* Boys Will Be Boys: A pictorial

As a group, we men can be pretty funny sometimes.
Over the years I’ve been saving pictures that make me laugh at my own gender. I just had to put captions to them.  Where animals appear, trust me, they’re males!

Come along and laugh with me at the antics of males, young and old. 
Remember, the only difference between men and boys is the price of our toys.



Hi mom. Building a suit of armor, why?


But mommy, I had ta pee and da cat got in da way, an, an, an …


… ok, where’d I come from again?


Wait up mom!




Waddya, fuckin stoo-pid err sumpin?

That’s just not funny

Some things just look better on women!



… ^that’s^  just not right!

Shhh!  Hell NO we’re not gonna turn it in as evidence …
we’re gonna go get some M&M’s.


 … and then the farmer’s daughter said, “Sure, if you think you can!”

Mom …

How to save money on car repairs.
(Nunzio Tip:  It’s AMAZING, the power of a flash of panties!)

Come-on babe, ya know you wanna!

(Fill in your own comment.)

Hurry up, lemmie see, lemmie see!

God, don’t let mom find my Playboy collection.


… or my Big Basset Hound Hooters magazines!


Are you talkin ta us?



Well … (whine) … I dunno.  I was (whine) … chasing the cat and …

No, no, SLOW DOWN, stay right in this lane! That’s Lance Armstrong’s
training partner; no wonder he’s so good!
<img alt="" src="http://images1.snapfish.com/3477353%3B9%7Ffp347%3Enu%3D3243%3E%3A%3A7%3E5%3B9%3EWSNRCG%3D32339985%3A5933nu0mrj&#8221; /> 

Aww baby, I’m sorry … so, ah, err, I guess a blowjob is ah, outta the question?

homina homina homina …

(Nunzio Tip:  It’s AMAZING, the power of NO panties!)

But honey, she bent over with no panties, I HAD to look, I couldn’t help it,
I’m sorry … can’t I please keep my penis … I’m goin fishin and all the
other guys will be bringing theirs … please!
There, (muffle) does tha … (muffle) …
make it (muffle) any better?

You know, we’re really not that complicated at all.

Like the cat with the catnip … We just get a little stupid around pussy!



"God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately
not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.”
– Robin Williams –



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July 29, 2006
July 29, 2006

lol cute

July 29, 2006

Okay the one where chickie is leadin’ dude around by the dick is PRICELESS! Oh, I took Lisa a pair of hoochie shoes and tomorrow we’re workin on that pic request of yours. . .

July 29, 2006

very interesting collection… 🙂

July 29, 2006


Only a man! 🙂

July 29, 2006

hehehehehehe!! LOVE them ALL!!! Love your comments…its true that SOME men can REALLY see inside a woman’s brain!! …Not far, tho! lol Love, ME xxx

July 29, 2006

Nice work.

Yep not a complex bunch of folk in my experience … but then what would we girls laugh at when we get together without your funny ways and the lengths you will go to follow the primal drive. LOL @ this entry.

July 30, 2006


July 30, 2006

This is great…thanks for the laugh! 🙂

July 30, 2006

oh MAN.

July 30, 2006


~smiles~ Some pretty funny and er… insightful pictures.

RYN: for a photo in return, come on back and check out the entry entitled “Challenged by proxy”. There’s a nice one in there. ~smiles~

July 30, 2006

haha… classic

July 30, 2006

oh. my. GOD!!! these are absolutely fabulous!!! thanks for sharing!!!!

RYN: Heck no! LOL Just not around for a while. I dont’ know that I will be posting too many more of my err… personal photos up, but if I do, I’ll let you know. ~grins~

July 31, 2006

This made my day…..in more ways than one 🙂

RYN: You are right.

August 2, 2006

Re, picture #22: Now if only she had his penis on a leash! *lol*

August 2, 2006

RYN: Thank you for your words, unfortunately I am on a waiting list for such counseling, nothing more until October, that is just the way it is for me, here in the Big Smoke. Still, I can sort out in parts what I need to deal with, hey, I’ll save money by doing prelim work, eh? Kind of like tidying the house and sorting the laundry before the maid gets there. Thank you for your words, again.

August 5, 2006

ROTFL OMG i cant breath!!

August 5, 2006

lol. Oddly, I thought of you when I wrote it. Just the style I suppose. I dunno 🙂 Perhaps the nature of the writing.

August 5, 2006


How would I lock my site meter, and what does it mean if it’s unlocked? Does it just mean that other people can see who’s reading me?

Fixed it….thanks! SMOOCH

August 6, 2006

ahaha.. that first pic is funny. and the looking up the skirt one reminds me of my grandson who used to get great pleasure in lifting up my shirt in public, or stick his hands down it. he is older now, only on occassion tries to put his head up my shirt. and the one at the urinal reminds me of my recent trip to MN. there is actually a restaurant there and in the mens bathroom is a one way mirror..

