Today’s plans
Ugh, today we actually have PLAAAAANS!!!!! I hate plans!!!!!I was tempted to let Mr. Gloom-And-Doom deCorte write, but I already know how his entry would go. Something like this :Today, we’re going to clean out the Waco house. I’m gonna die of pneumonia, oldmonia, or any kind of monia. Bronchitis will develop first, then slowly morph itself into a monia. Help me, argh, I’m dying (again).Ok. That about states it. And it is our concern, but I had to death-hagg/drama-ho it up to fit Piers’s style, you know?Anyway, that’s what we’re doing today. Then, Mikey is going to cook dinner for Mama, Lola, and us at Lola’s apartment.Joyeaux jour, mes amies.Love,Betty Louise