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July 31, 2005

*just coughs* Wow.

July 31, 2005

Oh dear, that’s just disturbing. Not that the older generation shouldn’t still be sexy, but, ack! Sexy at 80 should mean something different than sexy at 25 shouldn’t it?

July 31, 2005

Oh dear God… my eyes… the bleach, it does nothing…

July 31, 2005

PUHLEEEEEEZE tell me this is a joke! Seriously! My EYES!!!!! My BRAIN!!!! My GAWD!!!!!

July 31, 2005

Poor dude…after all this time he STILL dances like a white guy! Great one, though. Gotta be comfortable in your own skin. Good for him!!

Guess those social security checks don’t cut it these days. Thanks for making me feel young. I was worried that waiting another 50 years to start my career as a stripper would be a bad idea. I now know better.

July 31, 2005

That’s just special.

August 1, 2005

When I grow up, I want to just like him… wrinkly… LOL!!! with lotsa laughter,

August 1, 2005

wonderful!!! thanks for showing. How can I borrow the link to this?

August 1, 2005

I’m so glad I have you on my favorites list. That was fanfuckingtastic! Thank you.

August 1, 2005

Hmmm….(stunned silence)

August 1, 2005

SHIT! I can’t open this here at work…. guess I’ll have to wait until I’m on my PC at home…..OH WAIT…..I”M NEVER HOME!!!!

ok, now i think that is so cute…not that i’d want to bring him home, but come on! He’s adorable!

I’d rather not see what I have to look forward to, even if it is thirty years from now.

he’s great. now if they’d only accept women at that age. 🙂

August 1, 2005

aaaarrgghhh…please, pass the sharp things so i can poke out my eyes ;)…nah, good for a laugh 🙂 tc xx

August 2, 2005

RYN:Okay, it’s no mystery that I like older men, but that’s a little TOO much older… :}

August 3, 2005

Ryn , U r just too hillarious, I bet u r an aspiring writer and , say in ur 30 ‘s ok, maybe ur 50’s Enjoy life, I am trying to do so, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Ryn: What are the double H’s?

August 3, 2005

~looks up at Shannon~ ROFLMAO “Once a blonde always a blonde” ~giggle~ RYN: You read correct. I’ve not stayed there in a couple months anyway….why keep paying rent. Need any furniture?

Ryn: That’s IT. You’re in trouble now. Silent treatment starts NOW.

August 3, 2005

~looks up~ Oh lordy….now you’ve done it 🙂 she is cute though isn’t she 🙂

August 3, 2005

I finally got this to download!!! lol And I say “Good for him!!!” He got tips, didn’t he?!? lol ryn: Hey, the Movers use the paper…. lol *hugs ya*

August 4, 2005

More power to him… we should all be so lucky!

August 6, 2005

I generally come to your diary….just so I can look at the picture on your front page……I just love it. However, I have just watched the video of the corpse with a pole, and for some strange reason…….I no longer have any interest in the erotic….I think I’ll just go and burn my eyes out with a welding torch instead. go well

August 29, 2005

aww hes got self confidence! you dont want to be that confident when your 90?

September 1, 2005

shoot him now, shoot him now!! LOL

May 30, 2006

Grinning from ear to ear on this one. How utterly sweet that he does this. Everyone at every age should feel so inspired. =)