Slack Up, Jack!
I’ve been entirely too hard on My Mikey. He’s being a wonderful friend by helping Tiffany and Laurie pack up all Laurie’s stuff for the move. I have not been very supportive. That is about to change. My Mikey gets criticism for every move he makes, so how is he supposed to know when he’s doing a good thing if nobody tells him?!!!
I state it here : My Mikey, you are being a good man and a great friend. You are beautiful inside, and I love that about you.
He just called, as soon as I typed that sentence, so I read it to him. He took it well! 😀 I’m glad. He deserves to be happy, and I’ve been pretty nasty all day long. Greedy and selfish, more than anything, and those are nasty traits if you let them become such, which I have. Now, let me write for my own benefit, too :
K, that’s better. Now, I shall wander off into programming land, where I’m attempting to piece together a client identical to Semagic that will post to OpenDiary, so I can maintain both diaries simultaneously. We’ll see how it goes! It’s bound to keep me busy all night long, so I won’t focus on not hearing from My Mikey as much!
My Mikey, I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,
Your Jack p.s. Betty asks that I apologize for her, too. Done. Will you forgive The Ice Queen, too? J