“Fall” in Southern California?

This morning I saw something I haven’t seen in awhile …dew!  The first sign of fall here in Southern California …anyway, that’s what I’m going with.



I’m so excited to have an "er" in the month.  It’s about time to fire up the fireplace … I’m going to call the wood guy and order a 1/2 cord … damn!  If I were ahead of the game, I would’ve ordered it in May or June, when he had no business.  Oh well, he’s entitled to profit from my lack of planning. 



I scored a new, glass topped, patio table with four comfy, aluminum-framed chairs, which fits perfectly on my deck.  Got up at 5:30 AM, brewed some Peet’s coffee, sat at my new table reading the morning paper, drinking my coffee, and listening to the morning waves, (softer now, as though they didn’t want to wake anyone too early) with a classical station on the stereo.  God, what a way to start the day! 



As if that wasn’t beautiful enough, two hummingbirds darted around the deck after each other, taking turns dive bombing my two cats who sat, each in a chair of her own, trying to look regal while doing that "ch-aa-tt-ee-rr-ii-nn-gg  mm-ee-oo-ww" sound they make when they want to kill something that’s out of their reach AND, attacking them. 



Am I lucky or what? 



Yeah, sounds a little sappy, I know.  Kind of like … *“Well, that’s all the news here, from Lake Wobegon.  Tune in next week to see if Mindy the baker, — in an effort to get Hank the plumber to forget the death of his fourteen-year-old wife, who died mysteriously during an ice storm on her walk home from her Girl Scout meeting, — shared with Hank, a gallon of Skip’s locally famous Skip’s Skipjack Applejack Fermented Apple Juice, after which they both fell asleep, together in the muffin rising room, (you should pardon the expression) where Preacher Bob found them the next morning when he came to pick up his standing Sunday order of Mindy’s Mapleberry Muffins for the meeting of the Widows and Caged Birds Society at the Chatterbox Cafe.  Needless to say, the Chatterbox was ah-chattering with a new topic that Sunday!”



(*Concept idea from Garrison Keillor and The Prairie Home Companion, home of the world’s l-o-n-g-e-s-t sentences!)





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Ah, a tad bit envious.. I’m still awaiting my Peets order, and the hummingbirds have been gone now for several weeks, but I’ve yet to bring in the feeders.

all I saw was the sound of waves and I was lost to somewhere I find peace… I miss the water ~smiles~ Sounds like a wonderful way to start a day. I know it is.

sounds like a beautiful beginning to a wonderful day.

I like your diary. We too live in California. -Beth

Doesn’t sound sappy.

May 29, 2006

I miss fall in California. Thanks for the flashbacks. 🙂