Afraid? Need some kindness?


Edit: November 27, 2008, two years later.
Ok, I just thought today was a good day to bring this back.
Happy Thanksgiving and with my thanks to Australia,
God bless,


Feeling sad?
Confused about what to do next?
Threatened about how to … ?
Need some kindness?
Some encouragement?
Some help with your load?
Try this!*
I defy you to not to tear up or have your mood altered for the better.
If your mood is altered for the better, doesn’t that mean your unhappiness is simply a thought process and therefore, alterable?  (Come back and read this sentence again, after you try it!*)
Go ahead now, try it!*
Don’t be afraid.
It is the best of being human!
Crank the sound and… *TRY IT! 
God bless,
PS: Another reminder! 


Edit: 09/28/2006 @ 19:06:07
Juan Mann
One Man
One Love
A man, wandering in a dark world, isolated in a crowd, searching for what? Then, suddenly, the impact of another’s touch awakens him to language, to knowledge of love, to the concepts of nature, and of good. His world suddenly expands to include all … why? Is it simply another’s touch … or is there more going on here?
Why does it speak to us so?
Watch it again … tell me! I need to know what you see!
And then, pass it along to someone you love … or someone you don’t.
(My apology for bringing you back with this edit but this fascinates me. When I first posted this entry on Tuesday, September 26th, there were approximately 125,000 “views.” On Wednesday, 265,000; Today, Thursday, at this moment, 923,686!
It’s been up on its site since last Friday, September 22. What is it about this that is causing people to view it over 153,000 times a day, 6,400 times an hour, and accelerating?)



Saturday, September 30th … 1.266 million views.

Juan Mann (The "Hug Guy" in the video) does his magic from Pitt Street Mall in Sydney, Australia.

From the YouTube site and the person who posted the video:

"From  PeaceOnEarth123

Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Fr Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person…

Music by Sick Puppies. (Visit or for the music)
—————————— ——————-

PS. The response to this video has been nothing short of overwhelming and touching. Hugs to every single one of you who messaged. There has been thousands of emails from all over the world by people seeking to participate in the Free Hugs campaign and asking for permission. You do not need permission. This is the peoples movement, this is *your* movement. With nothing but your bare hands, you can make THE difference. "





And look, from Montreal, Canada, The HuggerBusker  whose mantra is: "My art is inspired by the tenderness of your humanity!"
I love this "movement!"  (Ok, ok, that’s the last edit from this "old Hippy," as one of you called me.)  😉 

(Friday, 13 October, 2006 … 2,836,685 Views!)
(Thursday, 19 July, 2007 … Views: 16,195,294 )
God bless,







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September 26, 2006

I wanna hug somebody 🙂

September 26, 2006

You’re right as usual! Very Inspiring!

September 26, 2006

OK, I’m sitting here smiling!

September 26, 2006

I loved it! Thank you. (I got your OD from Iget2bme. She said I would like you.)

September 26, 2006

Terrific! Thanks for making me feel warm all over.

September 26, 2006

Tears all around. That is the guy I wanna marry. The one who gives free hugs to everyone. Happy sigh. I was already happy, but this video made my heart feel good. Made. My. Day. Thank you for sharing.

geez! how could people NOT hug him? he freakin’ looks like JESUS CHRIST! i woulda got down on my knees and started begging for forgiveness for all of my sins… well, okay, not ALL of ’em… :0P (g)

i mighta even gotten down on my knees and given him something else for free… *lewd grin* (g)

tear up? I had em streaming down my face. At first for a world too scared to hug, and then for the beautiful ability of each one of us to break down anything and make the world a better place. Would you mind if I link to this vid? I want to show my faves too. ~ryn~ for you by request … how could I refuse :0) …

September 26, 2006

p.s. Great song, too. Loving it!

September 26, 2006

Thanks for the lifted spirits. I despise you when you’re right. *smooches to you* Love Red

September 26, 2006

*grinning* / is it as simple as that? / is that the answer? / do we just need to love one another? / where have i heard that before??? thank you for this reminder!!!

September 26, 2006

Phoenix sent me over here…. and I’m so glad she did. The hug video was so touching, and I did tear up. And now I want a hug! Thank you so much.

