What Blowjobs? *edit*


His love for you isn’t unconditional. It’s for now. You keep forcing yourself into his life so he keeps having to take you back. You’re just easy so he keeps you around for the blow jobs.
11/28/2005 2:08:49 AM


OKay….like my title says…what blowjobs? I hardly ever give him one and when I do it lasts for like 5 minutes. He’s finished like 2 times in two years and that’s only becuz he didn’t tell me he was about to go. I’m not forcing myself in his life either. He’s had chances to break up with me, but hasn’t. When we separated back in September he didn’t have to come back to me, but he sure enough did. That was his decision not mine. He doesn’t have to take me back. And I’m not easy….BUT WHEN YOU’VE DATED SOMEONE FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS, YOU’RE ENTITLED TO FOOL AROUND AND HAVE SEX ONCE IN A WHILE!!!

I don’t know why I waste my time or diary space writing to COWRADS like this person. Anyone who won’t sign their name is not worth the time or effort to write about, but for some reason I feel as though I need to defend myself and my realationship!




If my realationship is shit….then why did he break up with his girlfriend for me and why have we lasted almost 2 years? If Roger wasn’t happy he’d get out as fast as he could, and so would I. Whoever the anonymous noter is…you’re just jealous for some reason and I’m sorry that I have what you want!!  🙂

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Keep defending yourself and your relationship because it’s all shit.

November 28, 2005

man who the hell does this person think they r.. grrr keep ur notes on signed notes only…

November 28, 2005

u go girl!!!!

November 28, 2005

I cannot believe this person! Get a life! It is really none of your business and your thoughts are unfounded. If you really believed what you were saying and cared about her you’d leave your name – but you’re too scared. CHICKEN S*HIT!

He broke up with his girlfriend for you b/c you wouldn’t leave him alone. And you’ve almost lasted 2 yrs because its habit ur afraid to be without each other guys don’t get out of relationships just b/c they r unhappy instead they lie and cheat like roger does to you. And I don’t want what you have. I have something better ~Stability. That’s something u and Roger will never have.

November 28, 2005

Go you, obviously this person is compelled to write this because he or she is insecure about some aspect of their own lives. The only reason people call others out on here is because they themselves have a problem! And I might add something as well, I think stability IS staying with someone constantly for two years and committing to them fully, unless they have done the same they have no room-

November 28, 2005

-to talk.

Wow…whoever that noter is is vicious. Just ignore them! You are right…neither one of you is holding the other one hostage in the relationship, you are both free to leave…but becuase you, oh I don’t know…love eachother, you stick around. PFFTT!!! That noter is a loser. HELLO!!! Sign your name if you are brave enough. *HUGS*

see he broke up w/you LOL. So much for not forcing him into being w/you.

BTW I’m so jealous of u. LOL LOL LOL. I wish I had a cheating liar like Roger. Or a nagging bitch like u. LOL