinking on the way home last night that you are WAY too much animal/beast/man for me. LOL. I’m just a candy-*ss little white trash girl made conservative. LOL. “John Wayne was a nazi.” That’s my “uncle” call. LOL>

RYN: I read all 3 pages of it. Yes. And it was intriguing. Other men really ought to read you with great admiration and an eye towards LEARNING SOMETHING. LOL. What’s so dang funny about a fail safe in general???

March 3, 2006

Say something.

March 3, 2006

ryn: Actually, I *was* pondering a Hepburn name tonight… she definitely has some Hepburn in her. But much more sexual/playful… kinda like a combination of Hepburn and Sarah Ferguson 🙂 Hepfergie? Fergieburn?

March 5, 2006

Ryn: Only because I thought about it after. Don’t mean anything bad by it, just expressing my opinion.

I HAVE safe words because I’m a prudent woman. LOL.

March 6, 2006

Man, you really need to update!

Ryn: Did I mention our sawed-off shotguns? (Jis in case any pesky varmits try to git in…)

Ryn: Yeah, I know…you got my number. : )

March 9, 2006

ryn: Soo….is the symmetry ok?

March 12, 2006

Hey Nunzio, darlin’…….. write damn it!! I’ve missed reading you…….. or perhaps you didn’t notice the path I was wearing from my diary to yours? 🙂 Hope all is well with you.

March 15, 2006

I don’t do no-strings-attached sex. Never have, never will. Personal choice.

Sorry. Forgot.

Ryn: Thanks. Notice the Trace part was a statement and that I didn’t ask for any comments.

Thanks re your note. I am not literally cutting. I am intentionally causing myself pain emotionally though and I think that’s because I wondered if I was really in love with Husband, or ever HAD been in love! LOL. I see my counselor again in 2 weeks. He is not helping per se. He just listens. But it grounds me some. I’m okay. This next year will be tough to get through.

Ryn: BTW, I almost wish you hadn’t sent me the flowers…after getting your hateful voicemail about “some other guy from OD sending me flowers” and how you “won’t be sending anymore.” It pissed me off and I’m still pissed over it. Lifebegins sent me flowers, not some other guy. Even if someone else had…you’d be upset over it why? I never ASKED you to send flowers…

…but it’s never easy to figure this stuff out so I expect it is supposed to be hard. I’m fine. I really am. Though it doesn’t sound wise, and I have even been accused of game playing, I have cut Husband off sexually. I WILL force the issue. Husband WILL feel it. He WILL respond, one way or the other. I give it 3 months. Maybe less. And right now, that’s what I want. Thanks, Pup.

Ryn: Didn’t sound like you were kidding to me, therefore I have nothing to apologize for.

Boo what?????? Note whore. LOL.

March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

March 23, 2006

you ok? it’s been forever!

I did have to giggle when I realized it had distinctively been an Italian man in the dream. I “know” only one. LOL. I remembered at lunch that I also dreamt in that dream that I accidentally touched him you-know-where and OMG! I had to touch him again to make sure I wasn’t dreaming! Which is funny, lol.

March 29, 2006

Thank you! Oh, God, that feels better. LOL. –Red

March 30, 2006

Sorry, babycakes. I dump it, want to share it with the world, then chicken out. Still too raw. Someday. Better every day, I am. Okay, I lie. But soon.

I’m sorry if I’ve lost readers. For sure. I miss them. But it had to be done. New start. And I have no issue at all sending YOU all of my private entries. None whatsoever. If you are interested.

March 31, 2006

LOL, oops. I guess I shouldn’t be logged into my REALLY SUPER PRIVATE diary before I note you, thinking I’m in red running hood. LOL. *dope!* Yes. my private entries from RED. What a tard I am. It’s all that c*ck talk.

March 31, 2006

Sweetheart, NOTHING stops you. That’s why we love you!