For Those Who Care –

10/21/2006 9:34 PM
I was just editing the body of this old entry, didn’t touch the title at all, and it pops up as a new entry!


15. Is there a moment you wish you could re-live?


Well, there was that time in a St. Louis hotel with those two girls … Oh.   My.  God! … Baby!  *shudder*



But seriously?  The moment I told my dad he was an alcoholic.  I’ll never forget the pain in his face.  I’d re-live it so I could bite my arrogant, 17 year-old tongue and never let the words escape my mouth.



16. If you could, would you rather move forward or backward in time?



Both directions have adventure to them but I think I’d pick forward because I’d like to see if I could get on a Moon or Mars trip before I die.



17. Favorite musician(s)?



See #3



18. Favorite book?



The Course in Miracles (A spiritual guidebook … a difficult spiritual guidebook!)  



19. What one thing would you want to have with you were you stranded on an island?



The Course in Miracles  (and those two girls from St. Louis.)

20. Would you rather meet God or Satan?  What would you ask them upon meeting them?



God!  I’ve already met Satan!



I’d ask God if I was done learning yet and if not, could he help me be less fearful to love as he is.



21. Do you have a favorite word?



You would ask this question immediately behind the previous one …






22. Do you have any tattoos?



I had a smiling little devil tattooed on my right buttock when I was about 19 but now that I’m 103, it slid down to just behind my right knee! 



(No, no tattoos.  😉 )







23. What do you consider your worst fault?





Holding to the logic of #9 above, I don’t have any “faults,” I have only “wounds.”  My worst wound is my ego.  I demonstrate the worst possible behavior when I let my ego take over.









24. Some of your posts seem to have a religious angle to them.  Are you religious?






I was born into the Catholic faith and even “served time” as an alter boy (whaddyaspect, bein Italian and all?)  I no longer practice any religion.  I consider myself spiritual but not religious.  That is, I believe in God but not the self-serving religions that propose to follow God’s word. 


(Where did this concept of a punishing God ever come from anyway?  Man?  Naw … you think?)



25. If you could meet with any three people since the beginning of time, who would they be and why?




Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa!



Because they were mortals who demonstrated the God-like concepts of love and compassion and I would like to ask them how they did it and to enlighten me so I could achieve it too.  (There were others down through time; those are just my three.)



Oh, and I’d like to meet the guy who invented Spandex just so I could tell him, "Great fucking job!" 



     *high fives Mr. Spandex*












26. Why are men such as*sholes?




FEAR!  The same reason anyone behaves in a hurtful or attacking manner.






<p class="MsoNormal" style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; BORDER-TOP: medium none; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; PADDING-TOP: 0in; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; mso-padding-alt: 0in 0in 1.0pt 0in; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid windowtext .75pt”>27. You’re a man, are you an as*shole too?






            Some would say yes, some would say no … what do you say?






28. What do you do for a living?





            I’m a financial advisor.






29. Where do you live?






            Southern California.



30. Once, in a private note to me, you said we all live the life we really want, in spite of what we say.  Could you elaborate?




Whew, that’s long and involved.  I’m working on that as an entry all its own, but briefly …






Frequently, we don’t like to take responsibility for ourselves so we try to find reasons, always external to ourselves, why we have this or that problem or issue.  If you look closely, and without fear, at each issue, you will always find that the current issue goes back to a previous choice, or choices.  Our choice, not someone outside ourselves … our choice.






There is a component of spiritual belief in this concept also … so those who do not believe in a higher power, will usually not find value, i.e. peace, in this concept.



Well, I’m sure you’re about sick of my views of the world.  Thanks for your questions.














Ok now, how many orders for The Accommodator do I have?&nbsp

; Don’t forget all those Spring and Summer weddings coming up.  Order them for shower gifts.






















































































































Log in to write a note
April 18, 2004

Some of these answers were very enlightening, and the rest were just funny as hell! Thanks!

April 18, 2004

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this entry, thanks Nunzio*

April 18, 2004

25. If you could meet with any three people since the beginning of time, who would they be and why? Odd choices. Rather thick and isolating, don’t you think? But I give people 10 choices, Hey, I’ll post that… head on over to…

April 19, 2004

Verrrrry good reading!!!!

