Continuation of “Sanitized”

Continuation of previous page:
(Go back one page <—  for the start of this entry.)


I was powerless against you, against your (REALLY rough slang for, “Meow!”), and as the warmth flooded my body, the white light exploding in my brain, I snapped like a coiled spring,

“That’s it baby, give me your (male reproductive fluid), give me ALL your (male reproductive fluid), thaaaaat’s it my baby”

The beast in me escaped… He screamed out, wrapped his arms tightly around your body while thrusting as deeply as possible into your powerful (REALLY rough slang for, “Meow!”) and…
and erupted
and erupted again!
Again, again, again, the spasms came and with each, the beast screamed, held you tightly to prevent your escape, as he pumped his (male reproductive fluid) deep into your (REALLY rough slang for, “Meow!”)!
 (Missing picture)

Later, when normal breathing returned, you, still in the power, slid from the nook of my arm to position yourself on top of my chest. The look on your face was one of quiet confidence as you slid forward, knees over my shoulders. Lifting the hem of your skirt, you slid forward a bit more and, taking my head in your hands you gently placed your (REALLY rough slang for, “Meow!”) at my lips as you issued your last command of the evening… 

“Now baby, clean your (male reproductive fluid) from my (REALLY rough slang for, “Meow!”)!”
 (Missing picture)

Yeah, yeah, so I’m a little twisted, will that have a bearing on our relationship? 

So howya like me now?    
So let me ask you, ladies – do you (occasionally or regularly) like to take command and dominate your man, or woman? 
Gentlemen – do you (occasionally or regularly) like to be dominated?

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November 23, 2008

You are having Waaaay to much fun with this. And no, I’ll be doing the dominating. With a twenty-year old sex kitten who calls me daddy. (That’s so wrong, but really – what am I laughing about?)

November 23, 2008

Hmmm… From hot and bothered to hysterical with laughter in one swift edit . . . Gosh darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar (slang for woman who makes her living in what is generally referred to as ‘The Oldest Profession’) . . . (Apologies to Mel Brooks)

November 23, 2008

Hmmm… in some weirdly slanted way, I almost find I like this version better… But I’m twisted and sometimes it’s more fun to fill in my own blanks… 🙂

November 23, 2008

*looks up* Dude. She’s hilarious! 🙂

November 23, 2008

i’ll just read it like Mad Libs, filling in my own blanks. and the missing picture — i’ll just use a snapshot of hillary clinton.

November 23, 2008

*LOL* You’re a riot.

November 23, 2008

sorry buddy, i know how it hurts to have a part of your diary censored. it’s a very personal ache that can diminish whatever enjoyment you get from writing whatsoever — because now you gotta worry if your hard-written entry is just gonna get wiped off the slate because someone else didn’t like it, and stuff you write in the future won’t be as easy and carefree because you’ll be self-censoringand redacting before you’ve even written. the way you would have honestly expressed yourself will now be subliminated to a paler version of your own expurgated inner voice. i read backwards in your diary to see what it was like before the ‘incident.’ it was good — in a hearty and lustful kinda way. but now you gotta tone it down to please the simplistic sensibilities of people who didn’t like it to begin with and might tattle on you again.

November 23, 2008

Hilarious, if unfortunate.

November 23, 2008

oh i see. when you said “he and she” i thought you were talking about two other people. eh, i’m outta here. this entire conversation is incredibly dull….sorry…..

November 23, 2008

ps: i didn’t say YOU are. well, anyway, bye…

November 23, 2008

Thanks for the clarification, N. Frankly, there were a lot of words there and I just didn’t bother to read them all. I’m bad that way. 🙂

November 23, 2008

kinda kills the original. i agree with bbtl’s first line. i hope you don’t mind but i forwared the original to toxic brown eyes. we both love you!

November 23, 2008

RYN: No, thank YOU. And you’re right, OD is owned and operated by a private business owner and he can run it as he sees fit. Which is COMPLETELY understandable. However, having said that I will say this: Many of us are PAYING CUSTOMERS of said business enterprise and as such have a certain voice which apparently many of us are taking this opportunity to make heard. And if this one entryof yours is going to be treated like this, then attention needs to be paid to a WHOLE lot of other entries posted around here. Now RYN: No, not an attorney. But I play one in my spare time . . . 🙂

November 23, 2008

o.O….What was once a steamy story was reduced to a madlib for adults *shakes head* what has the world come to? Although I do believe I like the term “stupid stick”. Amazing reading both variations, both leave you from excitement..the other from..well..laughter.. But lovely none the less 🙂

November 23, 2008

What, like this version isn’t as sexy? Hell, I’m turned on.

