The med thing has started again
She got her fucking Klonopin again. Monday, we go to the doctor, and she’ll get her pain pills again.
I’m not ready for this. I don’t know if I can do it. We’ve had our problems since she hasn’t had the pills, but at least she was clear-headed and able to form an intelligent sentence. Now, she’s already cloggy again, and she can’t understand anything I say to her. Fucking pills. I hate them.
I’m thinking that the first time she overdoses on those goddamned narcotics, I hope she dies and then I kill myself. I’m sorry for what it would do to anyone who really loves us, but I’m also sick as hell of this crazy, stupid shit.
Medication is a mess. My father is on several different medications for pain and all sorts of things, but instead of being groggy, he’s wired for sound and very, very moody. Almost like he developed bipolar overnight.
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