So confusing sometimes
Things get that way….confusing, that is.
We rented the Waco house, even though we did not wind up going to Waco. Harpo saved the day again. AGAIN!!!! That man is ALWAYS saving our days! We’d be lost without him, wouldn’t we? 🙂
Today has been interesting, to say the least. To say the most, it’s been one of those awful, horrible, fucked up days that I would never relive in a thousand years.
Upon awakening, we discovered that the database on the 275mb website had crashed, for whatever reason. I lost my private blog. Ok…fix it. Couldn’t fix it. Got upset. Panicked. Oscar or someone…I just can’t figure out whom it is!!!!…came flaring out in full self-loathing mode.
Lunch went ok. Nanny was mostly nice. Mama was her usual self. We talked about Alzheimer’s and Mobic for arthritis pain. Wow, what we talk about sometimes!
Then My Mikey starts panicking when I get home. He has a warrant in Waco, so he doesn’t like to go there anymore. He asked for (and received) two Navanes, my anxiety med. That made him loopy as hell when it kicked in, so that meant I’d have to drive. I hate driving, but I gritted my teeth and decided we’d have a good trip.
We forgot the goddamned keys for the Waco house, and we didn’t notice that until we were almost 1/3 of the way there. So we turned around. We’d only had a little under 1/2 tank of gas, and the turn-around made us go down to nearly 1/4 tank.
So I decided we’d go tomorrow. Well, that isn’t going to happen, and I’m glad. When we went to Martha’s office instead of home, My Mikey got bent out of shape about it because he doesn’t want to be up there. So it wasn’t Dear Ole Jack anymore. That pulled Oscar back out. This time it WAS him, and I know it.
Oscar made Mama mad. She actually yelled at him in Martha’s office!!!!! So MH flew off the handle, too, because we didn’t and wouldn’t go to Waco.
Finally, Mama came up with the idea to call Harpo in Waco and ask him to go over to the house. Damned good thing he still had the keys!!!! He did, the people liked it enough, and now they have the keys. Tuesday, MH is bringing them a one-year lease. That’s pretty cool, even though we won’t reap any benefit from it.
As always, MH is much more important than I am.
Anyway, that’s where it ended. There are a few details of the actual series of phone calls….and there were a LOT of them….that took place between Isaac (the renter) and me, MH and me, Mama and me, and Harpo and me.
My Mikey is down for a nap. I’m gonna wake him up at 11pm, because we learned the hard way about a LONG sleep at night. No way. So he’ll get up, and we’ll stay up way late, go to bed, and get up at a reasonable time tomorrow.
My Mikey, I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,
Your Jack
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