An Invitation – 1 of 2 (edit)





To the men who speak things financial in the first few moments of meeting …






To the women who studiously observe my shoes, my watch, and the brand of my suit, when they think I’m not watching …











To the men who speak of their conquests, both business and female …










To the women who really believe their beauty counts for something …






To the woman in the too tight dress …






To the men who must have an expensive car …






To the woman who is drawn to that man …






To the woman who must have a large diamond ring, a large house, etc. and so, dates only men capable of giving it to her …






To the man who looks for, and finds that woman and "wears" her, as she, the ring …






To the woman who “depends” on her man …






To the man who “owns” his woman …






<span style="font-weight: normal; font-family: 'Bookman Old Style'; m

so-bidi-font-size: 18.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: ‘Times New Roman'”>To the women, and men, who hold their lover responsible for their feelings …






To the man who cheats on his lover rather than tell her of his pain …
















To the woman who cheats on her lover rather than tell him of her pain …


















To the man who must monopolize the conversation …










To the woman who feels such self-loathing, self-doubt, she dresses too provocatively when attending a friend’s wedding, gaining the needed attention of men there …









To the man who doesn’t know asking a question doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t know; it means you’re giving the floor to someone else, to give them a chance to look good …








  To the woman who is repeatedly drawn to the abusive male …











To the abusive male, and his deep fear … 










To the woman who can’t slip, gracefully, into her forties without painfully longing for her youthful body, not recognizing the beauty, allure, power, and wonderful draw a self-confident, “older” woman has to men, of substance …











To the man who doesn’t recognize, if he must prove his power, he surely has none, for true power need not prove itself …
























































































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most of your pics aren’t showing up. FYI.

i read the 2nd one first not realizing the first is right here…. i must say.. you amaze me… i don’t know where all this stuff is from or even how you managed to put it all together… but it is extremely touching.. mainly because it takes all my confused views on the world of men and women and forms them into a consistent thought. thank you.. i needed this.

June 14, 2004

I think that one about the older woman is why I like Judging Amy so much and Tyne Daly. She is a tough old woman who is not in the most fantastic of shape but she is a leading lady who is very feminine and who sparkles with romance just the same as the younger prettier women. At times she hurts and at times she is lonely. She is a woman who is also facing loosing some things.

June 18, 2004

great entry love the 25th hour picture i love that long “f u” quote in the movie also love your views on the world very refreshing

June 18, 2004

all these are my pet peeves.