A Story Of Conquering Pain – 4 of 4

Conversely, when we forgive, we recognize that our abusive parent was indeed crazy and crying out for help.  Yes, in the abuse of us, their children, they were crying out for help.  What parent in their right mind would have sex with their own child?  What parent in their right mind would beat or kill their child?  What of the “softer” abuses?  What parent in their right mind would endanger their child’s security by drinking to excess then climbing into a vehicle to drive drunk?  What else can these actions be but the actions of someone in deep trouble, “crazy,” crying out for help?






Our abusers made errors.  When we recognize their actions as errors, we are able to recognize our own actions as errors as well, instead of calling ourselves “bad,” “broken,” “flawed,” or “inferior.”






Those of us who continue to call ourselves names, who continue with the self-imposed punishment of negative self-talk, who believe we really are bad, have not yet been able to forgive our abusers.  One day, we will give ourselves permission … permission to emerge from our self-imposed purgatory.






I have long since made peace with my mother’s memory and truly forgiven her for her errors; I know I have because I can feel it.  I also knew that she and I could no longer exist in the same space.  To do so would jeopardize my health, so I had to let her go.  I severed contact with her.  It’s been over 30 years now.  I do not know if she is alive or dead. 


But you know what?  I’ve never been better, or happier …


life works out just like it’s supposed to.










Find that sweet, innocent child in you of years ago; engage with that child; recognize how that child never was “bad.”  There NEVER was anything wrong with that child, with you …or me!










We all are lovable – but it must start with forgiveness.





<span style="FON

T-FAMILY: ‘Bookman Old Style'”> 

Find the child in you, embrace him or her, stand together … forgive your abuser, forgive yourself … and never call yourself “bad,” or “broken” again.






For all of us … and you Red …


Find the child in you … and forgive.






God bless, and best wishes. 






































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March 19, 2004

my, my, my.

March 19, 2004

This was wonderful Nunzio

eloquent as usual. words escape me at the moment – i can only say thank you for sharing

Ahhh, you infuriating ba#tard… you made me cry. The pictures really touched a nerve, as did the words especially in this final page. We are all works in progress, as am I, I know. PS: You still don’t get what I’m saying, Dear. What do murderers (though I’m not a murderer, but murderers are arguably “bad”) tell themselves about themselves? You’re not really bad? That’s my point. Love ya.

We KNOW when we’re bad, Nunz. We KNOW. We can say the words, “you’re not bad,” but when it’s a flat-out lie… *shakes head*. I believe it for people who are just confused, Nunz. Absolutely. Not for people who. Really. Are. Bad.

And how come I never got a bite on the vampire bite? Jeez. I MUST be bad, lol.

And I don’t blame any “abuser.” I was born flawed, hence it was not their fault. I am an adult, intelligent and reasonable, yet I am still “bad.” I don’t blame anyway, Nunz, just me! *big cheesy grin* I am not an amoeba, bumbling around responding to stimuli. I have a brain — I just don’t use it. Ha ha.

But! I see your point, and I will carefully consider it. Thank you so much, truly, friend. I know you’re just trying to take care of me. *soft smile*

*tear* how sweet and sad… You are wonderful *Harmony*

March 20, 2004


Submissive here, “SIR” …;-)

March 22, 2004

“Forgive us our trespasses as we we fogrive those who tresspass against us!” That is so good!

March 24, 2004

Very touching entry. So true and well put.

March 26, 2004
April 19, 2004

lovely, 🙂

September 30, 2004

but how can you forgive for the ‘past’ if it isn’t in the past..?

February 10, 2005

So sorry about your puppy. Breaks my heart to think of it. I feel even worse to think that she was throwing that hammer at you. I’m glad you made your peace and have become the man you are…Blessings. bmh