Tick Tock Goes The Fucking Clock



I’m sitting in my school’s computer lab watching te clock hands barely move. I had two tests tonight and I already took one….well, really it was a take home test which he gave us Tuesday night and we had to bring it back tonight…..so I already turned mine in. Now I have to wait till 7:15 (a whole hour) to take my math test. I thought that I’d be able to walk in there, take it and leave, but no…life is never that easy. The class she is teaching right now is a night behind us so they are actually reviewing for the fucking test! That is messed up for real!

The fair trip has been confirmed by all parents so the trip is still on. Roger and I are still taking Chase (my step brother) to the fair tonight after I wait for eternity to take my math test. *lol* Okay. I gotta go. Bye.

Okay I’m back. My friend Melissa left and I walked her to her car. My math teacher is still teaching her class. Poo on her! I’m just chilling. Just a little bit ago, this girl’s computer got froze so she decided to turn off the big power strip like she does at home. Well all the computers on my side of the table just shut off. That’s like 5 computer!! Stupid bitch!

Anyways, at the fair I’m making it my goal to eat a thing of nachos, a bag of cotton candy, a hotdog/polishdog, and a candied apple. I’m gonna gain so much weight, but hell, I’ll walk half of it off tonight too. I swear we walk around the fair about 50 damn times….we’re gonna be there for like 2-3 hours!! *lol* I can’t wait. Roger is starting to be a pussy and not want to do anything anymore. He bitched tonight becuz he was gonna clean his car out tonight and I told him that he didn’t have to pay for shit tonight (cuz my dad is paying for everything) and I also said if it was such a big deal about his ar getting cleaned out that I’ll go up to his job tomorrow and clean it for him. After that he really couldn’t argue with me about going tonight.

Guess I’m gonna go again. I wanna play some games real quick. Bye you guys!!

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November 10, 2005

Hope you had fun!

where ya been? u haven’t wrote in a while. well i haven’t either so i have no room 2 talk but u usually write every day. have a few questions 4 u whenever u get a chance, like when ur alone. k? holla back!!