On the current

CURRENT BOOK: 50 Shades of Grey and it’s fucking horrible. I was looking forward to it given that it’s so popular, but it is so poorly written that I’m actually having the exact opposite experience than what everyone describes about not being able to put it down. According to my Kindle I’m only about 30% of the way through, so maybe it gets better (doubt it). The actual sex isn’t even hot! WTF is wrong with people? I read What Remains by Carol Radziwill right before this though, and that was really good.

CURRENT SONG: Song? I really like that Jason Mraz I won’t give up. I’m also just generally loving Lana Del Rey right now.

CURRENT OUTFIT: Right now just a nightgown. I like a lot of the recent trends and need to spend a solid day shopping. I want some more maxi skirts, some yellow leather boots, some more ankle boots and wedges, and some flowy tops. I’m reluctant to buy anything right now because I want to be pregnant so badly and if that happens anytime soon I won’t be able to wear a lot of it for long. I’m sort of getting to the point though where I really should just keep moving along with my life and stop trying so hard to plan for it. In fact, I think I’ll go shopping Sunday. 

CURRENT FOOD: Anything that doesn’t aggravate my horrible indigestion and acid reflux. It’s back with a vengeance and is really pissing me off. I mean really. I’m nowhere near overweight, I really do eat relatively healthfully most of the time, sure I splurge here and there, but for the most part I eat small healthy meals throughout the day, and I’m only 30 years old! Why is this happening to me? I really thought it would go away with the stress of the wedding, and it did for a while, but I’ve got to figure something out. I’m going to switch to another gastroenterologist.

CURRENT DRINK: Grande Awake tea with a steamed soy topper and sugar-free vanilla, and lots and lots of ice water.

CURRENT FAVORITE TV SHOW: P and I like Flipping Out on Bravo, The Voice, Newsroom, Boardwalk Empire

CURRENT MOVIE: I don’t watch a lot of movies. P, his mom, and I watched Arbitrage last weekend and it was ok, meh.

CURRENT LOVE: P and our pup, forever and always

CURRENT SHAME-INDUCING GUILTY PLEASURE: First of all, I’m certainly not ashamed of any of my pleasures. Not ashamed at all of watching Honey Boo Boo, The Housewives of New York City, reading celebrity gossip at work, or any other fucking thing.


CURRENT MOOD: Anxious, forever and always

CURRENT SADNESS: Not getting pregnant again last month after doing everything we could to make it happen. 

CURRENT TRIUMPH: Not being a huge bitch to anyone lately.

CURRENT ANTICIPATION: Hopefully sooner than later missing my period and the promotion I should get next month at work.

CURRENT BANE OF MY EXISTENCE: The acid relax, my boss’ mood swings, and trying to get pregnant

CURRENT CELEBRITY CRUSH: I don’t ever really have celebrity crushes. I still find Prince Harry almost unspeakably hot though.

CURRENT JOY: Our Puppy, my P, my family, our home, this life…

CURRENT WISH-LIST: A half-me half-P little human of our very own

CURRENT NEED: Peace in my mind and heart with regard to trying to have a baby



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September 27, 2012

That’s a nice entry you have here giving readers a snapshot of you in different themes and scenarios. I hear with you about wanting to conceive. Also, I read just about everything but I am resisting Shades of Grey. You will make me keep holding off. I just bought the new book by Harry Potter author Rohling.

September 28, 2012

This woman from my French class was all over the last episode of RHONY, I felt bad, she looked horribly uncomfortable with all the craziness that was going on. I never say anything to her in person but I always kind of want to. (About the show, obviously I talk to her otherwise.) Good luck on your quest – hopefully it’s just a matter of some more time.

September 28, 2012

I haven’t read the 50’s books either. And I wont. But then again, I’ve never read the Harry Potter books or the LoTR books either. Maybe I am just not a popular trilogy fan? haha.

September 28, 2012

I’ve been somewhat curious about 50 Shades, but yeah figured it was just over-hyped (the media loves to do that and people are gullible and get sucked in lol). Don’t stress too much about making a baby, it will happen =)

September 28, 2012

Feel better!

October 1, 2012

Wait..when did you get a puppy?

October 24, 2012

Thanks! I took your advice and updated the title. Seems that people can see it now. I appreciate the tip!

November 6, 2012

Thanks For Your Note 🙂 When I first read your name, I thought it said “Now that’s a salad”..lol

November 6, 2012

I’m sorry to hear of your struggles to get pregnant. Have you considered what other options you may have if you do not become pregnant within a certain time frame? It’s always disappointing when something so popular (50 shades) ends up being so disappointing. I hope for your sake the book does improve. And I agree, no pleasure should lead to guilt. What’s the point if they do?

November 6, 2012

Oh, and your wedding day was gorgeous. Congratulations!