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A soldier stationed in that big sand box, Iraq, asks his wife to send him dirt, fertilizer and some grass seeds so he can have the sweet aroma and feel the grass grow beneath his feet.


Sometimes we’re in such a hurry  we don’t stop to think about the little things; things we take for granted … 







like green grass.
















Things like hundreds of thousands of men and women voluntarily placing themselves in harm’s way at the command of their government;













a hot bath;



































a warm bed;























friends and family close;























Number fallen at 1,064

As of Thursday, October 7, 2004, 1,064 members of the U.S. Military have died since March 2003, the beginning of the Iraq war.



– Department of Defense –



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October 7, 2004

this entry makes a great point, as usual

October 7, 2004

Nice one Nunz!!

October 7, 2004

makes you thankful for the greengrass you stand on, the USA.

October 7, 2004

All the little things add up. Thanks for the reminder.

October 7, 2004

Great entry, great link. Thanks.

October 7, 2004

I hadn’t seen the grass pic. Amazing… ryn: Thank U! *hugs ya*

October 7, 2004

Thank you.

October 7, 2004

God, this breaks my heart.

October 7, 2004

RYN- I already do. I have many addresses, and send packages to those who I can. I can’t afford it often ($$$$$!!!!!!) but when I can, I take advantage of it. I hope they receive the packages in tact and gain happiness and comfort from them. Thanks for the list of stuff!

October 7, 2004

Everytime I complain it’s raining or even cloudy my boyfriend reminds me that he hasn’t seen clouds or rain in 8 months. It’s silly to think he wants rain, but when you dont have it for that long you miss it.

October 7, 2004

See … people focus on the politics and forget that men and women are risking their lives voluntarily for someone else … it doesn’t matter for whom or why, the point is it’s being done!! *hugs* Thankyou

October 8, 2004

I stole something from Punky’s entry today that made me thing of you. Find the one that makes your heart smile. You make mine smile. Puppy.

October 8, 2004

Very sad, but thanks for sharing sweetie….

October 8, 2004

We’ve had a lot of negative attitudes here at work lately…and ever since I added the soldier trimming his grass as my wallpaper I’ve noticed a change…puts it all in prospective I guess…Thanks 🙂

Ryn on @30’s diary: Then come pick me up around 6:30 tonight and take me home with you! : )

Ryn: You come and get me. (I’m Mrs. now, so I think you should just go ahead and do as I say). Later, you can tell me what cannibual amatory (I’m sure I massacred the spelling) duties are, and I’ll decide if I am going to perform them. BTW honey, be here by 5:00 or I’ll make you miserable this weekend. hahahahahaha

Ryn: *rolls eyes* I looked it up. I cannot properly perform them w/out you picking me up. You know this.

Oops, nevermind, I think it just sank into my head. You want me to go f*ck someone and tell you all about it, huh? Is THAT what you’re trying to say?

October 8, 2004

RYN: Thanks for the smack in the face…I needed that 🙂

damnb, this makes me feel even more broken than i already am. Yeah, one single tear feel for all those people. That really broke my heart. Wish I could of done more….wish people were’nt over their suffering for other people who can sleep in their confy bed everynight. You cant fix me I’m

October 8, 2004
October 9, 2004

I like the grass one the best. It forms this idea in my head about that man and his wife and how, I bet, at home, he sits out on his porch and watches the whole neighborhood on the weekends. And I bet he has a dog, and I bet he throws the ball for the dog across the nice, big, green lawn. And I bet he smiles, in that moment of simplicity.

October 10, 2004

Well, okay. Sex in my bed is fine, if it’s me and Heart. That’s cool. However, this chick has been my best friend since before we both had boobs (we were 5 when we met) and we used to take baths together, and sleep in the same bed, and curl up and watch movies in our jammies (while drinkining hot cocoa). Then, we’d say our prayers. So, it’s mildly disturbing that she had sex in my bed and there…

October 10, 2004

was a stain on the sheets I had just cleaned. It’s just gross. And where’s my picture?

October 10, 2004

RYN- Okay, first order or business, you’re an ass. Secondly, I am not confused about men! You all are very simple, really. Third of all, I heard all the nasty, gory details about the sexcapade this weekend. You’d twitch if you heard them, too. Dork.

October 10, 2004

I wish it would all stop. Why can’t we all just get along? Its so frustrating.

October 10, 2004

I wish my grass would grow that green. Shows what a little attention can do.

October 12, 2004

RYN- I wanted to see if I had any lurkers I may be interested in reading.

October 12, 2004

Thank you for that minute… once again, it reminds me of why I love this country so much… and what it is our soldiers are going for us. *bows*

October 13, 2004

Nunz, why do guys leave hickeys? Is it a territorial thing or something?

October 13, 2004

You have a great heart and sex appeal…I love it 🙂

Ryn: tease.

Now I want a hickey.

October 14, 2004

RYN: Oh, come on, Nunzio. You know why I “allowed” the hickey. I wasn’t quite thinking rationally at the moment, and I am not allowing it ever again, which I told him. The question really is, why did he feel the need to “mark” me?

Ryn: Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.

October 14, 2004

RYN: Point made. Thank you 😉 He could have actually just been going for another beer. Who knows?

Ryn: Be nice.

ryn: Go ahead Nunz… Let me have it!

rynrmn: NEVER MIND… I’m not into it right now! Will be later though!