From Momma’s perspective
Life is slowly but surely improving around this place, as we should have all expected all along.
I see that Oscar has made frequent appearances everywhere, and he is calming down, do you not think, dears?
Well, whether each of you sees progress, Momma does.
Jack, I was impressed with the way you handled the fight that broke out between Hank and Velma last night. It was enough to make a mother’s heart burst with pride that you kept your own temper in excellent check. The beauty with which your sermon was delivered touched me.
Jacky, darling boy – or as you would have it "boi" –
You are, indeed, cocky and confident, and at times arrogant as all get out, but let me assure you that these things can and do serve a purpose. You have made your Grandymere proud in the past week. Thank you, dear one, for standing up for yourself without hurting anyone unnecessarily.
Barbara, my dear, you are an asset to the family. How often it seems that you are truly the mother of Jack, Betty, Bill, and Piers. Would that I could make that so…perhaps it is possible. After all, the mind is under our ultimate control. Food for thought, as I think you make an exquisite mother. You are a strong, comforting woman, and I am very proud to call you my daughter.
Elizabeth Louise – my Betty –
Your courage in the face of adversity is amazing. Yes, you stay blue for what is happening with Tiffany, Elisabeth, and the little ones, but you shine in your protection of your own internal children, Louis and Oscar. Your devotion to your children is one of the dearest things about you, darling girl. Never surrender to the thoughts you have that you are in any way incapable of handling life. You are this body’s adjusted version of the true-life sister, Mary Helen. You are her as we wish she was, and you demonstrate wonderful personality traits many times over. We shall curb your temper somehow, dear one, so do not worry about that.
Bill and Piers, you have been the silent partners much of late. Thank you, Bill, for comforting when you could. Thank you, Piers, for your restraint in times of need. You are both coming along fine. As you have only discovered yourselves more recently than the rest of us, what is expected of you is less than for those of us long established.
Louis and Oscar – such darling children! Your fears are not limiting you as they once were. Grandymere sees what you cannot. As part of the benefit of my greater portion of years of wisdom, I see progress where others may not. The very fact that you both have made brave efforts to communicate with your parents is worthy of commendation. Here, you receive your accolade! I am proud of you, dear boys. Keep trying, as only a consistent effort brings about change for the better.
Hermy is, as usual, the eternal clown. Thank you for the laughter and, thereby, the encouragement to continue pressing onward. So often, life seems mostly an uphill battle. Laughter can ease that dreadful slope. Thank you for the help.
Micheal, darling, never stop being who you truly are. There are those who would urge you otherwise. None of those others live in this body. We cheer you because we respect you and love you dearly and deeply. You make a mother proud!
Hank – you turbulent fireball, you! What a source of strength you are. As with Bill and Piers, you are a more recent discovery, and time will refine what needs refining. You are good to your wife and children, and for this, Momma is eternally grateful. The temper shall be curbed, just as Betty’s shall.
I love you all very much,
TY, for understanding as I know all of you do. Hank says he’ll hang in there and try to be more patient with Lola not easy but he’ll try…….
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