April 19, 2004

Yay, fun! And I’ll take two. Just in case.

ryn: yes, i absolutely loved it!!!

April 19, 2004

very interesting 🙂

April 19, 2004

So very true about how choices WE made often times put us in the situations we are in now. I loved these two entries, you answered the questions wonderfully.

April 19, 2004

This was very enlightening. I would say that I’d buy a few but I don’t ever plan to use such a thing. Now if one could be used on me then…hey, well you know. 🙂

Nunzio, I should’ve known better than to have asked… I liked your answers, except for the accomodator part, (although I admit, it WAS funny.) I’m very surprised there weren’t more sexual questions though, I admit. You seem to be the master when it comes to that sort of thing, lol. 103, huh? hmm…oh, and salt in pepper is sexy, I’m sure you know this though…

Just want to use I admit once more. ha ha, done.

April 19, 2004

most of the time I find these Q&A things… lacking, but I enjoyed yours. But hey, the reason I stopped in was I saw a note of yours about pros/cons of abstinence and I have to say I was really impressed. probably the most even answer I have seen. Wish I had written it {smile}

April 19, 2004

RYN~ No, this is not 1950, but my morals are my morals, regardless of the year! LOL Really, though, I am not withholding from him out of fear, insecurity, power, etc. It has nothing to do with him. None of my other boyfriends got it, either. It is what I choose to do. Why am I being criticized for that by so many people?

April 19, 2004

I’m interested in your perspective on fear. I’ve been working on developing my own understanding of how it works. If you ever want to expand some of your answers, I’d really like to see a more on the love-fear tension a number of your responses suggest.

April 19, 2004

re #26… fear… yeah, that makes sense. I actually needed to hear that right now. funny how such a small truth can make you look at a picture differently, isn’t it?

April 19, 2004

LOL Did you read my notes? BTW, I have 49 notes.

Ryn: You’re right. We really should go somewhere else, lol…yeah, go ahead w/your name-calling… -Shannon : )

April 20, 2004

RYN: Wouldn’t want to be caught short. I’m a good little girl scout. 😉

Yeah, if you’d answered my email, I could’ve asked them too!!! LOL…

April 20, 2004

x x x

My name is Shannon, email is

April 21, 2004

RYN- at the risk of being hideously self-referential: & There are more, but these two kind of survey what I’ve been working on. It’s evolutionary role of fear questions and fear management and you seem to have an interesting viewpoint

April 21, 2004

ryns: Thank you for reading, understanding and leaving such warm notes. 🙂

I adore you. And I adore your answers. *Bows down to the mighty diary Nunzio God*. Thank you. For humoring me. And everyone else. (haha, I’m leaving now.)

April 23, 2004

#30. Amen! Amen! Can I get an Amen?! (wink) Maybe there’s a vengeful God because all of Nature exists with a beautiful duality. There cannot be beauty without ugliness, pain without pleasure, anger without joy.

RYN: Mmmmmmm… I’m here… where’s my crimson flogger and man in black?

#20, why are you so fearful? You’re so evolved… nothing scares you, though. So why? I don’t get it? You have an absence of need, so what’s the problem? Or did I take the answer the wrong way??? hmm….

February 8, 2005

I’ll order the Accomodator, but where can I order the chin on to which it’s strapped? And yes, I’ve heard of this gadget before and have dreamed of a time that I could be its sighing “victim”. As of yet, no opportunity has presented itself…

October 21, 2006

very insightful for a passerby… 🙂

October 22, 2006

ACIM for Dummies. Hey, it could happen! heh heh spandex

October 22, 2006

Dude! KitchenGoddess said I should come by. Don’t you find that people often misunderstand and get angry at you when sharing ACIM ideas? (That’s one way to know it’s a worthy thought system.) 🙂 Nice to meet you! Peace,

October 23, 2006


October 19, 2008

How did I miss the Accommadator???? Interesting to go back and read a 2004 entry from you about yourself. I smiled reading your responses.

October 20, 2008

Funny you say that you are not religious but spiritual, but your answers sound a bit Buddhist to me perhaps? Hmmmmmm And there is nothing more Zen then that Accommodator in my humble opinion 😉

October 24, 2008

Hmmm….I told my father he was an alcoholic when I was in my 30s. True as it was…..wish I could take it back as well!