
Proving it, bit by bit……



Lola typed an entry earlier, in which she mentioned that My Mikey is multiple.  For some reason, she seems to have trouble with the concept that I, too, am multiple.

I don’t feel up to completing this entry just yet, but soon, I will write what I can about the genesis of each of us.  I don’t know specific dates or anything, but the circumstances that created us, I think I have a handle on.  If not, then whomever I mess up can correct it himself/herself.

My Mikey, I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,

Your Jack

p.s.  Lola, if you are reading this, please come on Yahoo Messenger.




It’s 11:39pm.  I’ve been home for quite some part of the day.  When I typed the above portion of the entry, I was at Harpo’s house, on Jenn’s computer.  Now, I shall state MY genesis, as best I can.

Birth.  Actually, I think at about age three, several of us were formed.

I have to do an errand….I’ll type more later!


2:36am – I just wrote about QAF on the entry "End of an era".

Now, before another exodus, let me state what I believe was my genesis.  tee hee  Catch the pun?

I think Hermy was actually born in 1975.  The first three years, according to our baby book and Mama’s stories..they sound like almost purely Hermy, not any of us.  He was a pleasure to be around.  He loved to laugh and smile.  He was good at being good, apparently.

I think I formed sometime after age 3.  How I wound up OLDER, I’ll never know, but it happened with most of us in here.  I think I was "born" because we were raised alongside many older cousins.  Most of the mentioned cousins are within 12 years older than this body, which is 30 years old now.  That doesn’t necessarily explain why I am four years older than the oldest cousins, but hey….

I really believe I came about maybe when we entered Kindergarten.  Social interaction is not my strongpoint and never has been.  I remember being out on the playground at recess (in Kindergarten)….I would sit by myself, brushing at the dirt on the ground, trying to "reach the rock under it".  Also, I remember that sometimes Oscar or perhaps a rather embittered Louis would be out in the grass, pretending that it was a giant’s hair, and he would RIP it out of the ground, pretending that he was hurting the giant really badly.

I want to cry when I remember things like that.  Central fucking databanks….that’s how I think of our memories.  I didn’t do that, I don’t think, but I remember it happening.  So maybe school brought me about?  I’m not positive.

My Mikey, hold me.  I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,

Your Jack





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July 11, 2005

got your nessage and will get on messenger. I know you are a muptile. I met Mikey as a muptile but we did not know about your other personalities until later. I am grasping the concept but I have always known you as Herman. I may be making progress but I hope you are not expecting major breakthroughs from me all the time. I am just beginning to see alot of things.