Tell The Truth For Once…Please!





That would be Roger….my boyfriend…laying in the middle of a road. Where? I dunno. Who took ths pic? Some chick name Tiffany. Who is that? I dunno.

Roger’s best friend Dan lives about 45mins away. He comes down maybe once or twice a month and Roger and him always hang out by themselves, or at least that’s what I thought. I just found out this morning that the most recent "guys night out" was also attended by a girl…BUT DONT WORRY…she was Dan, not Roger. HmMm, something doesn’t add up. The last time Roger went out with Dan he specifically told me it was just him and Dan hangin out. He uh…failed to mention he was around a girl and that he laid in the middle of the road like a fucking dumbass while some chick snapped a picture. But why would he do that? If nothing shady was going on and he had nothing to hide from, why would he not tell me that? If Tiffany was with Dan why would he feel like he had to keep it from me?

I am pissed. Not particularly becuz he was around a chick, just that he lied to me. AND…everytime them two go out it’s suppose to be them two becuz it’s a "guy’s night out"…therefore I’m never invited, but yet Dan can bring along a girl while he has a girlfriend back in his town. This whole thing I am confused about now. When I called Roger at work and asked him about it, HE GOT PISSED AT ME for making a big deal about it. He’s not gonna be able to turn this around on me in any way possible.







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May 19, 2006

hmm that sounds kinda strange… how did u find out? i hope u get everything straighten out! *hugs*

May 19, 2006

i understand completely..I also get made at my boyfriend for lying not the fact that he did something, it makes whatever happened so much worse by lying. But he will think you were pissed about something else not that he lied..

May 19, 2006

Random noter…sorry you had to find out about him lying to you!! I hate that! I think they do keep things like that from us so we don’t freak out, though. At least that’s what I’ve come to find out. I guess, just give him a chance to explain himself without freaking out. I know that’s hard, but that’s always the mistake I make! I hope everything works out!

May 19, 2006

men *rolls eyes* can’t live with em can’t live without him. Tell him if he wants to go lay out on the street like a dumbass he’s welcome to it… and then back over him hehe *hug*

he’s obviously lying about something. people always get defensive when they are lying. plus, it’s damn disrespectful for him to leave you behind when other girlfriends are allowed to come out. it just doesn’t make sense.