August 6, 2006

so as you’re standing at the urinal, you can see all the people out in the lobby.. a bit unnerving… i would imagine, even if you do know they can’t see you. its not in the womens, only heard about it from the guys who went in the mens… lol cute pics of the kids/dogs…

August 7, 2006

so check your email already. Jeez.

August 8, 2006

Priceless! It takes a brave man to laugh at his own! The bathroom one was hysterical. Actually, I was in a bar in Nashville and as you are leaving the restroom the sign on the door says “Men”. I stopped, did a doubletake and looked for urinals. *whew* Got me – but I bet I wasn’t alone!

August 9, 2006

Very funny pics Nunzio.

August 10, 2006

I’d hate you for that if it hadn’t made me laugh. LOL

August 10, 2006

oh you’re kidding! i like that phoney Chupacabra picture, tho, it’s a hoot!

RYN: thanks for stroking my ego!

RYN: I’d SO not hate you! And I used the word STROKE on purpose, because I knew you’d use it well! HAHAH!

RYN: OO, yes, call me $%^#*(W#!#! I looooove how you say that! Damn straight I’ll go underground for that action!

August 11, 2006

RYN #1….RIGHT! RYN #2….I’ll walk for ya baby….hell, I’ll even drop something just so I have to bend over and pick it up ~wink~

August 14, 2006

ryn: Bats my *eyelashes*…

August 14, 2006

Thanks for your note 🙂 ~My favorite pic is the little boy and dog praying~ 🙂

August 14, 2006

I hope that “momma!” is Nunzio speak for “this is Okay”. *L*

I want to talk to you. Is that possible, online, somehow?

August 15, 2006

RYN: Ok….your last comment got me laughing pretty hard. Your so fucking clever!

*wandered over from rehena’s diary* i read your note to her. it was very… poignant… it definitely describes her to a “T.” as far as co-dependency goes, she and i are a lot alike; however, the shit she puts up with from marc? woah- i woulda dumped his damaged-goods ass a loooong time ago. anyway, i liked the “boldness” of your note. she may not have liked to “hear” it, but she certainlyneeded to. (g)

LOL at the kid with all the panty shields on him!! (g)

August 16, 2006

lol these are great 🙂

ryn: LOL!!! there’s an entry in my diary somewhere with a pic of my legs. :0P (g)

egads! look at the bush on that woman on your front page!!! she needs a trim. *frowns* (g)

p.s. i am even more dysfunctional (and codependent) than rehena… i’m married (13 yrs) with 2 kids and am presently on my 3d affair. i do not mention my “secret” life (and request my faves not to, either) in any of my public entries. *crosses fingers that you don’t live in california nor know my hubby* (g)

ryn: DOH!!!!! it’s not a good pic of my legs; i’m wearing tennies. but you just said “legs.” :0P http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D507675&entry=10795&mode=date

ryn: LOL!!! i don’t have any pics like that. only my SCrack addiction gets those. :0P and i delete them right away after i send them to him. actually, i lied about the body pics; he only gets pics of my tits and ass. i’d take a pic with my girlfriend mey today, but i don’t normally wear short, tight miniskirts to work. and i don’t have on skanky stilettos today. just plain ole stilettos. :0) (g)

August 16, 2006

*LOL* Thanks, cutey!

ryn: LOL!!! no no no, it wasn’t you at all. i’m just feeling sad and heartbroken over scott, and well, 90 percent of my entries are about scott, and i’m sick of them… *chuckles* did you see the entry about my $60 stalker issue? when i stormed over to scott’s office and demanded the cash outta his pocket ‘cuz if he was going to treat me like a hooker, he may as well PAY ME. i’m freakin’ psychotic, i tell ya… *mwah* (g)

ryn~ Yes, Tony and I discussed the level of “effort” each of us wanted. In fact, I got more than his own wife. As he once said to me, “It’s just you and me. Everyone else is just background noise.” Tony SAID that he puts a lot of energy into a secondary relationship, but that turned out to be not much at all. Really.

ryn: BAH! i’ve HAD it with men!!! i’m going to try women now. :0P (g)

really? you don’t like it??? :0( (g)

what about the stars? do you like those? ~g

ryn: LOL!!!!!!!! you are most definitely crazier than i am!!! :0) (g)

August 23, 2006

ryn: HOLY CRAP. That sure does look like me…but honestly, my boobs are bigger and rounder. ;o) The resemblance is uncanny otherwise.

August 26, 2006

RYN: My birthday isn’t technically until Sunday….but that’s beside the point…I KNOW what your answer would be!

September 15, 2006

The power of a flash of panties pick stopped me dead in my tracks. *big inhale* DANG!

September 15, 2006

“Pic”. Apparently the first place the blood leaves is that part of the brain that can spell. And to think – I don’t think wedges look all that good. I have a different perspective now.

December 19, 2006

Two things, if I can stop laughing long enough to type…That is exactly how my son looks at my boobs, and he has a onesie that says “Got Milk?”, and two, Berke Breathed, Mr. Bloomscounty, lived next door when I was growing up.