Student vs. Teacher





so tuesday i had music class and math class. so all together my schedule looks like this :

  • mon, wed, friday – english 101
  • mon, wed – oral communications
  • tues, thurs – music & math
  • friday – orientation class

well, in like 3 weeks and 6 days i’m going on a trip to oregon to see my mom whom i havent seen in 5 years. i have let every one of my teachers know so they wouldnt be surprised when i wasnt in class. well 3 out of 4 were okay with it and understood and told me they’d work with me and not let me get behind.

my math teacher….WHAT A BITCH!! i stayed after class tuesday and told her and she said that that absence wouldnt not be excuseable!! if i wanted to be able to do the work early, i’d have to get it  "approved"  by the dean. i was like great highschool shit all over again! so i went to talk to the dean, he wasn’t in his office but his secretary tried to help me. she too was a BITCH!!! she told me the dean would not approve that and how i wasnt in highschool anymore. i get to make the decision if i want to skipp class or not…blah blah blah!!

i wouldnt be worried about missing her class, but the thursday i’m gone (sept. 28) we have 2 chapter tests and i do not want an F….if i do get an F i want it to be becuz thats what i earned, not becuz i wasn’t there!!

so i took this into my own hands. i emailed the dean last night. i told him everything, the dates and times i’m leaving. why exactly i was going. why exactly i was worried about missing that particular class. and i let him know i wasn’t trying to get anyone in trouble, but i was just a concerned freshamn about my grades!!!

he emailed me back this morning and told me my teacher can and WILL give me the test early, although it would be up to me to get the material and be ready to take the test early. OKAY!! i will do anything!! stay after class, come early to class….anything!!

i thought it was funny though becuz he forwarded it (both emailed from me and him) to my math teacher. HAHA!! she thought i wasn’t going to do it. she thought i was just gonna sit there and let her write an F by my name…i don’t think so!! so i guess her and i will talk to night cuz i have her class tonight. i’m going to print out the emails (both) just in case she hasn’t read her’s yet. i dont want her to be clueless about it when i’m sitting there making suggestions on when i can take my test early.

***today is only my 4th day of college, already i have made enemies with a teacher!…better yet, i have made friends with the dean***

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August 25, 2005

*HUGS* ha thats why i dont want to go to college.. i know im gunna have all the teachers hate me lol

August 25, 2005

My brother had a French professor in college who was such and A-hole he would screamed at a girl who missed class for her mother’s funeral. Hope the rest of your school year is better, and I hope your visit with your mom goes well.