November 23, 2008

Found you through a friend of a friend and just wanted to say that I completely, 100% support you in this. I would also like to say that the ‘sanitized’ entry was both sexy as hell and funny as all get out. Sexy because hello? It was hot. Funny because it read like some x-rated mad lib!

November 23, 2008

OD was getting kind of boring…thanks Nunzio for livening things up a bit. I will be interested to see how this all plays out.

November 23, 2008

Hey .. that was awesome. Is it ok if we like it a little of both ?

November 24, 2008

*giggle* Wow. You like to dredge up our mutual past, eh? For the record, I believe the DM has the right to run his business as he pleases. However, there are SO many of us that want these options, it behooves him to consider making a change. If he doesn’t – will I leave? Probably not. I’ll just continue to fly under the radar. 🙂

November 24, 2008

ROFL!!! RYN: You’re more than welcome – I’m all for some more adult “leeway” here, sort of like at LiveJournal or Deviant Art/Metal & Magic. Good luck!

November 24, 2008

LOL that was funny. I really wish I’d found you before you had to censor your writing!

November 24, 2008

I felt like I was reading a dirty Mad Libs.

November 24, 2008

Holy cow. This is nothing compared to what you COULD have written and I am offended that someone was offended enough to ‘turn you in’ to the DM over this, ESPECIALLY considering your gracious disclaimer! I found this via Principassa Pollyana. There’s my two cents. ~I’ll be

November 24, 2008

That made me laugh. 🙂 A lot. Censorship is stupid and funny. I agree…an adults only area is a good idea. Love,

November 24, 2008
November 24, 2008

I read the original thanks to kimmie! I still got all warm fuzzy and oooie goooie down um….in my “BEEP” area!! writing is a huge passion of mine and being erotically expressive is a release for me! I was born of erotic mind, body, and soul and I indulge in opening my mind up for others to wander around in to see, hear, and feel my passions as I too so enjoy licking the minds of others and living

November 24, 2008

through their words, desires, and experiences! I have kids and I don’t want my children to read some of my and others sexual content BUT I as a parent it is my job to over see that what they hear see and read are closely monitered and filtered! If they should happen to get through to the non-filtered side then I k ow as a parent there will be a rational discussion about the boundries he/she is

November 24, 2008

allowed to cross! That is MY job as a parent! As for those of others who find it filthy, disgusting, immoral, & degrading well they should be adult enough to understand that not everyone finds nor agrees with them as well! Make an adult decision and move onto the next diarist who better fits their read! Plain and simple or it should be! NOTE: For those people…my diary is not filtered and is in

November 24, 2008

its raw state so not a good choice for all who condemn and report to the censors! I am real and never hold back as I am in real life! My diary is a depiction of who I am inside and out! Its a sad day when you have to conform who you are to fit what everyone else feels you should be! NOPE!!! NO THANKS…I’d rather be shot and put out to pasture!

November 24, 2008

i would love to be occasionally dominated lol

November 24, 2008

after thinking about this for a while, it kinda reeks in here of lysol. i hate the smell of lysol.

November 24, 2008

r- haha not on the first note!

November 24, 2008

Excellent. OD was just a bit boring lately.


Thanks for the laughs. 🙂

November 26, 2008

Um….hmm….is it wrong that I’m still just as hot n bothered by this even with it being sanitized. Never give up…never stop….always write. One of my favorite things in life is reading you!

November 26, 2008

P.S. the zipped lip pic is a riot! Good choice 😉

November 27, 2008

See should I be worried that this sounds more sexy than the other one?? Thanks for sending it through to me – IMHO you put enough of a disclaimer in that first paragraph to warn anyone about anything offensive to come so I would question someone complaining about the entry after that and also why the hell would they then go ahead and read it? The pics were definitely NOT offensive and Idon’t see how they violated site rules at all. And yes I occasionally like to take command and dominate and – in my experience – men absolutely LOVE that!!

November 28, 2008

okay…somehow… i stumbled on your entries from 2 years ago. not really sure how that happened.

November 29, 2008

Cool a fill in the blanks story! lol You know it would be so much more better if we can just get the adults only content/warning for OD. That way we could just post what we want and not have to worry. Oh and to answer the lovely question you have. 🙂 I occasionally like to, but not to much. S*G

November 29, 2008

rryn: I didn’t direct anyone, I don’t think, I only really note one person regularly. I just added my two cents in support. Anyone who reads you knows you have some really lovely things to share, amidst the X-rated entries, which are lovely in a different way. I say to the kaboshers: Skip over the ones you don’t want to read, and keep your rain off my parade! You keep on keepin’ on, Nunzio!

