Waking thoughts *edit*
My Mikey, I love you
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When Louis woke up, he wanted to use the bathroom and wash his hands. Then he thought about taking a bath, since neither Mikey nor we have had a bath since Thursday, and that was up at Mama’s school.
That pissed me off, so now OUR SPOUSE has to deal with my anger, and that’s not fucking fair.
How fucking pathetic is my family not to let us use a normal bathroom or take a bath? When we piss or shit in our potty chair, we can’t even wash our hands afterwards1 Then we have to EAT with those same dirty hands.
Gee, a guy could get an overblown ego from being treated like such royalty.
And what of my own mother? Perhaps it’s best I not go there. Well, I can’t literally go there, anyway, because her husband hates me.
Nice fucking family, eh?
The only ones who love us are ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren.
At least I know it.
p.s. So that no touchy egos get bruised, let me clarify that next-to-last statement. The only ones IN OUR FAMILY who love us are ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren.
i was going to say, “we love ya’ll”, but you clarafied your last sentence.
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