September 26, 2006

You’re just one of a kind! (((HUG)))

September 26, 2006

🙂 Heartwarming.

September 26, 2006

I really needed that tonight as I struggle with my work environment. Thanks, Nunz.

You just won the OD diary feel-good entry of the day! Was that Jesus?

September 27, 2006

I tried to hug a coworker this weekend when I went to see her daughter in a play and I was congratulating her. She shirked away like I was assaulting her. *sigh*

September 27, 2006

Wow- that’s all I can say. Thank you for sharing this!

September 27, 2006

Fabulous!!!!!!! 🙂 And yes… it made me smile 🙂

September 28, 2006

It does take up most of my days and a good chunk of my nights — fussing about how you are always right. Yeah. Yep. That’s what I fuss about.

September 28, 2006

Must tell you my favorite part of the video. First, love the editing. Favorite part was after he kneels down to hug the tiny older lady…the scene goes from black and white to color, and then she touches his face with her hand. The best. Cry every time. Why? Because he was giving free hugs, but she gave something back to him in that touch. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

September 28, 2006

And I tried not to cry and I fought back my tears but not for long because suddenly they just rolling down my face. Thank you!

September 28, 2006

A bunch of those viewings are because I emailed the link to everyone in my address book. It’s a delightful video. Just honest human connectionedness. Makes me cry when I watch it, too.

*reads other notes* buncha freakin’ crybabies!!! (g)

‘cuz he resembles jesus and represents “good” and at first he’s spurned and then suddenly people start coming at him and then he’s spreading his “word.” know jesus, know love. no jesus, no love. (g)

I immediately posted the link to this video to my favourite horror writers forum board – Horror Writers are some of the nicest, kindest and most giving people I’ve ever met. I knew they would appreciate it. The video made me a little bit sad, but at the same time impressed at how many people the man and his gift reached. The power of touch can never be denied.

September 28, 2006

Aw! That made me cry! With a big grin on my face! What a fabulous way to start what could be the most amazing weekend of my life. Thank you!

September 28, 2006

I was all like, “Hugs? Whatever.” Then I cried like a baby.

September 28, 2006

They featured it on Good Morning America this week…that’s why so many new hits.

September 29, 2006

Well, of course a lot of it is editing for effect. Good editing will make or break a movie, you know. In this clip, there is the music, the first line “I don’t mind where you come from as long as you come to me,” then the touch on the cheek with the first hug…then the world comes to life, then I observe the rest of the hugs as they take place. There is a girl in a red jogger-type jacket who gives a full embrace and you can feel in the moment that she is warm and caring. There are others who hug, but are hesitant or hugging nervously, feet planted, only allowing arms to embrace…fearing too much intimacy. Then the kid on the skateboard…very cool. And even though the song is rather melancholy, the viewer hears “And I’ll take you for who you are, if you’ll take me for everything” and more hugs. Then the hugs are banned…and you can’t even keep up with what is happening the first time you watch the video because you are loving the hugs and the music…so you watch it again. (con’t)

September 29, 2006

You see it again, and note this time that people are running to give hugs to the crescendo of the music and the lyrics “you’ll just come back running holding your scarred heart in hand”…and you are wishing you could be right there in the mix at that very moment because yes, we all have our scarred hearts in hand waiting for a healing touch. So now the petition is circluating, the media is involved and the spirit of people truly comes alive in protest of the ridiculous ban on free hugs. This while the music is strong and bold. And then the 10,000 sigs are complete, the music slows, hugs all around…given so much more freely now…and once again one man with one sign, walks the streets seeking one love. Why is it such a huge phenomenon? Well, imho, we are all so overwhelmed with or desensitized to violence, daily frustrations, stress, etc., that when some seemingly simple thing such as this video comes along, we latch on like a child nursing. We love to have hope. We long for some kindness that has no price or strings attached. (con’t)

September 29, 2006

We buy into the dream and see the value in making it a reality. Can we? Will we? Probably not. But the catalyst for change is there if we choose to act. Those people who got hugged or gave hugs are forever changed somehow, imo. Whew. Will she ever stop carrying on about this? Yes. Now is a good time. =D {{{Nunzio}}} Thanks again for posting this, and for opening up a dialogue about it.

