Ah beautiful Ericka

6:15 AM this morning, I’m in line at my favorite Starbucks, I see my favorite cashier behind the register without her usual smiley face. My mind races, ‘she’s unhappy about something.  Should I say something?  What?’  My turn comes:
“Ah, beautiful Ericka, you are the sunshine in my otherwise, dreary day.”
Her face changes, softens, she smiles broadly, pauses, then says, “Aww, that is so nice of you.”
The woman in line behind me repeats my sentence, “’You are the sunshine in my otherwise dreary day;’ that is beautiful, I’ll remember, and use that.”
The guy behind her, smiles, winks at me.
Ericka returns with my coffee and, in a kind of halting manner says, “That really was beautiful. Thank you so much for saying that.” 

Her eyes seem moist, more so than a few seconds ago.
I left.
– – –
Now, I don’t share this so as to elicit your positive response (hell, I don’t even know if I composed the sentence on the spot or copied it) but rather, as a confession of being astounded at the power of words. Something the Universe has been trying to teach me for years.
Years ago I inscribed on the front page of my bound journal, a reminder; “Speak my truth gently … but surely,” because it is something I need to apply to my life, more than I do.
And with Erica? There, in an instant, my world changed as I changed my words … a contribution was made to four people, without any effort, or cost.
It was just my way of saying thanks to her and telling her how much I appreciate her; something we all want, desperately. That’s probably why I’ve embraced the book, “365 Thank Yous.” (Also, a group here on OD.)
The strangeness?
The strangeness is, given how I was moved by the experience, why don’t I do it more often?


(And no, my days are not dreary.) 

Best wishes, God bless,

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May 26, 2011

This was awesome. Thank you for sharing.

May 26, 2011

I love it. Random acts of kindness are never a waste of time.

May 26, 2011

Oh my goodness…that gave me goose bumps. Not least because it looks like Glasgow and it reminds me of a very close friend who would dance with homeless men and always had a laugh, a smile, a good word for them. Needless say, when I was her, so did I too. So do I still, but not as much as I should…and could. Make that five people you made a contribution to. Thank you.

May 26, 2011

ps…just checked out the company… it undoubtedly IS Glasgow. 🙂 I’d recognize it anywhere. Another reason to smile.

May 26, 2011

We all crave touch. “More than kisses, words mingle souls.”

May 26, 2011

hmm :).. yes, why don’t we do it more often?.. odd.. very odd… i love to share things like that with people.. thanks for the reminder.

May 26, 2011

Beautiful. AND so is the video. 🙂

May 26, 2011

I once went out of my way at work to find a woman whose shoes I’d noticed earlier just to tell her that I thought they were really cute and I thought she was going to cry thanks to the compliment. And all I meant was that I liked how they looked and she was SO thankful. We should all do it more often. I don’t know why it’s tricky to remember. ~I’ll be

May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011

Typically you, I mean it in a good way. You were being sincere is what I guess I mean to say.

May 26, 2011

I have always believed in the power of words. They have saved me and helped me save others. A simple word can make all the difference – negative or positive. Thank you for sharing yours and sharing smiles in the process. Also, thank you for the video. Lovely.

May 26, 2011

I always try and say something nice to the people who serve me, it costs me nothing and makes their other dreary day better. Good job!

May 27, 2011

So why don’t you do it more often? Hmmm, rather bold of me to ask that. (As much a question to myself as to you, really.) Words do matter. It’s easy to forget that, and we throw far too many of them away.

May 27, 2011

That really is a nice thing to say. I remember a girl behind a counter once being in a foul mood and I flashed her my best genuine smile and all of a sudden she smiled. Smallest gestures can improve humanity in big ways

May 27, 2011

I have seen the clip before and shown it to my friends and collegues. The power of words is within us. We simply need to take the time to focus and finds the words that best suit any situation and let them flow out. We have the power within to make a real difference. xxx

May 27, 2011


May 27, 2011

Beautifully put! *As the smile begins to crack the corners of my lips and my eyes shine brightly at the thought*

May 29, 2011

so easy to be bitter so hard to be kind…why is that? thank you for posting this. *hugs*

June 6, 2011

Keep speaking your truth, Nunz. We all need to hear it, because you not only have something to say, you have something we need to hear. Even me. LOL. Love you, Buster. R

June 12, 2011
June 23, 2011

..Because doing it “too” often takes some of the meaningful impact away from it. Still, we can all learn to give a little kindness each day. It would make life a little more pleasant for all.

August 4, 2011

I watched the video you had posted and I almost cried. The truth is that people don’t realize how much words can effect someone’s day. The saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” isn’t true. you read the articles about young kids that committed suicide because of an online blog. These things need to stop and your post really changed me. Thank you 🙂

August 4, 2011

I absolutely agree. can i share with you a quote that is very dear to me : ”Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”. ~ Leo Buscaglia ~ Lovely entry 🙂

August 4, 2011

Love this

August 4, 2011

That would have made my day too. A diarist here on OD one day asked me for my name. When I asked why, he said “Because I sometimes think of you throughout the day and am tired of calling you Colors of Rage”. Totally made my day knowing I passed through someones thoughts. I can definitely relate

May 29, 2012

I love random acts of kindness like this