De and The Woodman – Editorial II


I discovered THAT is the danger of falling in love with a woman who is 16 years younger than you and wants children.


I can’t figure out why she EVER engaged with me as I told her in the beginning about the vasectomy.


Go figure.










I think of her often … more than I should, after all this time …




I’m sorry to say, I’ve not been able to find another woman who I connect with like I did with De and who enjoys this kind of sexual freedom. It’s not for everyone, but I have hopes.



Since I’m older now, the women I meet now are older and have usually had their children and that works just fine for me. I’m good with kids, just didn’t have the need to have any of my own. Like I said, it’s good the rest of the world doesn’t think like I do … chalk it up to a squirrelly childhood.


If the woman I meet is younger I might ask, “Do you plan to have children?” I ask that right after I ask, “Do you have any father issues you need to resolve?”  😉

I live in California, 40 yards from the crashing ocean, right near a popular seaside village. Maybe YOU would like to join me for a little wine and dinner overlooking the ocean? I’ll tell you a good story or two!  









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December 7, 2003

*cracks up* Nunz! There isn’t anything latent about my tendencies. I’m a card carrying, daily exploring – painslut and submissive. *grins* Red, on the other hand.. *wicked smirk…* Oooh… to uncloset her would be fun!

December 7, 2003

Thanks for your note. I hope you didn’t take my note the wrong way! I completely respect and honor your choices and opinions, and believe that you raised a very good point on the children issue. Love, intimacy, and friendship are often sacrificed for children. However, I don’t think it should be that way. Make sense? 🙂 I hope you keep reading.

December 7, 2003

Aw, my dear Nunz was starting to think I was ignoring him! I won’t have any of that! I honestly hadn’t seen your note until you mentioned it. I’ll tell you if you really want to know, but it’ll cost ya!

December 7, 2003

Hahaha. I’m not that easy. Name your price!

December 7, 2003

Hahaha. Nunzio…I just want you to know you’re a slut. 🙂

December 7, 2003

*laughs* i noticed.

December 7, 2003

RYN~ Awww, no! You were in no way offensive. It takes a lot to offend me, especially when we’re just joking around. I was making fun of the collect call situation. I was just playing with you 🙂

December 7, 2003

ryn: if only she would move back to MA with me so we could get hitched 😉

December 8, 2003

at 22, i’ve become more aware of my clock ticking. it’s the ‘need to breed’ screaming at me. i want kids. my fiance wants kids. and perhaps it’s some silly part of me that believes our relationship will be enriched rather than destroyed by children, but i honestly feel like when we do have children, they will bring so much more dimension to the love we feel.

December 8, 2003

i think people who don’t want children should recognize that and not have children. that’s important to ensuring the children in this world are wanted and cared for properly. but if no one gives into the biological urge, where will we be?

RYN: Thank you for your notes, this forgiveness business is tricksy sometimes. Interesting points you make in these last editorials… and I agree, from my own very naive standpoint, that children often create a wedge between parents… we’ve all seen it happen. (thank you for the hug) I shall return often, I believe.

The next time I visit, I will look you up and you can tell me all sorts of stories. I look forward to the wine, conversation and ocean background.

your writing is excellent… chalk up another reader =)

Several thoughts: You are RIGHT about children. My husband has had none and also appears about 10 years younger than his 49 years. You DON’T figure it out until it’s “too late.” BUT. Some women — many women — CHOOSE to resist the urge to have babies. For others, she wants children and there’s no other choice for her. She COULD shut it off, but why? When that’s what she wants? (cont..)

My older husband also did not want children so I shut my clock down. It was a HUGE mistake for me. I needed children, a family. It’s… biological, Nunzio. I sometimes babysit babies. OMG. There is NOTHING — NOTHING — like the feeling after you’ve bathed and fed them and they cuddle into you. It’s instinct for a woman. And Nunzio, it’s very grand. Everything even. *soft smile*

December 9, 2003

There is more to the biological urge to procreate than just to hump like bunnies. There is something deep in the nursing, cradling, bringing up of a spirit in the world. What’s shameful is that we require women to chose a singular role. They must either be whore or mother. I choose both. Why? Because I want to.. and deserve to… *grin*

December 9, 2003

Ooh don’t you dare tempt me like that because I just might take you up on that.

December 9, 2003

Note? I don’t need no stinkin note. Hell I would bring him along with me, but I don’t think he could handle it. 😉

December 9, 2003

RYN: Thanks for that. You’re absolutely right, of course. I spent too long married(and got married too young.) I missed the section on learning all the games I have to play now that I’m single.

well, well, well. This story brought back a nice memory. I would love a glass of red, and I am a very good listener.

I know I would like to join you. LOL, you are going to kill me for going through your diary again and (leaving) all of these notes.

September 23, 2004

*nods head vigorously* Love to – I’ll have a glass of red – mind if I have a quick swim?

February 8, 2005

I struggle with the children issue. I don’t know if I have the “drive” or not, but I am seeing motherhood as less and less an option as my education and career take longer and longer to finish/start. I too understand the “get mistaken for someone younger” and I’ve also wondered if it is the lack of children… Maybe I should write an entry. BTW, what would a couple bottles of wine get me?? 😉

February 9, 2009

Having children is an individual choice! Who is to say or judge one for making the choice that is right for them? No one has that right to play God! As for the entry…WHOA DAMN!!! I actually loved the end where she put her V to your face and had you lick it clean of all 3 jizz’s!! THAT WAS HOT!! Gotta go play now…ty again..Off to get my ‘O’