Again for our Persona (catch the pun? :)
Hey Sweets!
This is Betty. We try to delineate our arrival in the diary with different colored fonts, so we don’t have to "announce" ourselves. My favorite color is blue, so I chose the blue font.
I am kind of irritable these days, and our roommate doesn’t always help matters. Lola is a prize – sometimes grand, sometimes booby. LOL She’ll kick my ass for saying that!
When we change, it can be sudden, or there can be a process we go through. I guess you’d call it a process. Sometimes, the change comes so instantly that it flies by us until those we know and love realize we’ve changed and point it out to us. I know that sounds crazy, but like when Jack is out, sometimes one particular statement from someone will piss me off, and I ZOOOOOM out to have my say without a please, excuse me, or thank you, anything at all.
When we’re depressed, particularly, if one wants to cover up the depressed person or handle things for the depressed party, it can be a struggle, so the neck begins to tingle and the head swims for a moment. Often, when this happens, our head rolls or droops. Right now, I still have a headache from zooming past Jack and snapping at Lola and Mikey earlier. It’s milder than it was, but sometimes the changes HURT. Mikey can tell you that.
Well, I also just got new contacts about an hour ago, so my eyes are still adjusting. Maybe that’s part of the headache.
So it’s USUALLY pretty clear when we’re about to change, but not always. My voice, ironically, is lower pitched and more masculine than Jack’s. Barbara has a soft, pleasant, "faggy" tone, as described by others who don’t know that we’re multiple. They simply refer to that voice as faggish or faggy. That doesn’t bother us.
Jacky has a cocky, musical voice. He speaks his mind, too. He takes no crap, and he dishes out catty remarks sometimes in an amusing way, much like his Grandymere Thelma.
Thelma – now THERE is a unique voice. She adopted hers on purpose. She enunicates words VERY clearly, and her speech is quite crisp. She also has an old-lady sound, which, as I said, she chose. Originally, it was strictly the enunication that clued anyone in that she was out.
I hope this helps, sweetie. Mikey and I are more than willing to discuss this with anyone, as long as nobody gets disrespectful to us. If they do, they may very well face the wrath of ME! Muahaha!
Take good care of yourself, Persona!
(My own nickname for myself – based on my name : Elizabeth Louise Forstmann. We’ve dropped the Parker surname, except Thelma and Bill)
Good way to explain things. LMAO. I am not the booby prize mister. We will reserve that for later. HaHa.
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