One question I wish I could ask God directly
This is not meant in a critical way. I’m only curious.
God, why did you skip me when you were giving out children who needed to be raised? I got mine grown, and I’m not complaining about them one bit. I’m just really curious. It leaves a lot of room to doubt myself. Was I not capable of bringing up a baby? Would I have messed up a child, somehow? Is it somehow a bad reflection on me?
That’s all I want to know. I see people with children, and I wonder why they have them, because they don’t appreciate them the way I know I would. I’m not claiming to be any better than anyone…just more astute, maybe. I know what gifts people are to other people. And so many people say things like, "I can’t wait til you grow up and move out of my house!"
I don’t get it. I would not have done that. When my daughter DID move out of my house, I had severe withdrawals.
And I only had her in my house a year.
Maybe I will eventually realize why it has happened the way it has. Maybe not. If not, I guess it’s just not meant for me to understand.
Thank you for my girls, God.
Maybe you’re meant to help raise other peoples kids because there are so many of them out there that ARE neglected? Maybe God saw that you have so much love that focusing it on your own child would limit it tremendously. Possible thoughts. 🙂
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