us v. them

 The seven deadly sins have always fascinated me.

Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Pride, Lust, Envy, Wrath

Last night I spent way to long in the comments of a news article about the proposed gun laws and what not.
I am so sick of people just name-calling each other.
Yes our government has gone off the deep end, but how can you really believe one man is to blame?
These people don’t realize they are playing into exactly what has created this turmoil to begin with.
*sigh* I lose all my words sometimes.
They get all jumbled up in my head and I can’t seem to pick the right ones to fit.
And then people jump on the literal meaning instead of the idea I was attempting to portray.
It was quite entertaining to have people assume my stance based upon basic responses I made to their posts.
But I did have some interesting conversations and was trying to help people reveal the real cause for all our issues.

Person:  I’m not planning to kill any children, and all my guns are locked up. Why can I not have a 100 round clip?
Counter:  Why do you need a 100 round clip?
Person:  -for the same reason I need 7 computers and 3 TVS. More is better.

There it is.  Fulfilling our perceived needs outweighs any sense and logic.

The same people that express concerns about Obama creating a socialist police state are also calling for armed guards to be placed in schools.  Oh there is beauty to the hypocrisy.  The same people that are so concerned about the economy, the debt, and our budget want to employ at least 2 armed guards at every school. 

I found that one thing that people can agree on is that our society is fucked and our government is corrupted.
However few responded to the criticism of capitalism.

I’ve got nothing.
But here’s a humorous exchange that was had….

Person:  Pres Obama fails to understand that the problem is an insufficiently well-armed populace. Every citizen ought to be provided with an automatic weapon at birth.
Counter: No no. PRE BIRTH. You know when they become a person in general as some would like to believe.
Person: I stand corrected. Every fetus should be provided with an automatic weapon.
Counter: Thank you. I believe in justice for all.
Other: If fetuses were armed, there wouldn’t be over 1 million murdered every year by abortion.
Counter: Oh man. I don’t think our legal system could handle that.

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January 17, 2013

I completely agree with you. Why is it so hard for people to see the truth??!!