Stressed The Fuck Out


ever since friday i have been stressed out. for more than one reason though…which i would rather keep secret.  i cant really tell roger the reaons right now either becuz then he’d be pissed and a little nervous and maybe scared. okay, i doubt the scared part becuz he’s never really scared. i went to the gyno friday morning and got sick (very embarrassing) and then all day after that i felt sick as hell. yesterday we had a cookout at a friend of ours and it was nice. great food…great company…just a very fun day.

stress sucks ass! cuz i stress about little things then it turns out to be nothing and then i’d have stressed myself sick…and i’m hoping thats what happened friday. i know this is not making any sense to anyone and i’m sorry. lol! maybe i’ll get to reveal my stressful situation by monday night….

– ash

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i hope you are ok im thinking pregnacny or std if you need to talk im here well far away but if you ever need to cry or vent or jsut ramble on imhere to listen

May 1, 2006

i so know what u mean! i hope u feel better!! *hugs*

i didnt think so and i love how you didnt mention not being pregnat? if im wrong imsorry but if im right do you think he is gonna be uber pissed or happy are you ok do u wnt to be?

stress does suck..especially if it gets you sick. i hope you feel better..becuz life is short and you need to NOT worry about tha little things sometimes but look at tha bigger picture. 🙂