Enough is enough
I have had it!
Laurie is in the hospital again. ICU again. Drugs again. They caused renal failure this time. Severe.
The first night, I didn’t visit, I was so angry. The next day, my anger turned to concern, because I found out she was in renal failure. Now, her kidneys are recovering, and the stupid-ass goddamned doctor puts her BACK on oxycontin….because "that’s what you take at home".
I’m about to find a way to mount a lawsuit against our primary care doctor. Since he has been informed on three separate occasions (and written in his notes!) that she has overdosed on Oxycontin, in my eyes he is no better than a common drug dealer. I know he wrote in his notes, because I saw him write it with my own eyes.
Whether Laurie likes it or not, she is going OFF oxycontin, hydrocodone, temazepam, and clonazepam. Those are her drugs of choice, and they have almost killed her too many times to count. I am not taking this shit anymore!!!!!! It’s tearing our family apart, and if I don’t take a stand for my children and grandchildren…much less myself….then I’m no better than any of the deadbeat parents I abhor so much.
I was informed earlier that it might appear to the medical profession that I’m making this all about me. Okay. So I’m fighting tooth and nail to keep my wife alive because….why? SO SHE WON’T DIE!!!!!!! Fucking morons think that’s making it all about me? It IS partially about me, obviously. I don’t want to have to bury my wife!!!!!!!!
But this is also about my kids. Somehow, it just recently dawned on me that my priorities were out of whack. It’s been all about my wife and not enough about the kids. Well, color those days over. They deserve to have at least ONE parent who will fight for them!!!!! Lord knows, we can’t count on their sorry-ass Mama to do it, so that leaves me. Not that I’m doing it out of necessity. I’m doing it out of love for my family. If that’s egocentric, then to hell with them all. I guess I have a big ego!
I just can’t believe they put her back on oxycontin, when they KNOW that’s what caused the fucking renal failure in the first place! WHY did they do this?!!!!!! And why doesn’t she stop them?!!!!!!! Don’t we mean ANYTHING to her?!!!!!!!
She says we do. She says she understands the enormity of the problem. She says she loves me with all her heart and doesn’t want to lose me. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! I can’t give up, so she’s lucky that way. If I gave up, that would place the burden squarely on my children’s shoulders, and I will not do that to them. Their Mom obviously wouldn’t care. So what? She didn’t want the kids to start with, so why should she give a shit about them now, all of a sudden?!
How do I help her see that there HAS GOT to be another way to cope with her "chronic pain". I’m so fucking SICK of hearing about "chronic pain". I’m so SICK of hearing that oxycontin and hydrocodone are the best treatments. I’m SICK of being in this with no support from the medical establishment.
Nobody says that alcohol (MY drug of choice, which I do NOT indulge in often) is the best treatment for MY chronic heartache! Would they hand me a bottle of whiskey in the hospital? I think not! They would slap my ass into a treatment program.
IF oxy and hydro ARE the best treatments, we’ll just have to settle for second best…or third…or fourth. The "best" isn’t working for us! It doesn’t stop her pain anyway, so why even bother with it? Why take the shit if it does no good?!!!!!!
I am so incredibly angry. I feel like I could have a heart attack or stroke, that’s how angry I am. I’m depressed enough to wish it on myself. I’m determined enough to fight that I know that’s stupid to wish for, and it would only hurt my kids even more!
I have a sneaky feeling that this fight is somehow just beginning. What a long, drawn-out beginning.
Listen do all you can. I feel your you!!!!!!!!!
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It looks like “the medical profession” do not want to deal with her anymore. You have to find a substance abuse expert that guides you. I agree wi you re common drug dealer concept.
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My father was hooked on hydrocodone for awhile. My mother tried to tell the doctor to stop giving it to him because he was taking way too many, but the doctor didn’t stop. Even if you throw out all the pills, she’ll find a way to get them, either from another doctor or she’ll buy them on the street. My mom was able to ween my dad from them over a period of time, but that doesn’t work for everyone.Maybe you can try getting her into a program of some sort? If you can find one that doesn’t charge an arm and a leg.
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thinking of you and your family =( <3
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@nikoncrazy – I have tried many times to get her into a program of some sort. For starters, they insist on speaking to her, and she more or less denies there is a problem. Because she ABUSES them and isn’t classically addicted to them, no one thinks there is a problem, which baffles me. No treatment program will accept her until SHE admits there is a problem that needs to be treated. She onlymentions “chronic pain” as the problem that needs to be treated…never EVER EVER does she admit (to anyone who counts…obviously I don’t) that she’s out of control with what is supposed to be the solution to that pain!
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One problem with addicts is this: they can come up with a million excuses on why they HAVE to use. It is easier to do that than deal with the deep issues of WHY they are using. ANY doctor who knows that someone has overdosed MULTIPLE times on meds they are prescribing and then continue to prescribe them needs to be reprimanded by the medical board.
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PLUS, the DEA has rules AGAINST this type of “treament”. I am sure they would find it interesting. Every script a MD writes for a controlled substance is logged in the DEA system.
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Read your note. Thank you for understanding. As for your situation… I think I might relate, at a least a little. My grandmother is addicted to all manner of prescription drugs (for years!) including Morphine and Hydrocodone. And somehow, she always finds another doctor to give her a script, also, for her “chronic pain.” I feel you, buddy. And I’m sorry. Good luck.
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I know I’m late, but I just stumbled across your OD and my heart goes out to you very, very much. I have been where you are; my fiance was an alcoholic and a drug addict for the first two years we were together. I know it takes enormous strength to deal with something like this; not to mention you also have children to protect and take care of. Do what you must for your kids, then worry about her.
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