And the day begins…..
9:09am Texas Time
I’ve been up for almost four hours. Last night, my car FINALLY got fixed!!!! Woohoo! Now I can DRIVE AGAIN!!!!! I think I forgot how! hehe
I’m trying to talk about other things so I don’t go on and on about how much I long to hear from my Mikey Baby. How his voice always soothes me, calms my nerves, makes me feel so special. You know, I can’t possibly say again that I love this man more than anyone I’ve ever known!!!! It’s impossible to expect anyone to put up with my saying, yet again, that Mikey rules my heart, soul, and body; not to mention my mind, but these things have to go unsaid! LOL
Mikey Baby, I’m missing you hard. I can’t wait until I hear that sweet, sleepy voice, with whom I’ll share the waking-up experience yet again. I love you, Angel Baby. I love you oh so very much.
Yours forever times pi cubed plus one,