
June 13, 2021

As usual I got emotional when you told me how you felt and how all this time you’ve thought I was just talking to someone else. The things you said about second guessing if the breakup was the right thing to do cause we’re so good together. The thing you said about telling me things you don’t tell anyone else. And as usual, I couldn’t really explain in that moment why I got emotional, being caught up in it all.

I’ve come to realize my tears weren’t that of sadness or heartache necessarily but rather tears of gratitude. I am touched and so grateful for you for how you held firm in our breakup. Remembering at the time how devastated I felt and wanting all that [pain] to go away but you didn’t budge. I know it wasn’t easy for you. I remember you saying you didn’t want us ending up hating each other. And I’m glad we don’t. It was hard for me at the time but I’ve come to understand exactly what you’ve done for us, for me. I’ve never had someone care for me so deeply. All these years later and I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it.

I admire and appreciate that you tell me the truth even when it’s hard; when you know it’s not the answer I want to hear. Even knowing it means upsetting me.

You really got your hooks in me, maybe that’s the punishment for love.

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