September 29, 2006

the power of touch can move mountains. thanks for sharing this. ryn: lol darlin if it HAD been you we would have missed the concert ; )

September 29, 2006

ryn: lol how could we turn down such a heartfelt wish??

September 29, 2006

because everyone at some point or another needs a little human contact. its a great concept… a friend and i are going to portalnd with our own signs this weekend *grin*

September 29, 2006

This was great!

September 30, 2006

wow. made me all teary-eyed and everything. well over 1,000,000 views now! : )

September 30, 2006

Aw, I know I’m a pessimist but this is getting a bit too soppy for me. It’s nice and all, and I’m glad the police got their banning shoved in their face, but how silly can people be by emailing to ask PERMISSION to be included in the campaign and asking HOW they can partake. For chrissakes, they’ve missed the point completely. And the movie makers reponse just made me want to shake someone. Pah!

September 30, 2006

Hey, a new diary form, just keep adding to the original post! Really, very touching. I wonder if ‘free hugs’ would only work in a large population area, or would it also happen in a small town? I guess I could try it.

September 30, 2006

They showed this video on Good Morning America the other day, I’m sure that helped to pop that counter up so high 🙂

September 30, 2006

ha. now i’m smiling and feeling all kinds of huggy like 🙂 great video!

I love the HuggerBusker. I really, really love him. I love that he hugs thousands of people, and still remembers me by name every time I go to Montreal. I was tempted every time to take a picture with him…but it seemed wrong, somehow. He smells good. Like incense.

October 1, 2006

Mmmm I love it. It’s so… good. But I’ve had a perfect weekend, so today I love pretty much everything. I’m easy that way. 🙂

October 2, 2006
October 2, 2006

You’d better believe it, Buster. ROFL. She has a gun… everyone run!

October 2, 2006

beautiful, thanks for pointing me to that 🙂

October 2, 2006

Okay, truth: I watched the video and cried.

ryn: posted it just for you. :0) (g)

ryn: LOL!!! yah, you’re prob’ly right. (g)

but ironically enough, or maybe not so ironically, when i act like i don’t give a shit, he’s *more* sweet to me. it’s almost as if we’ve switched roles… hmmm… (g)

ryn: so, in other words, if i act like an uncaring b*tch, every man i want will fall in love with me..? *wink* (g)

ryn: *nods in understanding* ahhhhh..! (g)

ryn: we must really be dumb then, ‘cuz women’s shoes sure as hell do NOT feel good!! they only *look* good, but they hurt like hell!! *frowns* (g)

ryn: LOL!!!! of course, only YOU would be able to find those!!! crazy!!! *hugs and spanks* (g)

ryn: LOL!!!! ‘cuz i don’t HAVE any hoochie pics!!! but i promise when i do, i’ll send ’em to ya. :0P (g)

ryn: we haven’t had any sex for a month, and, nope, he can’t read my emotions. at least, not anymore he can’t. :0P anyway, i think he was a gay man in a past life. he’s very effeminate (sp?). he craves affection and passion that he hasn’t been getting from his wife. she doesn’t like to show affection in front of the kids, and they have been lettin their 2-yr-old daughter sleep in bed with them. apparently, i fill that role…that is, when i’m not being emotionally needy. and will you please stop publically quoting my PRIVATE notes to you!!! *frowns* (g)

October 11, 2006

ryn: Ain’t that the truth, we are all silly. And if women are buying love when they buy cosmetics, looks like I need to raise my standards, ’cause I just paid three bucks for a bottle of love! LOL

ryn: i’m a faves only diary. i’m verrrrry picky about who i let in. if i can’t read you first, then you can’t read me at all. “mei lai” was a fave of one of my good friends, kawaii anime gal (who was also duped), i figured “she” was safe. never again. next diary is by invitation only. (g)

October 11, 2006

ryn: Gotta read that. I hope it does not diminish the huge crush I have had on Descartes all these years. 🙂 It is not so much what he says, etc., as his personal story.

