Have I become Carly Simon?!!!!
Proving it, bit by bit……
I was just thinking again about something I’ve noticed in the past few years. I guess the major impact of it has yet to hit me, but I really look forward to when it does.
The reason I asked if I have become Carly is because I’m realizing that her song “Coming Around Again” is very true. It may not be from the same perspective that she meant it….what I am seeing, I mean…but I think she has made discoveries that I long to make.
I’ve been reading Mary Wilson’s books again lately, and they’re making things click into place. So is June Havoc’s second book.
Sometimes, we all go through things that seem totally devastating for a very long, painful time….BUT….what I’ve been noticing is that sometimes, after a long time has passed, things that used to be negative have a profound positive effect on us. The same is true with positive turning negative. For example, the life-altering effect that Matt had on me. I used to be completely destroyed by it. Now, I’m absolutely glad it turned out that we didn’t become a couple. I wish it hadn’t ended so bitterly, but I’m very happy being with my mate…My Mikey.
Some things stay the same. I don’t see how I could ever regret the births of any of my babies, for example. They’re a permanent positive development. Speaking of which, our nephew, Alex, has lost his first tooth! He’s all happy about it, and Juli is sad that she doesn’t have a tooth loose yet. If she only knew….
I’m about pooped from typing, because my chair is so much shorter than the desk, and I have to reach up pretty high to type, so I’ll try to continue this thought pattern later.
My Key, My Mikey, I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,
Your Jack
I may not remember loosing my teeth or the braces but I do remember when Tiffany or Elisabeth lost theirs so I do have references to it as for the Carly thing you both have the social phobia but she got over hers lets get you over yours. I love you forever times PI cubed plus one… Mikey
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