December 2, 2008

RYN: No such luck….same size as before 😉

December 2, 2008

RYN: *giggle* Need to give you more foot porn.

December 4, 2008

The thing of it is Nunzio, this is not the place for ‘a graphic description of a sexual act’. Make a porn movie, write a book with all the descriptive acts and words you wish…or make your diary totally private. Many of us would just like to know when we go ‘random’ noting, we won’t accidentally land in your diary. Which is what happened. I respect your rights…but in this case, they ‘bump’into the rights of people with different levels of respect than yours.. Surely you can understand that?

December 5, 2008

There is no way to have the entire conversation on this subject in a set of notes, but I thought that it was necessary to say a couple things here since there has been a great deal of discussion. The problem arises from posting explicit language in a public entry (as several noters have pointed out) – which is available to anybody coming to this site, including children. Anyone clicking the Random button can happen across a public entry here – that’s one of the nice things about OD (I think). Although many people would like to see some kind of control put in where we would have an “adults-only” selection, the technical problem with that is that there is no way on the Internet to confirm somebody’s age. The closest thing is to force the person to put in a credit card number to prove that they are an adult (which most people are unwilling to do to gain access to explicit content). As adults, we all know that posting a warning at the top of an entry, or adding an “explicit language” icon or setting, just encourages readers to come in – I think we can all agree that those “click here if you’re over 18” warnings are no deterrent to your average ten year old. (cont

December 5, 2008

So the problem is, we can not effectively prevent minors from accessing sexually explicit content, if we allow it to be posted in public on OD. As the publisher of the site, I elect to maintain a certain atmosphere on my site, and public access to explicit material is not part of that. Obviously, there is a whole other conversation here about “freedom of speech”, but I always go back to “my house, my rules” – which sounds heavy-handed, but isn’t meant to be. It simply means that if something that is posted is offensive to a large number of people on my site (my online home), then I have to take a closer look at it to see if it’s appropriate. All of this is one of the reasons that we provide the “Favorites Only” option – my stance is much less strict on entries that are posted FO, and can not be found and read by any random visitor. Striking the balance between keeping a site that somebody from the outside can walk into and feel comfortable in, and a site that allows our members to express themselves, is a hard one. I appreciate all of the conversation that has happened here – I hope that this clears up (for all of you) what some of my feelings on the matter

You obviously have a following. If you don’t want your diary to be censored put your explicit entries on favorites. The above is very clear.

December 6, 2008

i’m envious. you got a note from diarymaster 😉 thanks for stopping by my place!

December 7, 2008

And now you got a note from Terminator. Fear!

The DM has made it clear to put your explict entries on favorites only. So what’s difficult to understand about that? Tacky writing of your kind is unacceptable on public. As are your explicit pictures. This is about you taking mature responsibility. So far you have ingnored doing that.

December 8, 2008

I have a 12 year old child and she very often stands behind me as I select other diaries at random sometimes from the OD front page. I would be very embarrassed if she were to read any of this and other entries of this nature. I see your argument for freedom of speech and I agree we need to hold onto our rights to a certain extent, but, I also agree with others, you need to make explicit entries for fav’s only and not upset others please.

December 8, 2008

ryn..I didn’t ‘choose’ to read your entry. In a few brief seconds I could see what it was.

December 9, 2008

RYN: I agree that the warning you gave was certainly explicit enough to have deterrred any adult. I cannot understand why the offended party read on. I have trouble with the concept that they were horrified by what must surely have been the top of the page where the warning was, and don’t understand why they would have scrolled down. I agree that your sort of writing is not at all like what I would call porn, and since I regularly have to check what is (sometimes) accessed on our library computers, I have seen a lot more explicit photos than I would have actually ever looked at willingly, I’m more knowledgeable abut the subject than your complainer is. I also believe that the use of the level of erotic writing you write by the perpetrators of the NZ horrors is unlikely: I have no doubt that they would have used porn, but not what you write, from the example I have seen. I wonder if these people are the same ones who complain about sex education books, anatomy and physiology texts or art books in libraries. I think there are many horrors in the world and people would be better off using their energies to oppose them. My preference is much milder, but I would not censor you.

December 10, 2008

PS: Upset me. Please?

December 11, 2008


December 15, 2008

…This whole ordeal still annoys me. I can only imagine the orgy of emotions it puts you through. ACK I said orgy, censor me now! *back of hand to forehead* I back you Nunzio, you should know that by now 🙂

December 18, 2008

woah, check that out! a note from the Diary Master. i kinda like your [harmless words} put in. it makes it kinda fun to read and figure out.

February 12, 2009