1:38am – Late night thoughts
Proving it, bit by bit……
So it seems, and so we hope.
Lola and I just finished watching the movie "Left Behind". If anyone has not seen it, it is about the Rapture and following events. To the best of my knowledge, there are only two movies made from the series of books.
During the run of the movie, the cat (Miss Kitty) came in through our kitchen window. Well, when the kittens observed her entry, and again another exit, they all five gathered in the window sill. Since it was open, it was conceivable that they could have fallen outside. It is much too far for our babies to jump, and falling could certainly damage them, so I pulled them down, one by one, and then closed the window, once their mother had come back inside.
I am sleepy, but I am not yet going to bed. Since I just switched one of the DVD drives to my computer from My Mikey’s, I am going to see about burning necessary (or just ‘wanna-keep’) files on to disc and then redo my computer. For reasons unknown, it reports far too much space occupied. Before, this was due to my recordings. This time, it is not. I have already cleared them and moved them to My Mikey’s computer, yet this one stays mostly full. It should not be! So I shall try to burn files and then take my chances.
I will back up the registry, to be burned, as well, so that when I wipe it clean, I can reinstall the same programs – one at a time – and see if any given program takes up more space than it should.
I will also thoroughly check for viruses, spyware, adware, all that mumbo jumbo.
Then, I will go to bed. If the Rapture happens, I pray we all go or we all stay. No one left behind in this family, you know?
By the way, we heard from Elisabeth, our 13 year old daughter, tonight. She told us it is not easy to quit smoking (when we made comments about needing to quit). After I made a smart remark to make her laugh – asked her how long she’d been smoking – she said we just have to set our heads and our hearts to stopping. I thought that was good advice. If only setting them were so easy, eh?
Much love to one and all. I’m setting out on my self-appointed tasks now.
My Mikey, I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,
Your Jack