Claims Processor
July 17, 2020 – 11:15 A.M.
So I work in the healthcare industry processing medical claims. This means I see a lot of things; Diagnosis codes. I can’t get into it obviously because of HIPAA, but I’ll just say when I come across a patient who is suffering depression or something of the like, I mentally send some wishes into the universe hoping they’re okay and will be okay. Like just a little something.
Today I just happened to see some office notes with heavy things discussed with a therapist. It didn’t go into detail, it was very shorthand but enough to understand what had happened and their attitude/outlook. I took a sec to really focus on sending this person good vibes and the weirdest thing happened. I got chills all over my body. I’m not sure why but it was a really weird experience. I hope it (my wishes) somehow really reaches them.
I like that you do this. You have a good heart, especially with how out of control you usually are.
@heffay lmaooo. This made me laugh for real. haha and thank you 😊
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