This entry is about one of my wife’s personalities.
This morning, we were sitting out in the living room. It was Betty (me) and who we thought was Mikey. Suddenly, "Mikey" says, "I’m not who you think I am. I’m The Crazy Lady." The Crazy Lady has a loooong, twisted history with all this family. She was apparently chief abuser of Tiffany when Tiffany was growing up, until she herself put a stop to it by calling CPS on herself. On more than one occasion, I’ve had vicious fights with her, and I came to the conclusion that I hated that portion of my wife. Well, this morning proved me wrong.
I said, "You are NOT The Crazy Lady!" She said she was, too. I said she wasn’t, again. Then, it kinda sank in that maybe she WAS The Crazy Lady.
She said, "How come I’m the only fucking one in here who doesn’t have a real name?" I didn’t know the answer to that one, so I went over to her and put my head against her arm, cuddling up as much as the furniture allowed. Furniture and arthritis, that is. As a joke, I said, "How about Medusa?" I was a little afraid of a bad reaction…..this WAS The Crazy Lady, after all! I apologized quickly and suggested "Medallia" instead. She said, "Medusa might work." That surprised the hell out of me!!!! I expected a rage, but what I got was a quick, "I have a sense of humor, too." I said that I was afraid in the heat of the moment, if we called her "Medusa", she would totally lose it. She said something to the effect of it might just snap her out of a rage. So "Medusa" it is!
She’s been out twice today, and we had fun both times. I’m so glad to know that maybe we can work things out. It’s not nice to feel like you hate a part of the person you love with all your heart and soul.
Now, if we can only convince my son Oscar to learn what Medusa may be able to teach! He was out all afternoon, and he was not the least bit happy about that. Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is that maybe we can all make peace, eventually. That’s my goal, anyway.
Love to everybody,
Betty Louise
So, what you’re saying is you guys can all evolve your personalities as any person would? I wonder if Oscar stopped by before or after this entry. Probably before. Sorry you had to change the name of your last entry! But it is kind of funny how it still fits a little bit.
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RYN: Of course! I actually did one with a Mom tattoo not too long ago. Do you have a specific color that you would like the monkey to be? I can do almost any color except for green or orange. For some reason, those colors are just not popular sock colors! Lots of hugs, John
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Er, I meant to ask do you have a specific color you want *your* monkey to be. I have a headache, my brain isn’t working right today! Lots of hugs, John
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