GAH!!!! will be deleting my (g)ezebel diary. :0( my NEW diary is: (g) files, or sumthin like that. i’ll make a faves request on your diary. please add me back to your faves. ~gail

me again! pls add me back to your faves. :0P ~gail

crazy!!! but i’m sure you look reeeeally sexy in speedos. :0P

ryn: LOL! you dolt. i changed my diary name. (g) files was just too easy for FB to find me again. ~gail

ryn: LOL! i s’pose it could be worse. it coulda read “vulvar” latin. :0P

October 13, 2006

You better believe it, Buster.

ryn: i was talking about physically, sexually. :0P (g)

hey! i just wrote you a really long note and it didn’t save!!!! dammit!!!! now i’ll hafta rewrite it. (g)

ryn: i totally have approval issues. i’ve been seeing a shrink off and on for 16 years. i definitely equate scott’s paying attention to me as approval/love. my daddy… i know he loved/loves me; but his culture and generation doesn’t allow him to show affection. my sis and i were born in america, where public displays of affection are commonplace. so you see my dilema? i want something from my parents that they are emotionally unable to give. my husband… he is a lot like my father in the sense that he spoils me rotten, but my hubby is very affectionate. emotionally, my husband is everything i want and need. unfortunately, i am not physically attracted to him anymore… so there is dilema number 2… (g)

ryn: *giggles* i know THAT, too. see! i remember *something* from those damn shrink sessions!!! my mother used to always tell me: you’re problem is, you run. you don’t want to face your problems; you’d rather run. you did it with karate, you did it with piano, you did it with your first marriage… and it’s true. i know it is. it’s much easier for me to “run,” than it is to stay and fixthe problem (which, of course, is me). i yam what i yam and that’s all that i yam… A YAM!!! :0P (g)

p.s. firstly, what is your real name? secondly, thanks so much for your honesty and your words of wisdom. i know i joke a lot; and i mostly never listen… but i do appreciate it all the same. *warm smile* ~gail

BAH! i’m a woman and it’s my prerogative to respond only to the notes i want to!!! :0P no, you’re not getting a pic of my nipples. i’ll think about the panties. do i hafta be in them? heehee (g)

October 16, 2006

ryn: yes, poor me. What the Cards really need to do is, when they go to play each game, just walk up to the other team and say, “Here you go, you won.” It would save a lot of time and heartache. Why can’t we win? Why can’t we win???? LOL

October 16, 2006

Oh, and you have mail. =)

October 17, 2006

Nunz! Don’t worry. Nice of you to respond… 🙂

November 27, 2008

love it! one of my fave vids. and youa re one of my fave faves. ~kisses~ with tongue of course

November 27, 2008

Yep yep. Thanks for the reminder. 11/27/2008

November 27, 2008

I watched the video twice – once for me, once with my son. We had gone to see Sick Puppies in concert when they appeared with Three Doors Down. The interview video has been removed “due to terms of use violation.” Too bad, I was interested in seeing it.

November 27, 2008

Soon hugging will be banned everywhere, Teachers can no longer hug students and everyone is suspicious when a stranger aprroaches you. It makes me sad. We are all simply longing to be touched. How can that be a bad thing?

November 28, 2008

YES to that last note. I just left the UK to go work in Belgium. My primary students suddenly get up in the middle of the lesson and hug me. They come and touch me…because they need my warmth. I’ve heard other teachers say it too about that class. And you know… its wonderful. So natural. When it first happened I was taken aback, scared for me job. In the UK that would be unacceptable.Right now, I just go hug them right back. I like to be hugged. I feel like going out and offering a free hug.

November 28, 2008

GAH! THANKS Nunzio. I’m sitting on my couch blubbering lol well not quite but just about.. phew.. i want a free hugs t-shirt. i forgot about this campaign.. it is very nice to be reminded 🙂

November 30, 2008

i hadta watch it again. it made me smile and tear up simultaneously. again. and he still looks like Jesus to me. :0)

November 30, 2008

Since you posted this, I designed and wear my very own FREE HUGS t-shirt. 🙂 I loves me some free hugs. Happy happy.

December 1, 2008

wanna get to this place

December 2, 2008

Ahh….I had forgotten about this clip from back when. Good to see it today…made me smile. I want a “free hug” Tshirt!

May 31, 2010