Because we all need to see it.

Because we all need to remember it.


Let’s not be one of the thousands who will experience this video in real life.
Thanks to [goodgolly] for posting it first.
Please consider posting this video on your diary, or Facebook page, or wherever more people will see it.

God bless,


PS: Yes I know, I’ve been a lazy slug about writing. I’ll take care of that shortly. Thanks for asking.

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December 4, 2010
December 4, 2010
December 4, 2010
December 4, 2010

Having just lost a nephew in a car accident, this really hit home for me. Thank you.

December 4, 2010

Needs to be aired every hour on every station. (That’s coming from one who has lived through two incidents.)

December 5, 2010

My accident was caused by a drunk driver. It was his 6th DUI incident. Sadly, after imbibing most people aren’t thinking about possible consequences. Thanks for posting.

December 5, 2010

thanks for the shout out baby = )

December 5, 2010

Every body thinks it will happen to someone else. That one drink can’t hurt. I used to pray when my husband was out that if he had an accident he would be the only one hurt or killed or it would be a single vehicle accident. He never was, but the alcohol killed him in another way. I have known those who have lived with the loss due to alcohol and drug induced drivers. And if you were one of those drivers who killed someone you will have to live with that memory for the rest of your life. And as much as I hate to say it since I no longer drink and drive, “there but for the Grace of God, went I.”

December 5, 2010

nice reminder. I posted on Facebook. Take care,

December 5, 2010

RYN: You’re a suck up.

December 5, 2010
December 6, 2010

Thank you , so very much for posting this. Thank you, so much for caring. I hope that no one drives drunk this holiday/holyday season. With tears in my eyes, I remember how lives were changed, due to drunk driving. Thank you for posting this.

December 6, 2010
December 8, 2010

RYN: I thought you said that was an old ski injury?!

December 8, 2010

Very disturbing video and a wonderful reminder. Thank you.

RYN: Thank you for your note! Despite all that downtime, I think I’ll stick around. 🙂 But yeah, definitely, I’ll be backing up my stuff and saving entries in a word processor *before* I post them.

January 1, 2011

ryn: Nunz, this novel is a fast read. Don’t blink or you will lose the plot line. Love you, brother.

January 1, 2011

rynrmn: No, I barely slept. The rest was real once the phone rang. I had no idea I could be so obscure.

January 6, 2011

ryn: Are tellers really not allowed to tell customers what the reporting limit is? That just seems silly. Isn’t there a time limit as well (if you take out or transfer an amount over the limit within a certain period of time the system flags it)? It just seemed sort of ridiculous rather like someone saying, “Well, there’s a speed limit, but if I tell you what it is, you might drive below it.”

January 6, 2011

ryn: My beef was more with her attitude than the regs. She made it clear that she did not want to do this transaction because it was inconvenient and more work for her. It was just bad service and that annoys me because until the very end of the transaction I actually was polite and friendly.(That may not have come across in my post; I was ranting when I wrote it.)

January 11, 2011

Thanks, Nunz!!!!

April 18, 2011

this is a horrible video…but unfortunately, real.