Omg, these dogs….and that wife!
This is not Mr. Nice Guy Jack, so get ready for a smart-assed entry.
This morning started off on a dim note…literally. I woke up at about 5:30, half hour before the alarm goes off. Then, after being quiet and patient, while freezing my ASS off and not being able to see jack shit, the alarm goes off. Our alarm is on Mikey/Laurie’s phone, so she wakes up long enough to tell me to come get the alarm and do something about it, which pissed me off, because I couldn’t see shit. So I manage to stumble over and shut the damned thing off.
I ask her if she wants to cover her head so I can turn on the light. "I DON’T WANT THE LIGHT ON!!!!" I thought to myself, "Well I fucking DO!"
So yeah, I go make coffee, come back into the dark, freezing room, and shut the dogs out of the room. I can’t deal with how hyper they are first thing when I wake up. Well, Georgie, our newest baby, started scratching and whining at the door, so Laurie tells me to open it and let them in. I didn’t want to, but I did, so I spitefully told Georgie and one other dog (couldn’t see who) to bark, bark bark! Laurie snarls, "They ARE barking!" But they weren’t.
I already had heartburn, and I couldn’t FIND my Nexium in the dark, so I was in a pissy mood, because it sucks to wake up to heartburn. Anyway, I sit there and sulk, sipping coffee and praying I don’t have to kill any dogs for spilling my coffee on me. No death, don’t worry.
Then, I got up and got ready to take Hunter, whose birthday is today, to school. Little stinker was being smarty-pants with me, but it was ok, I guess. I just smarted right back. Gotta teach ’em how, you know? 🙂
So Laurie just woke up about ten minutes ago. I told her what all went on…no memory of it. I told her next time that damn alarm goes off, she’s getting up, because I’m not gonna sit in the dark and cold, bored out of my skull again.
We’re not fighting. Taking each other with a grain of salt, even though I’m a bitch today.
Grrr, these dogs are driving me crazy! Foxy, our tiny little chihuahua, for some reason thinks he’s the boss of the house. Georgie and he get into fights, and Georgie whips the shit out of him, but Foxy keeps nagging him over and over again, like "I’m not afraid, man!" I told him he should fucking GET afraid!
Let’s see how the day goes now. I’ve got my medicine in my system, FINALLY. Wish me luck, damnit!
Hope your day went well. Sometimes all the seeming little things add up, huh?
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